Psych Concentrated Flashcards
Prototype willingness model
Behavior is mediated by both intention/expectation and willingness
Negative vs. Positive symptoms
Negative = lack of something (emotion apathy) Positive = presence of something (hallucination)
Internalizing all judgments others have
Sensorimotor - Object permanence
Preoperational - Egocentrism, symbolic
Concrete operational - Conservation
Formal Operational - Abstract ideas
Ecological Validity
How well an experiment can be applied to outside SETTINGS - Different from external validity
Order for Operant Conditioning
Reward AFTER behavior
Approach-avoidance conflict
1 thing has positives and negatives – Marriage
DOUBLE approach avoidance = jury
Erikson’s Stages of development
1 - bun - rust - trust vs. mistrust
2 - shoe - wheels - autonomy vs. shame
3 - Tree - Inn + Quilt - Initiative vs. Guilt
4 - Dinosaur - Dust - Industry vs. Inferiority
5 - Dive - Dents car - Identity vs. ID Confusion
6 - Sticks - sticks kissing - Intimacy vs. isolation
7 - Heaven - Generativity vs. Stagnation
8 - Plate - Grits + Pair - Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Thomas Theorem
Social construction
If men define something as real, it is real with its consequences
Covariation model
We make causal inferences to explain why other people and ourselves behave a certain way
What makes the reward pathway
Mesolimbic pathway
Nucleus Accumbens
Dopamine and receptors
Type I vs. Type II Error
Type I = incorrect reject null hypothesis
Type II = False null hypothesis
Making up memories to fill gaps and then believing those memories to be true
Finding a causal relationship by manipulating a variable
Rhythm, cadence, inflection
Cognitive Neoassociation Theory
Negative feelings and experiences are the main cause of anger and angry aggression
General Adaption Syndrome
Alarm Reaction - Mobilize resources, adrenaline, fight or flight
Stage of Resistance - cope with stressor - large resistance, cortisol release to redistribute glucose
Stage of Exhaustion - Reserves depleted, giving up, open to sickness,
Reciprocal determinism
Thoughts feelings and behaviors and environment all interact to determine our actions.
Skeptic’s views can shift if attends seances, and interacts with people there.
Kinsey scale
how homosexual/heterosexual are you?
Referent power
Someone with referent power exerts control by appealing to people’s desire to belong to a group
For peripheral route processing
Comform because you like the person
Place Theory
One is able to hear different pitches because sound waves trigger activity at different places in the cochleas basilar membrane
ABC model of attitude
Affective - I love Yoga
Behavior - I will do Yoga
Cognitive - Yoga helps me relax
Limbic System - parts
Hippo wearing HAT Hypothalamus - ANS, endocrine control Hippocampus - memories Amygdala - aggression Thalamus - sensory relay
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
AKA Linguistic Relativity or Linguistic determinism
Idea that speakers of different languages utilize different cognitive processes
ex. Finnish people don’t think about time the same way
Michaelangelo vs. Blueberry Phenomenons
Michaelangelo = bring out best in each other Blueberry = bring out worst in each other (Ron and Tammy)
Explicit vs. Implicit attitudes
Implicit = What you think unconsciously Explicit = Conscious attitudes, quotes, outward views
Concurrent/Predictive Validity
Concurrent = Against stuff already known - SAT based on past SATs
Predictive = Indicative of future performance – SAT on first year of college
Post Hoc fallacy
since Y happened after X, Y must have been caused by X
Opponent Process Theory
Cell can only detect one color at a time because two colors oppose each other
As drug use increases, tolerance develops, leads to withdrawal
Physiological = Emotion
Can you perform experimental studies or conditioning studies?
Experimental yes
Conditioning no
Family Studies vs. Twin Studies
Families –> Population
Twin –> Genetics
Proximal vs. Distal stimuli
Proximal = Those stimuli that reach your senses Distal = Those stimuli out in the world around you, it can contribute to a proximal stimulus
Free choice reduction of conflict
Person has a binary choice, once they make a decision the change their belief to be more congruent with decision
Larger vs. Smaller groups stability
Larger groups more stable but less intimate
Smaller groups less stable but more intimate
Long-term potentiation
Synapses that fire more frequently become stronger
Reticular activating system
Bouncer for your brain, dictates conscious thoughts or not - filters info that goes to thalamus
What memory you lose when you age
Improve crystallized and emotional
Keep Implicit and recognition
Lose Recall, episodic, processing speed
Reconstructive Bias
Memory related - subjects don’t remember times of high stress well
Parallel Play
In preschool (age 4 ish) - when a child is playing alone but sees another child and adjusts their behavior in response Later on, children will play together more
People who are afraid of being evaluated - what advice?
Distract your mind - greater cognitive load = less stressed
Behaviorist theory
People learn from conditioning
Criterion validity
Degree to which a measure is related to an outcome
Can be Concurrent or Predictive validity
How is motivational state determined in operant conditioning?
Depriving subject of desirable stimulus item for a period of time
Informed consent necessary when:
Subjects may be exposed to risk of research greater than the risks of everyday life
Within subject design
All subjects experience all variables
Cultural capital vs. Ascribed Status vs. Achieved status vs. Social Capital
Cultural Cap = Knowledge, skills, education
Ascribed status = born into status
Achieved status = after lots of work status
Social capital = ability to use social network to advantage
Cognitive Dissonance Experiment
Paid 1 dollar vs . Paid 20
1 dollar people convinced themselves that they enjoyed it
Attitude might change to fit behavior
Attrition Bias
Participants drop out of a long-term study or experiment
Freud’s Psychodynamic theory stages and ages
Oral = 0-1 - Smoking, nailbiting Anal = 1-3 - neatness or rebellion Phallic = 3-6 - Oedipus/electra Latent = 6-12 Genital = puberty-Death - Sex life
Activation-Synthesis hypothesis
Happen with neuronal activity in brainstem during REM sleep
Anomies associated with:
Rapid changes in society
Low levels of income
High heterogeneity
(Lots of people of different backgrounds leads to no homogeneous mores/folkways/taboos)
Vygotsky’s sociocultural cognitive development theory
Depends on teacher
Internalization of various aspects of culture drives cognitive development
3 Distinct Steps:
Physiological + Cognitive (label it) –> Emotion
2 factor theory (JL is 1 factor)
Drive reduction – Primary and secondary drivers
Primary drives = survival
Secondary = Money, other shit
Thinning vs. Fading
Thinning - Stop rewarding as often
Fading - Stop Prompting as often
Judgment of self worth, affected by others
Phi Phenomenon
Still images moving fast - perceive as continuous motion
Base rate fallacy
Judgment based on new specific information instead of already known information
Integration vs. Marginalization vs. Separation vs. Assimilation on Old and New Cultures
Integration = Identify with both Marginalization = Reject both Separation = Reject new, maintain native Assimilation = Reject native, interact with new
Pygmalion effect
Higher expectations leads to increase in performance
Different from hawthorne effect
Attribution theory
Internal v. External
Self-controlled or external factors
Stable v. Unstable
Unchanging factors or temporary factors
What brain parts are involved in learning and attention?
Frontal lobe, hippocampus, thalamus
Face Validity
Does it measure what it claims to measure to subjects?
Stroop effect
Hard to read color red written in green