An individual hoes through life stages where needs are to be meet.
Psychoanalytic theory
5 stages of Psychosexual Development:
Oral stage
Anal stage
Phallic stage
Latency stage
Genital stage
Birth to 18 months
Pleasure area: mouth
Oral stage
2 Oral Fixations:
Oral receptive
Oral Agressive
Tendency to smoke, drink alcohol, overeat, and etc.
Oral receptive
Tendency to bit nails, curse, gossip, and etc.
Oral agressive
18 months to 3 years
Pleasure area: anus
Anal stage
2 Anal Fixations:
Anal retentive
Anal expulsive
Obsession with cleanliness, perfection, and control
Anal retentive
Messy and disorganized
Anal expulsive
3-6 years
Pleasure area: genitals
Phallic stage
2 sexual desires:
Oedipus complex
Electra complex
Boys see their father as rival for their mother’s affection
Oedipus complex
Girls see their mother as rival for their father’s affection
Electra Complex
Pleasure area: None
The children’s focus is on play and studies
Boys relate with boys and girls relate with girls
Latency Stage
Puberty onwards
Pleasure are: genitals
Adolescents focus their sexual urges towards the opposite sex
Genital Stage