Pediatrics Flashcards
- Appearance (Blue/pale, acrocyanosis, pink)
- Pulse (absent, <100, >100)
- Grimace (absent, with high stimulation, with normal stimulation)
- Activity (none, flexion, resistance to extension)
- Respiration (absent, irregular, strong)
Normal: 7-10
Baby with accrocyanosis, pulse 75, grimace with stimulation, resistance to extension and irregular respirations.
acrocyanosis= 1 pulse=1 Grimace=2 activity=2 respiration=1
Term baby with grunting. CxR: hyperextended and edema lungs.
Dx and tx?
Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN)
Tx: positive pressure ventilation (PPV)
Immature infant with difficutly breathing. CxR: hypo extended lung with atelectasis
Dx and tx?
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
Tx: intubation + surfactant
Baby large for gestational age, the mother with DM. Baby with jitteriness, tremors, lethargy, poor feeding.
Dx, next step and tx?
Next step: Look for cause (infection)
Tx: 2mL/kg of D10W and recheck
Ppx for eye infections in newborns?
Erythromycin drops
Screening for retinibastoma in new born?
Red reflex
Pre-term infant with increased demands of O2 for >28 days.
CxR: Ground glass opacity
Dx, tx?
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
- Post-natal surfactant to baby
- Ante-natal steroids to mom
Pre-mature infant with increased FIO2 requirements who undergoes eye exam, which shows neovascularization.
Dx, tx and long-term consequences?
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
Tx: photoablation
F/U: early glaucoma
Pre-mature patients with bulging fontanels, seizure, coma.
Dx, next step, tx?
Intraventricular hemorrhage
Next step: Cranial doppler
Tx: Surgery (VP shunts, drains)
Pre-mature infant with bloody bowel movement.
Abdominal xR showing air in the wall of the bowel
Dx and tx?
Necrotizing enterocolitis
- IV antibiotics against gram negatives
- Total parenteral nutrition
New-born who during the first exam you notice No anal opening.
Next step?
Evaluate VACTREL syndrome • Vertebral anomalies: U/S of sacrum • Anus (imperforate): Cross table xR • Cardiac problems: Echocardiogram • Traqueo-esophageal fistula: Nasogastric tube down the nostril and take xR • Esophageal atresia: Nasogastric tube • Renal: Voiding cystourethrogram • Limb: xR for wrist
New-born who during the first exam you notice No anal opening.
Cross table xR shows that blind end is near to the skin
surgery right away
New-born who during the first exam you notice No anal opening.
Cross table xR shows that blind end is far from the skin
Colostomy first, surgery once bigger (before toilette training)
New-born, no meconium 48 hrs after delivery. The mother is undocumented immigrant and didn’t have prenatal care.
Dx, next step, tx and f/u?
Meconium Ileus
Next step: xR with air-fluid levels with a gas-filled plug.
Tx: Water enema
F/U: Confirm Cystic Fibrosis dx with sweat chloride test
• If (+), supplement with Vitamins A, D, E, and K, give pancreatic enzymes, and recommend pulmonary toilet
New born with failure to pass meconium, palpable colon and explosive diarrhea on digital exam.
Dx, next step and tx?
Next steps:
o xR showing dilated proximal colon (normal) and a normal looking distal colon (abnormal)
o Contrast enema to see the transition point
o Gold standard: Bx showing no plexus
Tx: Resection of colon without plexus
Baby with chronic diarrhea and overflow incontinence.
Dx, next step and tx?
Next steps:
o xR showing dilated proximal colon (normal) and a normal looking distal colon (abnormal)
o Anal-rectal manometry showing increased tone (because of the lack of inhibitory neurons)
o Gold standard: Bx showing no plexus
Tx: Resection of colon without plexus
Child in toilet training or entering school who has constipation, overflow incontinence and encopresis.
Dx and tx?
Voluntary holding
• Stool softeners and motility agents + behavioral intervention (tell the kid that is ok to poop)
• Desimpactation under anesthesia
Baby with projectile bilious vomiting. Normal pregnancy, no risk factors, no polyhydramnios.
xR showing double bubble with normal gas pattern beyond
Dx and tx?
o NG tube to decompress
o Surgery
Baby with down syndrome and projectile green vomit. In-utero had polyhydramnios.
xR showing double bubble without gas beyond
Duodenal atresia or annular pancreas
Tx: surgery (during the surgery you differentiate with annular pancreas)
Baby with projectile green vomit. Mom with cocaine/tobacco use during pregnancy.
xR showing double bubble with multiple air-fluid levels
Intestinal atresia
Tx: Surgery
Patient with projectile non-biliary emesis at day 1, gurgling and bubbling with respirations.
Dx, next step and tx?
Tracheoesophageal fistula
Next step: NG tube that coils on xR
o Parenteral nutrition
o Surgery
Baby male who was eating normally but at weeks 2 to 8 has projectile non-biliary emesis. On physical exam, you feel and olive-shaped mass and see visible peristaltic waves.
Dx, next step and tx?
Pyloric stenosis
Next step:
o U/S showing a donut sign
o CMP showing hypochloremic, hypokalemic, metabolic alkalosis (↓Cl, ↓K, ↑pH, ↑HCO3)
o IVF and correct electrolytes
o Surgery (pyloromyotomy)
Baby with jaundice. ↑ Conjugated bilirubin.
Next step?
HIDA scan, hepatic U/S, sepsis evaluation, metabolic evaluation.
Baby with jaundice. ↑ unconjugated bilirubin.
Next step?
Coombs test
If + –> isoimmuniazation
Baby with jaundice. ↑ unconjugated bilirubin. Coombs test negative, high hemoglobin.
Possible dx?
Twin-twin transfusion, maternal-baby transfusion, delayed cord clamping
Baby with jaundice. ↑ unconjugated bilirubin. Coombs test negative, normal hemoglobin, reticulocyte count +.
Possible dx?
Hemolysis (G6DP deficency, spherocitosis)
Baby day 4 with jaundice. ↑ unconjugated bilirubin. Coombs test negative, normal hemoglobin, reticulocyte count negative.
Dx and tx?
Breastfeeding jaundice (low quantity of milk)
Tx: Feed baby more (formula supplementation)
Baby day 12 with jaundice. ↑ unconjugated bilirubin. Coombs test negative, normal hemoglobin, reticulocyte count negative.
Possible dx?
Breast milk jaundice (low quality of milk)
Tx: Feed baby with hydrolyzed formula (formula replacement)
Baby with scaphoid abdomen.
Dx, next step and tx?
Diaphragmatic Hernia
Next step: Babygram
- Surgical repair
- Supplemental surfactant may be needed
Abdominal wall defect right of midline and without a membrane.
Dx and tx?
- Cover viscera in a sterile bag and place saline-soaked gauze over extruded contents to prevent desiccation and infection.
- Place NG tube
- Covered silo to allow the extruded contents to gradually re-enter the abdomen.
Baby with abdominal wall defect in the midline and covered with a membrane.
Dx and tx?
- Cover viscera in a sterile bag and place saline-soaked gauze over extruded contents to prevent desiccation and infection.
- Place NG tube
- Covered silo to allow the extruded contents to gradually re-enter the abdomen.
Midline defect, wet with urine, shiny and red, no bowel inside the sac.
Dx and tx?
Exstrophy of the Bladder
Tx: Surgery
Patient with worsening jaundice (direct hyperbilirubinemia) at about two weeks.
US shows no biliary treee.
Dx, next step and tx?
Biliary Atresia
Next step: HIDA scan 5-7 days after phenobarbital stimulation
Tx: Surgery
Complications of cleft palate/lip
Failure to thrive , otitis media, feeding difficulties, possible hearing difficulties, and speech pathology
How are Neural Tube Defects diagnosed in prenatal care?
- ↑AFP
- U/S
Complications Neural Tube Defects
- Arnold Chiari malformation
- Hydrocephalous
- Learning difficulties
- Focal neurological deficit below the level of the defect
Tuff of hair in the back of a baby.
Occulta Neural Tube Defects
Failure to thrive affects (in order)
- Weight
- Height
- Head circumference
Gross motor development milestones of a child
2 mo Lift head 4 mo Roll over 6 mo Sit up 1 yr Walk 2 yrs Steps 3 yrs Tricycle 4 yrs Hop (jumping on one foot) 5 yrs Skip
Fine motor development
2 mo 4 mo 6 mo 1 yr 2 yrs 3 yrs Circle 4 yrs Cross 5 yrs Triangle
Speech development
2 mo 4 mo 6 mo 1 yr 1 word 2 yrs 2 word 3 yrs 3 word 4 yrs 4 word 5 yrs 5 word
Social development
2 mo Social smile 4 mo 6 mo Stranger danger 1 yr Separation anxiety 2 yrs 3 yrs 4 yrs 5 yrs
An 8-month infant with an episode of change in colour, tone, breath or responsiveness. Duration was less than 1 min. No CPR performed. First time that this happens.
No findings or physical exam findings
Dx and next step?
Brief Resolved Unexplained Event (BRUE)
Next step: No further investigations required, just reassure parents
If findings on history or physical exam, monitor and investigation accordingly
Prevention of Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- Back to sleep: lay the infant on their back on a firm mattress. Turn their head to each side each night to prevent flatten occiput
- Front play: supervised play)
- Don’t share the bed
- Smoking cessation
- Avoid overheating and overdressing
7 y-o patient who has a strike to the side of the head during baseball practice. The patient has loss of consciousness, then seem fine, but then go into a coma.
CT scan shows lens-shaped hematoma
Epidural Hematoma
Baby with loss of consciouness after she “fell from her crib” according to her dad.
CT showing crescent-shaped hematoma.
Subdural Hematoma
Shaking baby syndrome (abuse)
Patient with deceleration truma.
Ct showing punctate intracerebral hemorrhages
Prevention of head trauma in children?
Car safety • Car seats (0-2 years) • Booster seat (until 4’9” and 8-12 years old) • Seat belts Helmets: Trampolines: eliminate them
Boy with helmet-to-helmet football injury. LOC < 60 sec, mild headache that is improving, no amnesia. no FND on physical exam.
Dx and next step and follow-up?
Mild concussion
Next step: no CT needed. Discharge and observe
Stepwise Return to Play
Sleep–> go to school–> homework–> practice–> play
Boy with helmet-to-helmet football injury. LOC > 60 sec, headache that is worsening, retrograde amnesia. FND on physical exam.
Dx and next step and follow-up?
Severe concussion
Next step: CT and admit
Stepwise Return to Play
Sleep–> go to school–> homework–> practice–> play
Prevention of drowning
- Limiting access (gates, fences)
- Supervision
- Flotation: life jackets, not arm floaties
Gun safety in a house with kids
o Get rid of the gun if possible
o Store up high
o Locked in a safe cabinet
o Amo stored separately from gun
Child with mental retardation, son of a single young parent from a low socio-economical background. The child presents to the ER with a femur fracture. In the physical you see brises in different stages of healing. The child does not cry when the parent is present.
Dx and next steps?
Next steps:
o Report to Child Protective Services
Certainty is NOT required
Tell the family why you’re doing it (patient safety) and that you’re required by law to do so
o Patient safety
Separate abuser from child if obvious
Separate parent-child unit from a common abuser
Hospitalize child if no safe alternative exists
o Offer resources and support that allows families and care givers to understand disease process, provide emotional economic, and physical support
Fractures associated with abuse
- Skull, clavicle
- Femur, especially spiral
- Rib factures
- Different stages of healing
Bruises associated with abuse
- Different stages of healing
- Weird places
- Subdural hematoma (shaking baby syndrome)
Burns associated with abuse
- Feet, ankles (dunk)
- Buttocks only (dunk)
- Punctate circular burns (cigarette)
Child behaviour associated with abuse
- Not crying in the presence of caregiver
- Running from caregiver
- Receiving comfort from healthcare provider rather than caregiver
Child with slapped-cheek appearance, fever, and rash.
Dx and f/u?
Erythema infectious/ slapped-cheek disease/ fifth disease (parvovirus B19)
- Watch out for aplastic crisis (especially if sickle cell disease)
- Separate from their mom if she’s pregnant (risk of hydrops)
Patient who had Cough, coryza (runny nose), conjunctivitis, and Kolpik Spots. Then fever and rash starts on the face and it spreads to the body. The rash spreads and clears from head to toe.
Child with periorbital/postauricular tender lymphadenopathies. Then fever and rash starts on the face and it spreads to the body.
Child with prodrome of a high fever (>40 C). Then, macular rash that begins on trunk and spreads to the face.
Child with rash that starts on the trunk and head followed by outward spread to extremities. The vesicles are on an erythematous base and are in different stages (eruption, ulceration, crusting).
Pubertal males with parotid slewing and orchitis.
Child with vesicles on erythematous base involving hands, feet and mouth.
Hand-foot-mouth disease
Baby with bulging fontanelle, irritable, then has a seizure.
Dx, next steps, tx?
Next steps:
Evaluate FAILS (FND, altered mental status, lesion on spine, seizure)
Since FAILS (+)
- Blood Culture –> Abx –> CT scan –> LP
Tx: Vancomycin + cefotaxime + ampicillin + steroids
Patient with itching in webs of hands.
Dx, next step and tx?
Next step: scrape the skin to see eggs on a scope
Tx: Cover head-to-toe in permethrin or lindane
Patient with itchy scalp. You see eggs in comb when brushing.
Dx and tx?
Tx: Permethrin, or malathion
Patient with itchy butt.
Dx, next step and tx?
Pinworm (oxyuriasis)
Next step: Put tape on the butt in the AM to catch some eggs
Tx: Albendazole
Patient with general urticaria (rash), hypotension and Wheezing after exposition to a trigger.
Dx and tx?
• Epinephrine 1:1,000 IM
• Diphenhydramine, Cetirizine
• Steroids
Wheal (roncha) and erythema and rash
after exposition to a trigger, but no hypotension.
Dx and tx?
• Usually self-limited
• Observe and topical anti-histamine
• Rule-out anaphylaxis
Swelling in airway and wheezing after exposition to a trigger, but no hypotension.
Dx and tx?
• Secure the airway
• Diphenhydramine, Cetirizine
• Steroids
Patient with shiners under the eyes, pale, boggy mucosa, polyps.
Dx and tx?
Allergic rhinitis
• Intranasal steroids!! (the good answer)
• Avoidance of trigger
Patient with shiners under the eyes, conjunctival injection and chemosis (inflammation).
Dx and tx?
Allergic conjunctivitis
Tx: • Avoidance of trigger • Artificial tears • Mast cell stabilizers in drops • Antihistamines in drops • Oral antihistamines • Leukotriene antagonists
Child with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The patient has eczema, atopic dermatitis and asthma
Dx, next step and tx?
Food allergy
Next step: Food trial (take out all potential triggers and introduce them one at a time)
• Avoid trigger
• EpiPen
Baby, 6 months of age with failure to thrive despite feeding adequate amount. The parents report feeding intolerance, vomiting and occasional bloody stool.
Dx and tx?
Milk protein allergy
• Avoid cow’s milk protein until 2-3 years
• Hydrolyzed formula
Unilateral ear pain relieved with pulling of the pinna, swelling of tympanic membrane, loss of light reflex, bulging erythematous tympanic membrane.
Dx and next step?
Otitis media
Next step: pneumatic insufflation (membrane doesn’t move with air)
1st line tx of otitis media
Tx of recurrent otitis media
Indication for tympanostomy if otitis media
3 recurrences in 6 months or 4 in a year