Psych Flashcards
differentiate between suicide and deliberate self harm
suicide = intentional self-inflicted death DSH = intention, non-fatal self-inflicted harm
what factors make someone more likely to attempt suicide?
mental illness, in particular: depression bipolar disorder schizophrenia alcohol/substance misuse emotionally unstable personality disorder anorexia nervosa
chronic pain/disease
availability of means (ligature points, firearms, paracetamol pack size reductions)
family history of suicide
lack of social support or recent adverse event (bereavement, loss of job/relationship)
give some suicide prevention strategies
- detect and treat mental illness
- be alert to risk and respond to it - lots of people see GP in the weeks preceding suicide
- safer prescribing - avoid prescribing drugs with high overdose toxicity to patients with suicide risk
- urgent hospitalisation/detention for people with suicide intent
- careful management of DSH - high risk of future completed suicide
- tackle population factors like unemployment, access to means
describe epidemiological differences between who self harms and who completes suicide (e.g. by age, sex etc)
also give some of the common methods for each
suicide - M > F, older single men big risk. hanging most common method in UK, others incl jumping in front of train/car, poisoning
DSH - F > M, more common in women, under 35s, lower social classes and single/divorced
means - mostly drug overdose or physical self-injury e.g. cutting or stabbing
give four different categories that motives behind DSH can broadly be categorised into
- desire to interrupt a sequence of events seen as inevitable or undesirable
- need for attention
- attempt to communicate
- true wish to die
what are indicators of high risk in a suicide/DSH history
leaving a note, making a will, continued determination to die, marked feelings of hopelessness, precautions taken against discovery, high lethality risk (either objective, or patient believes! i.e. 3 paracetamol is high risk if patient believed that’s lethal dose)
also if older, male, unemployed, socially isolated
hx of previous attempts/DSH - biggest indicator of future completed suicide
list the different options for management of DSH
MEDIATE Medically stabilise Establish rapport Diagnose and treat mental illness Iatrogenic risk - prescribe safely (e.g. SSRIs rather than tricyclics) Assess likelihood of recurrence: Thoughts might return? = make a plan Evaluate social problems
basically want to reduce risk of them doing it again, ensure treatment of underlying mental illness is either started or continued, address any social problems and make sure they know what to do if they feel like they might do it again - e.g. come to A&E, contact crisis team - do they need admission?
DBT good for repeated DSH in EUPD
what are the main areas to consider in a psychiatric risk assessment?
risk to self
risk to others
risk of self neglect/accidental harm
vulnerability to abuse
risk should be regularly reviewed as it fluctuates
remember past behaviour biggest predictor of future risk!!
what would you document when assessing risk to self?
- current suicidal thoughts, plans and intent
- anything that prevents patient acting on these thoughts eg. family, religion (protective factors)
- prev eps of DSH - circumstances, methods, management
- factors predisposing to DSH/suicide (FHx, social isolation, substance misuse etc)
- hx of disengagement from support services, whether they’re currently willing to engage
in MSE look for thoughts of hopelessness/worthlessness, command hallucinations inciting self-harm
what would you document when assessing risk to other?
- acts or threats of violence - to whom, frequency, severity, methods used, any serious harm resulting
- deliberate arson
- sexually inappropriate behaviour
- episodes of containment (compulsory detention, treatment in hospital, secure unit, locked ward, prison, police station)
- compliance with prev and current treatment - note past disengagement
Factors increasing risk:
- recent stopping prescribed drugs
- change in use of recreational drugs
- alcohol/substance misuse
- impulsive or unpredictable behaviour
- recent stressful life events, change in personal circumstances, lack/loss of social support
in MSE:
- expressed violent intention or threats
- irritability, disinhibition, suspiciousness
- persecutory delusions
- delusions of control/passivity phenomena
- command hallucinations
give examples of self-neglect/accidental injury someone with mental illness could be at risk of
- malnutrition - forgetting to eat, eating out of date foods
- failure to access healthcare
- living in squalid conditions
- falls - physical frailty, drug/alcohol intoxication
- failure to take safeguards against fire/explosion e.g. cigarette burned bed sheets, leaving gas on)
- wandering, poor road safety
- accidental overdose/not taking meds
- vulnerability to crime due to leaving door open, persistently losing key or inviting strangers in
give examples of abuse someone with mental illness could be at risk of
abuse = single or repeated lack of appropriate action occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust and which causes harm or distress to a vulnerable person
may be verbal, physical, financial or sexual, or neglect
- people in institutions are at risk
- also occurs in private homes
make sure carers aren’t having to deal with verbal/physical abuse from patient
what acronym can you use to remember factors affection risks to vulnerable adults?
HOme safety e.g. leaving gas on
Self neglect e.g. poor self care
Abuse, neglect, crime vulnerability
Eating - malnutrition
describe steps that should be taken in immediate management of a violent patient
- consider if admission necessary, need for MHA assessment - PICU, secure ward?
- staff will be trained in breakaway techniques (to exit situation) and also in respectful restraint (talking down always first)
- medication e.g. benzodiazepines and/or antipsychotics e.g. midazolam (short acting), lorazepam (intermediate acting)
- seclusion if needed
what acronym can you use to remember immediate management of violence?
Evaluate and talk down
Control and restraint
Assess need for medication to sedate and/or treat disorder
RE-evaluate setting - higher security?
FULly review care plan
what steps can be taken to prevent future violence after a violent incident?
WARN Write risk incidents in notes Assess in safe environment Read documentation before assessing Notifying professionals involved of risks
communication between agencies, good use of care plans, monitoring level specific to that patient’s needs
in the context of a risky patient, when is it appropriate to break confidentiality?
- if aware of specific threat to named individual - must inform that person (and probably also the police)
- rarely, can justify breaking in name of public interest e.g. to assist in prevention, detection or prosecution of serious crime
- also must report significant abuse causing harm to children and vulnerable adults - to social services or police if severe
explain the mechanism of action of ECT
induction of a modified cerebral seizure - patient undergoes a series of these (e.g. twice a week for 4-12 sessions)
effects include (nobody really knows):
neurotransmitter release - serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine
transient increase in blood-brain-barrier permeability
modulation of neurotransmitter receptors
synaptogenesis and neurogenesis
hypothalamic and pituitary hormone secretion
explain the legal aspects of ECT
if a patient with capacity refuses it, it cannot be given - not even if under section.
patient must give informed consent before each session
or can be given if:
pt lacks capacity and it doesn’t conflict with advanced decision
AND it’s an emergency and independent consultant has not yet assessed
independent consulted appointed by mental health act commission agrees
what are some indications for use of ECT?
- severe depression (this is the main one)
- prolonged or severe episode of mania that doesn’t respond to treatment
- catatonia
- moderate depression not responsive to multiple drug and psychological therapies
must only be used to induce fast and short-term improvements of severe symps after all other options failed
patients usually need subsequent treatment to prevent relapse
what are some relative contra-indications to ECT?
raised ICP
recent stroke
recent MI
unstable angina
how is ECT given?
patient fasts for 4 hours
anaesthetist gives short-acting anaesthetic + muscle relaxant + preoxygenation
psychiatrist then runs electric current through electrodes on head
induces seizure - lasts 20-60s, monitor EEG and movement
monitor during recovery
typically twice a week for 4-12 sessions depending on response
give some side effects of ECT
- cognitive impairment is the biggie - cognition should be assessed before, during and after a course of treatment
- if significant impairment - consider switching electrode placement, reducing stimulant dose or stopping treatment
also: - anaesthetic complications
- dysrhythmias due to vagal stimulation
- post-ictal headache
- confusion
- retrograde and anterograde amnesia - difficulties in registration and recall may persist for several weeks
explain a bit about the newer methods of brain stimulation
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) - prefrontal cortex stimulation by application of strong magnetic field - shows promise for depression
vagal nerve stimulation - used in epilepsy and refractory depression - generator implanted under skin used to electrically stimulate the nerve
deep brain stimulation - thin electrode inserted directly into brain - used in Parkinsons, research into its role in OCD