PSYCH: Sensation + Perception Flashcards
In order to sense, we must be able to detect stimulation from the outside world
The information that is detected must be translated into an electrochemical message
Bottom-up processing
The neural processing that starts with the physical stimulus/sensation.
Top-down processing
Using past experiences and knowledge to percieve information
What are the principles of Gestalt?
There are six principles of Gestalt, which are basically “illusions’ created by your brain in order to percieve the world around you better.
1- Figure-ground (background and foreground)
2- Proximity (close together = group together)
3- Similarity (same colour = same group)
4- common fate (same group = moving same way)
5- closure (filling parts of lines which are not there)
6- good continuation (perceiving the part of the key thats hidden)
Light is a form of ___________
electromagnetic radiation
What is the range of visible wavelengths that we can detect?
Rods and Cones are connected to __________
Bipolar cells
Bipolar cells are connected to ____________
Ganglion cells
The axons of the ganglion cells bunch up to form the ________ _______.
optic nerve.
white stuff of eye
protective layer of eye
hole allows light in
helps to focus light on photosensitive cells
process colour and details, more found in fovea
-> midget bipolar cell -> P-cell (small ganglion)
process low levels of light and MOTION -> diffuse bipolar -> M-cell (large ganglion)
Visual information processing:
1- retina
2- thalamus (lateral ganiculate nucleus
3- occipital lobe
4- parietal, temporal lobes and limbic system
parietal tells u _______ something is
temporal tells u ________ something is
limbic system gives an ____________ response when seeing something, such as a dead relative
trichromatic theory (young-holtzmann)
three primary colours, therefore there are three cones that are maximally responsive to these colours, activation of these cones tells the brain what colour to percieve.
Opponent-process theory
explains complimentary after-images.
We have 4 primary colours + black and white which ‘oppose’ each other
Absolute threshold
Absolute threshold is the minimum amount of intensity required to create a conscious experience. It is not absolute, it can vary from individual to individual.