Psychodynamic Flashcards
who came up with the approach
Sigmund Freud
what was the first assumption
We are aware of our conscious mind but this is only a small part of what goes on. Our unconscious mind is a vast storehouse of historical drivers that rule our behaviour.
second assumption
all human behaviour can be explained in terms of inner conflict of the mind.
we posses innate drives taht motivate behaviour as we develope through our lives. our personality is split up in 3 parts Id,ego and superego.
third assumption
our child hood experiences have a significant importance in determining our personality when we reach adult hood.
role of unconscious
when memories are in the conscious mind they may become distressing and then as a defence mechanism repressed in the unconscious mind.
preconscious mind
between unconscious and conscious where things from our unconscious slip through in things such as dreams.
Freudian slip
slips come from unconscious desires and urges which could be things you want to say but feel unable to express or feelings that have yet to enter you conscious mind.
the id
what your born with. urges and desires. like the devil. imitate gratification and no care for punishment and consequences. fully unconscious.
super ego
your ideal self in societies eyes. it opposes the id. doing what feels right scared of consequence
the ref between id and superego. keeps them both in check is your actual self.
oral stage
0-1 age, mouth, putting things in your mouth. if fixated could cause you to be orally aggressive- gum and pens. or orally passive smoking.
anal stage
2-3 bladder and bowlses. toilet training.
4-6 genitals exploring genitals oedipus complex-boys
electra complex- girls
7-10 dormant sexual feelings time for hobbies and friendships cant fixate at this stage
11+ sexual interests determend by parents