Psychodynamic: Jung Flashcards
Jung sim/diff from Freud
Libido = gen psychic energy
Behav determined by past events and future goals/aspirations
Jung’s personality theory
Conscious = ego
Unconscious = personal and collective (primoridial images)
Two attitudes = Introversion/extroversion
Four basic psychological functions = thinking, feeling, sensing, intuiting
Devel continues throughout life
Jung’s individualtion
Key concept - refers to an integration of the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche that leads to the devel of unique identity
Jung’s view of maladaptive behavior
Symptoms = unconscious messages to the individual that something is awry with him with a task that demands to be fulfilled.
Jung’s therapy goals and techniques
Bridging gap btwn conscious and personal/collective unconscious
Techniques = interpretations that help patient become aware of inner world, symbols and interpretation of dreams.