Psych Flashcards
Alar Plate
Differentiates to Sensory neurons
Basal Plate
Differentiates to motor neurons
Order of brain development
Hindbrain, Midbrain, Forebrain
Moro Reflex
Spreading and unspreading arms when falling
Family studies
Cannot distinguish between genetics (use twin studies) - Use them to distinguish between families + population
Sympathetic Nervous Response
Fight or Flight:
- Increase Heart Rate
- Dilate Bronchial tubes
- Muscles contract
- Pupils dilate
- Decrease stomach movement/secretions
- Release adrenaline
- Increase glycogen to glucose conversion
- Contract bladder
Parasympathetic response
Constrict Pupils Increase stomach movement Increase saliva Increase urine output Decrease heart rate constrict bronchial tubes
Retrograde Memory
Memories before the event
Anterograde Memory
Memories after the event
Ambient Stressor
Chronic environmental stressors that cannot be changed (or are perceived as such)
Ex - Economy, climate change
Acute Stressor
Present over short period of time
Small hassles - coworkers, traffic
Sudden, rare occurence - natural disaster, war
Self-esteem, Self-image, Self-perception
Esteem - judgment of one’s own value or self worth - can be affected by others
Image - internalizing all judgments others have
Perception - Person develops their OWN attitude towards their OWN actions
SELF-PERCEPTION Not dictated by others
Reward Pathway AKA
Mesolimbic pathway + Nucleus Accumbens —
Nigrostriatal bundle
Associated with Parkinson’s Disease
If a two-year-old says, “Water go,” to which the parent responds, “Yes, the water goes down the drain.” The parent is using which strategy?
Expansion is restating in a linguistically sophisticated form what a child has said
Energy created by survival and sexual instincts
Libido is part of the id and is the driving force of all behavior
McConnell’s Brainwashing in 3 steps:
Isolation, dependency, reward.
A form of operant conditioning, shaping.
Jump of eye from one point to another called:
Not spasm
Limen aka
Sublimen = Below threshold
Asch study of conformity realization:
A lack of unanimity greatly reduces the pressure to conform
Low-Ball technique
Get an individual to agree to a request then you increase the original terms to ask for more
Immediately before sleep, larger and slower waves are called:
Alpha waves
Hypnic jerk
A jerk of a muscle right as a person is about to fall asleep
Multiple personality disorder begins during:
Childhood as a result of unbearable experiences
The meanings of words and phrases in a particular context
Different from semantic (aka factual) memory
Absolute thresholds depend on:
Energy necessary to stimulate a sensory receptor to trigger an action potential
Cannon-Bard Theory Physiology
Thalamus sends a message to brain to trigger Affective and Physiological response to stimulus
Social statics vs. Social dynamics
Statics = how things held together Dynamics = how society changes over time
Order of scientific method
Ask a question –> Background research –> construct hypothesis –> test hypothesis by experiment –> Analyze/draw conclusions –> Communicate results
Informed consent necessary when:
Subjects may be exposed to risk of research greater than the risks of everyday life
Theory that laws are best understood as social rules, valid because they are enacted by authority or derive logically from existing decisions.
Disease Rate
According to differential association theory, how is deviance learned?
Through interactions with others
Differential association is when an individual bases their behaviors by association and interaction with others. This is most often studied in the analysis of learned deviance such as learned criminal behavior.
Mediating Variable
One that explains the relationship between the two other variables
“Education between social status vs. testicular exams.” If you take away education effect, relationship disappears
Think “Cause”
Confounding Variable
One that is not of interest to the researcher but is related to both variables
**If it can be explained, it is not a confounding variable
Moderating Variable
May dictate the strength of correlation between the two variables
“Age between social status vs. testicular exams”
Age moderates, but if you take away age, the correlation still exists
Think “Effect”
Cross’ Nigrescence Model
1st - Pre-encounter - AA’s view Caucasion culture as desirable and unquestionable (Anti-Black)
2nd - Immersion-Emersion (post encounter) - Anti-White, intense black involvement
3rd - Internalization - Black Nationalist, Biculturalist, (Middle Ground)
Attrition Bias
Participants drop out of a long-term study or experiment
Reconstructive Bias
Memory related - subjects don’t remember times of high stress well
Social desirability bias
Understate undesirable behavior and answer in a socially acceptable way
Selection Bias
How are people chosen to participate in the survey?
Distress, Eustress, Neustress
Distress = negative stress
Eustress = Positive stress - challenging but motivating
Neustress - Neutral stress - doesn’t active affect you – News of disaster
Informational Social influence
Conforming by turning to others for information about what is correct
Conform because you respect or like the person who exhibits that behavior
Individual publicly AND PRiVATELY conforms and accepts the behavior
Individual publicly conforms but PRIVATELY DISAGREES
3 Distinct Steps:
Physiological + Cognitive (label it) –> Emotion
2 factor theory (JL is 1 factor)
Physiological –> Emotion
Physiological = Emotion
Cognitive –> Emotion + Physiological simultaneously
Stroop effect
Hard to read color red written in green
Construct validity
Degree to which a test measures what it claims to be measuring "Black" and "White" are they social class or race?
Conflict theory can be used for… and not…
Social class conflict, NOT Race Conflict
How individual attitudes are shaped by social factors
Sterotyping vs. Discrimination
Discrimination = behavioral action Stereotyping = cognitive action
Approach-approach conflict
both options are appealing
Avoidant-Avoidant conflict
both options unappealing
Approach-avoidance conflict vs. Double Approach-avoidance conflict
One option has both positive and negative aspects
Double = 2 options, each with both positive and negative aspects
Example of double approach-avoidance conflict
Jury, 2 outcomes with 2 outcomes each, 1 positive 1 negative Punish a criminal = Approach Punish innocent = avoidant Set free criminal = Avoidant Set free innocent = Approach
Asch’s conformity experiment
Solomon Asch conducted an experiment investigating the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could influence a person to conform. Asch used confederates who were instructed to give clearly incorrect answers regarding the lengths of various lines. He then measured the number of times each unknowing participant conformed to the majority view. In Asch’s study, the confederates never provided an explanation for their choices to the group.
Harlow’s Monkey Experiments
Used real monkey mothers vs. fake monkey mothers
Emotional attachments formed with real mothers led to emotional stability later in life
Norms that are not strictly enforced – Breaking speed limit
Strictly Enforced Norms, great moral significance
– Murder, religion
Extremely negative Norm - illegal but brings REVULSION if violated
- INCEST, murder
Social instability caused by erosion of standards and values
Parallel Play
In preschool (age 4 ish) - when a child is playing alone but sees another child and adjusts their behavior in response Later on, children will play together more
Reliability vs. Validity
Same as Precision vs. Accuracy
Reliability = Precision
Validity = Accuracy
Face Validity
Does the test measure what it claims to measure
Construct Validity
Does the test relate to underlying theoretical concepts?
Construct validity for a test for intelligence depends on a model or theory of intelligence.
Concurrent Validity
Test corresponds to something that is already known (IQ test score based on past but similar IQ Tests)
Predictive Validity
Predicts something that will occur in future (like SAT high scorers will graduate college more frequently) – If it is true, then the test has predictive validity
Symbolic Interactionist perspective - Careful when comparing
Different from functionalism
Symbolic interactionalists will be influenced, and their daily life, choices, and interactions with others are affected.
Are health choices a more or folkway?
A more, since a person may be shunned if they do not seek medical help.
A folkway is like speeding or holding the door open (minor minor minor)
Types of kinship
Consanguineal = Based on blood - biological son Affinal = Basis of marriage - merging children from previous marriages
T/F: Median age ~ Quality of life
True, they positively correlate
Harlow Monkeys takeaway:
Their trauma cannot be corrected by putting them with the cloth mother later in life
Anomies associated with:
Rapid changes in society
Low levels of income
High heterogeneity
(Lots of people of different backgrounds leads to no homogeneous mores/folkways/taboos)
Negativity bias vs. Positivity bias
Negativity: Focus on only negative things
Positivity: Focus on only positive things
External validity
Degree to which findings of a study are generalizable to population as a whole
Look at size/representativeness of sample
Internal validity
Can causal conclusions be drawn from a study?
Inclusive fitness
Animal behaves in a way that ensures propagation of its genes
Death Always Brings Definite Acceptance
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Condition for operant conditioning
Shaping is to Give a reward AFTER a BEHAVIOR is performed
Only AFTER and only when a BEHAVIOR is performed
Activation-Synthesis hypothesis
Differences in neuronal activity of the brainstem during waking and REM sleep
DREAMS result from brain activation during REM sleep
General adaption syndrome
Alarm Reaction - Mobilize resources, adrenaline, fight or flight
Stage of Resistance - cope with stressor - large resistance, cortisol release to redistribute glucose
Stage of Exhaustion - Reserves depleted, giving up, open to sickness,
House money effect
People are usually risk averse, but if the money is not “theirs” they are less risk averse
Gambler’s fallacy
If it’s been heads 10x in a row it HAS to be tails the next time…
Prisoner’s dilemma
Two completely rational individuals may not cooperate, even if in their best interests to do so
Ratio level of measurement
There are a lot of quantitative responses at spaced intervals, and you CAN score 0
NOT yes/no questions
NOT opinion based