GP Flashcards
define domestic abuse
any incidence or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16+ who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.
can encompass, but not limited to:
psychological, physical, sexual, financial, emotional.
list the different types of domestic abuse
psychological physical sexual financial emotional
- not limited to these, can be more than one type
give some ways domestic abuse impacts on health
- traumatic injuries following an assault e.g. fractures, miscarriage
- somatic problems or chronic illness consequent on living with abuse e.g. headaches, GI problems, chronic pain
- psychological or psychosocial problems secondary to abuse e.g. PTSD, attempted suicide, substance misuse, depression etc
in triaging a woman in A&E with injuries, what are some flags that could suggest domestic violence?
'reported as unwitnessed by anyone else' repeat attendance delay in seeking help multiple minor injuries not requiring treatment presenting 7pm-7am
what must you always consider if you identify a woman as being a victim of domestic abuse?
are there any children in the household - child safeguarding is utmost priority!!
what is the role of doctors in responding to domestic/sexual abuse?
- display helpline posters and contact cards, helps create an environment where people feel able to talk
- focus on patient’s safety (and safety of children)
- acknowledge and be clear that behaviour is not ok
- give information and refer on where appropriate
- be part of their process of recognising and escaping abuse
- be open to working with other agencies
what are the components of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, from base to top?
physiological - breathing, food, water, sex, sleep etc
safety - security of body, of employment, of resources, of the family, of health, of property
love/belonging - friendship, family, sexual intimacy
esteem - self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others
self-actualization - morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts
what is the main stated cause of homelessness?
“relationship breakdown”
caused by - mental illness, domestic abuse, disputes with parents, bereavement
list some health problems faced by homeless adults
- IDs incl TB and hepatitis
- poor condition of feet and teeth
- respiratory problems
- injuries following violence/rape
- sexual health, smears, contraception
- serious mental illnesses
- poor nutrition
- addictions/substance misuse
what are some of the barriers to healthcare faced by homeless people?
- difficulties with access - opening times, getting appointments, perceived discrimination
- lack of integration between primary care services and other agencies (housing, social sector, criminal justice system, third sector)
- other things on their mind - focussed on pure survival, not getting a smear
- don’t know where to find help
what are some barriers to healthcare faced by Gypsies and Travellers?
- reluctance of GPs to register these groups, and to visit sites
- poor reading and writing skills (many are illiterate)
- communication difficulties
- too few permanent and transient sites
- mistrust of professionals
- lack of choice
define refugee
an adult/child that ‘owing to a well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, social group/political opinion is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable, or owing to such fear, unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country’
define asylum seeker
someone who has submitted an application to be recognised as a refugee and is waiting for their claim to be decided by the home office
define internally misplaced person
someone who’s had to leave their home for similar reasons to refugees/asylum seekers, but has not crossed international borders.
what is indefinite leave to remain?
when a person is granted full refugee status and given permanent residence in the UK.
they have all the rights of a UK citizen.
eligible for family reunion - one spouse and any child of that marriage under age of 18
what are asylum seekers entitled to?
money (£35 per week)
housing - no choice dispersal
NHS care
if under 18, have a social services key worker and able to attend school
NOT allowed to - work or claim any other benefits.
FAILED asylum seekers - not entitled to money/housing/NHS care
what are some barriers to accessing healthcare faced by asylum seekers?
- lack of knowledge of where to get help
- lack of understanding of how NHS works
- language/culture/communication
- hyper-mobility
- not homogenous group
- health not a priority
what physical health problems might an asylum seeker/refugee face?
- common illnesses
- illness specific to country of origin
- injuries from war/travelling
- no prev health surveillance/screening/imms
- malnutrition
- torture, sexual abuse
- infestations
- communicable disease / blood borne diseases
- untreated chronic disease / congenital problems
what mental health problems might an asylum seeker/refugee face?
PTSD depression sleep disturbance psychosis self harm
also, any mental health conditions anybody else could get!
what are some flags that might make you consider loneliness in a patient?
- body language, appearance, talkative, clinging
- denial, boredom
- living alone
- male 50+
- bereavement, recent transition
- mobility
- sensory impairment
- close family nearby?
- quality not quantity of social contact
define social exclusion
dynamic process of being shut out, fully or partially, from any of the social, economic, political or cultural systems which determine the social integration of a person in society
what are the 5 domains of social exclusion?
material resources civic activities basic services neighbourhood social relationships
give some causes of social exclusion
poor health, sensory impairment, poverty, housing issues, fear of crime, transport issues, discrimination, poor coordination, fragility of networks
define disability
relates to anyone who has a physical, sensory or mental impairment which seriously affects their daily activities