Psychiatry Flashcards
Define depression
A disorder that causes persistent feeling of low mood, energy and reduced interest -
Presentation of depression
Low mood
Low energy
Avoid social situations
Hopelessness about the future
Poor sleep - early morning waking
Poor appetite or over eating
Poor concentration
Physical symptoms such as abdo pain
Management of depression
Psychological therapy - CBT
Reduce risks of self harm and suicide
Define generalised anxiety disorder
Mental health condition causing excessive disproportional anxiety and worry that negatively impacts everyday activities
Management of anxiety
Counselling - CBT
SSRI - sertraline
Define obsessive cumpulsive disorder
Condition characterised by obsession and compulsions that are present on a daily basis, and are not enjoyed or done willingly
Define obsession
Unwanted and uncontrolled thoughts and intrusive images that someone finds very difficult to ignore
Define compulsions
Reptitive actions the person feels they must do and generates anxiety if not done. Often compulsions are a method of coping with obsessions.
Management of OCD
Referral to CAMHS
Define autistic spectrum disorder
Refers to the full range of people affected by a deficit in social interaction, communication and flexible behaviour.
Features of autism spectrum disorder
Social - lack eye contact, delay in smiling, avoid physical contact, unable to read non-verbal cues, difficulty establishing friendships, not displaying desire to share attention.
Communication - delay absence or regression in speech, lack appropriate non-verbal skills - smiling, difficulty with imaginative or imitative behaviour, repetitive use of words or phrases
Behaviour - greater interest in objects, numbers or patterns than people, repetitic movement, intensive and deep interests, repetitive behaviour, anxiety and distress if routine is broken, extremely restricted food preferences
Management of autism spectrum disorder
Define anorexia nervosa
The person feels they are overweight despite evidence of normal or low body weight. Leads to obsessively restricting calorie intake or using other method like exercise or laxatives to loose weight.
Classic features of anorexia nervosa
Excessive weight loss
Lanugo hair - fine, soft
Changes in mood - anxiety, depression
Cardiac complications
Define bulimia nervosa
Fluctuating body weight, caused by mental health condition that involves binge eating followed by purging - inducing vomiting, exercise laxatives.