Psychiatry Flashcards
What are the management of PTSD((4)
SSRi -
( sertalin , fluoxetine,paroxetine.)
Smelling colour,talking colour
Mydriatics is a feature of?
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LAD)
What anti depressants is good for MI patient
Sertalin, citalopram
What is capgras syndrome
A type of misidentification in which a person they know is being replaced by a double
What is delusion of guilt?
Feeling guilt for no apparent reasons E.g feeling guilty about responsibility for a war
When do you take the blood test for lithium?
10-14 hrs(ideally,12hrs after taking the last dose of lithium)
What is hypnagogic hallucination?
It is when a person hears voices when they are about to sleep
What is thought broadcasting
It is a belief that one’s thoughts are directly accessible to others
What is the treatment for drug induced Parkinsonism?
Anticholinergic like procyclidine
A condition in which a patient experience loss E.g eyes after a tragedy?
Conversion dissociative disorder
Treatment for delirium tremen
Benzodiazepines— IV lorazepam or midazolam
What medication can be used in severe depression?
What is Agoraphobia?
The fear of open spaces
What medication can cause hypokalemia and lithium level to rise?
A delusional jealousy marked by suspecting a faithful partner of infidelity
Othello syndrome
OCD +suicidal +severe incapacitated
Electroconvulsive therapy
CBT treatment for OCD
Exposure and response prevention
A belief that the patient has died and no longer exist in the world is called?
Or a body part is missing
Nihilistic delusion
Someone is stealing their thought
Thought withdrawal
A belief that different people are infant the same person who changes colour
Fregoli delusion
Difficulty in conforming to social rule and no regard for the right of others
Antisocial personality disorder
Parotid swelling and thickened calluses is a feature oh
Bulimia Nervosa
Speaks very fast without pausing to catch breath
Pressure of speech
An uncomfortable desire to move and inner feeling of restlessness.
What drug reduces the craving for alcohol?
What medication reduces alcohol withdrawal symptoms?
A patient barks or shouts expletives,unable to sit still is
Tourette’s syndrome
Reduction in movement,rigid posture is a feature of?
Catatonic schizophrenia
What test do you need to access before starting on lithium?
Thyroid function
Kidney function
What drug causes perforated nasal septum
A believe that others want to harm you drug-Acute psychosis
A belief that one is powerful and helping powerful people
Delusion of grandeur
Another person in particular someone in higher power is in love with then
What is the drug of choice for agitated schizophrenia patient?(2)
2.IM haloperidol and promethazine
What drug serves as a deterrent for alcohol
What should a woman planning to get pregnant on Lithium do?
Reduce lithium gradually and stop before pregnancy is confirmed
A situation where patient falsify their symptoms or results.PMH
Münchausen’s syndrome
People that feign mental illness
Ganser syndrome
What is the treatment for newly diagnosed schizophrenia is?
Olanzepine and Risperidone
What drug can be used to cope with the effect of anxiety (Shortly)
B blocker (propranolol)
When you see coarse tremor, think of?
Coarse tremor