Psychiatry Flashcards
Female patient with constant state of worry about most things (not specific trigger), during most days for > 6 months. She also has had sleep changes, change in weight, irritability, concentration issues.
Dx and tx?
Generalized anxiety disorder
Tx: Psychotherapy better than medications Meds: • Chronic SSRI/SnRI • Benzodiazepines ONLY for panic attacks
Female patient in her 20s with no previous history that presents with acute shortness of breath, trembling, tachycardia, sweating, chest pain and nausea.
You have ruled out acute coronary syndrome (ACS), asthma, hypertiroidism.
Dx and tx?
Panic disorder
Benzodiazepines (e.g., Lorazepam IV or Alprazolam PO) to abort the attack and complement with cognitive behavioural therapy
What is agoraphobia?
Fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or that help wouldn’t be available if things go wrong
Tx of phobias?
Cognitive behavioural therapy
- Flooding (less effective but done quickly): Performed by overwhelming the patient with the trigger
- Desensitization (more effective but takes longer): slowly increasing the stages of anxiety-provoking situations.
Tx of social phobia?
Non-selective beta blockers (e.g., atenolol, propranolol)
Patient who was cut off when driving. The patient followed the car and severely hit the person.
Intermittent explosive disorder
Diference between theft and kleptomaniac?
- women > men
- Stealing things with little to none value
- Things that the patient can afford
- Gilt or remorse afterwards (gifting the object, hiding, returning it)
Patient who constantly washes her hands to the point to make them bleed because of severe dermatitis.
Dx and tx?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Tx: Psychotherapy • Cognitive behavioural therapy • Better than meds SSRIs
Patient who is unable to throwing things away.
Hoarding disorder
Patient who is doings lots of excersie to build muscle He has testicular atrophy and copper disorders.
Dx and risks?
Muscle dysphoria disorder
He is taking anabolic steroids. Risks: rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, roid rage
Types of PTSD
- Intrusion (memories, flashbacks, nightmares)
- Mood change (depressed mood)
- Dissociation (depersonalization, amnesia)
- Avoidance (not talking about it)
- Arousal (hypervigilance, irritability)
Difference between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and acute stress disorder
- 3 days–1 month: acute stress disorder
- > 1 moth: PTSD
Tx of PTSD?
1st: Psychotherapy (group therapy)
SSRIs may help
4-y-o patient who was neglected/abused during. Doesn’t create bonds, depression, loneliness.
Dx, tx?
Reactive Attachment Disorder
Rule out autism first, then coach caregiver
4-y-o patient who was neglected/abused during childhood. Pairs too much, bonds with everyone
Dx, tx?
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Rule out autism first, then coach caregiver
Patient with changes in mood (depressive) after his girlfriend broke up with him. No suicidal ideation, no homicidal ideation. Duration < 6 months.
Dx, tx?
Adjustment Disorder
Tx: generally not needed, just reassurance
Teen-early 20’s who after major stressor presents a change in behaviour and bizarre thought and is combative in the ER.
Dx, tx?
Psychotic break
Tx: haloperidol IM or Olanzapine IM
Note: Rule out drugs
Dx of schizophrenia?
At least 2, one must be 1–3 Positive sx: • 1. Delusions (persecution, grandiosity) • 2. Hallucinations (generally auditory) • 3. Disorganization of speech • Disorganization of behaviour
Negative sx:
• Flat affect, poverty of speech/movement, anhedonia, cognitive impairment
Patient with delusions and disorganized behaviour. Duration of 2 weeks. No changes in mood.
Dx and tx?
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Atypical antipsychotics for 1 month
Patient with auditory hallucinations and disorganized behaviour. Duration of 4 months. No changes in mood.
Dx and tx?
Atypical antipsychotics for 6 months
Patient with delusions and disorganized behaviour. Duration > 6 moths. No changes in mood.
Dx and tx?
Atypical antipsychotics for 6 months
Patient with dellutions, auditory hallucinations and depression.
Patient who is functional doesn’t have hallucinations or mood changes but believes that he is the illegitimate son of the Queen.
Dx and tx?
Delusional Disorder
Tx: gentle confrontation
1st line of treatment in psychotic disorders
Atypicals (e.g., quetiapine, olanzapine, risperidone)
Patient with a psychotic disorder who is non-compliant. Tx option?
Depot forms (e.g., olanzapine, risperidone)
Patient with a pychotic disorder in whom all regimens have not worked. Tx?
Patient with a psychotic disorder who present at the ER with fever, rigidity, ↑CK.
Dx and tx?
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Tx: dantrolene
Patient with insomnia, lost interest, low energy, low concentration, low appetite, slow thoughts, and feeling guilt. No suicidal ideation
Dx, tx?
Typical major depressive disorder
Tx: SSRIs or SNRIs + psychotherapy
Patient with hypersomnia, lost interest, low energy, low concentration, high appetite, slow thoughts, and feeling guilt. No suicidal ideation
Dx, tx?
Atypical major depressive disorder
Tx: SSRRs or SNRIs + psychotherapy
Patient with suicidal ideation and a plan to achieve it.
Next step?
Hospitalization against their will
Patient with suicidal ideation but no plan to achieve it.
Next step?
Contract safety (they sign a document saying that they’ll call you before doing anything)
When to use electric convulsive therapy in tx for depression?
Used for refractory depression, if catatonia present, if psychosis present
Patient wtih hypomania + major depressive episode. No catatonia; no depression.
Bipolar II
Patient who distracts easily, has insomnia, flight of ideas, agitation, talkative and racing thoughts.
Dx and tx?
Bipolar I (maniac disorder)
Chronic tx (mood stabilizers):
• 1st: Lithium + quetiapine, or valproic acid + quetiapine
• 2nd: quetiapine if lithium/valproic acid are contraindicated
• 3rd: lamotrigine if none of above is possible
• 4th: carbamazepine
If psychosis present: quetiapine
Patient who is super agitated, maniac at the ER insomnia, flight of ideas, talkative and racing thoughts.
- Rule out drugs
Steps of grief
o Denial o Depression o Bargaining o Anger o Acceptance
Patient who lost a beloved one 6 months ago. He has dysphoria, guilt, and anhedonia, which comes and goes. When working he feels okay, but at home, he feels sad. He said he had seen his beloved one in the crowd, but he knows this is not possible.
Normal grief (No tx necessary)
Patient who lost a beloved one 2 years ago. He has dysphoria, guilt, and anhedonia, which is persistent even when he is doing other activities.
Treat with SSRIs, SNRIs
Female patient who after having her first baby is feeling dysphoric. However, she cares for the baby. Sx resolve 2 weeks after birth.
Dx and tx?
Baby blues (adjustment disorder)
No tx needed
Female patient who after having her second baby (1 moth ago) is feeling dysphoric, guilt, and less energy. She neglects the baby.
Dx and tx?
Post-partum depression
Female patient who after having her second baby (1 moth ago) fears her baby. She neglects the baby.
Dx and tx?
Post-partum psychosis (brief psychotic disorder)
Tx: antipsychotics (risk of her killing the baby)
Female patient in her 20s who is underweight. She has lanugo, amenorrhea, cold intolerance, and looks emaciated. Her BMI is 16, has electrolyte disorders, bradycardia and hypotension.
Dx and tx?
Anorexia Nervosa
Hospitalize, IV fluids + electrolytes, antipsychotic + CBT
*If OCD/major depression, add SSRIs/SNRIs
Female patient who comes for a routine visit. On physical she has dental erosions and dorsal hand scars.
Dx? what do you expect to see in the labs? Tx?
Bulimia Nervosa
• ↓K, ↓Mg
• Metabolic alkalosis
Patient with bulimia who takes laxatives as purge method. What do you expect as her acid-base state?
Metabolic acidosis
Female patient who comes for a routine visit. On physical she has dental erosions and dorsal hand scars.
What antidepresant in contraindicated?
Bupropion (risk of seizure)
Patient who binge-eats but has no purge method.
Binge eating disorder
Patient who is distrustful, suspicious, and interpret others are malicious.
Personality disorder?
Paranoid (Cluster A)
Loners, have no relationships but also are happy not having any relationships.
Personality disorder?
Schizoid (Cluster A)
Magical Thinking, borders on psychosis, bizarre Thoughts, Behavior, and Dress.
Personality disorder?
Schizotypal (Cluster A)
Unstable, Impulsive, Promiscuous, emotional emptiness, unable to control rapid changes in mood, suicidal gestures.
Personality disorder?
Borderline (Cluster B)
Theatrical, attention-seeking, hypersexual, use of physical appearance, dramatic, Exaggerated but superfluous emotions.
Personality disorder?
Histrionic (Cluster B)
Inflated sense of worth or talent, self-centered, fragile ego, uses eccentric dress to draw attention,
demands special treatment.
Personality disorder?
Narcissistic (Cluster B)
Criminal. No regards for rights of others, impulsive, lacks remorse, manipulative.
Personality disorder?
Anti-Social (Cluster B)
Fears rejection and criticism, wants relationships but does not pursue them, Passes on promotions.
Personality disorder?
Avoidant (Cluster C)
Unable to assume responsibility. Submissive, clingy, fears being alone.
Personality disorder?
Dependent (Cluster C)
Rigid, orderly perfectionist. Order, Control. Perfection at the expense of efficacy.
Personality disorder?
Obsessive-Compulsive (Cluster C)
Librarian who consumes drugs an has sex with a lot of people, but doesn’t remember any of it.
Dissociative Identity Disorder (multiple personalities)
Tx: Psychotherapy
Patient who was raped but doesn’t remember any of the event.
Dissociative amnesia without fugue
Tx: Psychotherapy
Patient who after his Dx of lung cancer walk during hours in the New Mexico desert and is found naked in a convenience store. He doesn’t remember the event.
Dissociative amnesia with fugue
Tx: Psychotherapy
Teenager who after having a C- on a test has an out-of-body experience.