a collection of hundreds of billions of specialized and interconnected cells through which messages are sent between
the brain and the rest of the body.
Nervous System
a collection of hundreds of billions of specialized and interconnected cells through which messages are sent between
the brain and the rest of the body.
Nervous System
2 Main Division
1) Central Nervous System
2) Peripheral Nervous System
consists of the brain and the spinal cord.
The Central Nervous System (CNS)
compose all the nerve fibers that connect the receptors to the central nervous system and which further connects the central nervous system to the effectors.
Neurons that link the CNS to our skin, muscles, and glands.
The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
the basic structural and functional unit of the nervous system. It is a cell in the nervous system whose function is to receive and transmit information
Neuron or nerve cell
central portion, contains the nucleus of the cell and keeps the cell alive
Cell body or the cyton
receive nerve impulses and carry them toward the cell body
carry or transmits messages away from the cell body toward other neurons or to the muscles and glands
is a layer of fatty tissue surrounding the axon of a neuron that both acts as an insulator and allows faster transmission of the electrical signal.
Myelin Sheat
Axons branch out toward their ends, and at the tip of each branch is a
Terminal Button
cells that surround and link to the neurons, protecting them, providing them with nutrients, and absorbing unused neurotransmitters
glial cells (glia)
carry messages or nerve impulses from the sense organ toward the brain/ CNS
Sensory or Afferent Neurons
carry messages or nerve impulses away from the brain, like muscles and glands
Motor or Afferent Neurons
carry messages or nerve impulses
within the brain/ CNS
Inter-neurons, connector neurons or association neurons