Gynae + GUM Flashcards
what are the different types of miscarriage?
threatened - bleeding, but foetus still alive (can hear HR), good size for dates and os closed
inevitable/incomplete - bleeding, foetus might still be alive, but os is open
complete - all foetal tissue passed (empty sac on scan), os closed, bleeding diminished
septic - uterine contents infected, causing endometritis, offensive loss, tender uterus
missed miscarriage - not picked up till scan, or bleeding a long time after baby stopped developing/died - os closed, uterus small
what causes miscarriage?
often unknown - isolated non-recurring chromosomal abnormalities account for >60% of one off miscarriages
if had 3+ consecutively - consider causes of recurrent miscarriage
what are the clinical features suggesting miscarriage?
bleeding is main one.
often around 12 weeks.
may have pain from uterine contractions - be careful not to mix up with ectopic
how would you investigate a woman presenting with what you suspect might be a miscarriage?
examine - uterine size/cervical os depends on type of miscarriage.
USS for a viable intrauterine pregnancy - if in doubt, repeat scan in a week
blood HCG - levels should rise by >66% in 48h if pregnancy is viable (i.e. take one, then take another in two days and compare)
describe the different management options for miscarriage
expectant management - might use if not heavily bleeding, particularly for incomplete miscarriage (offer rescan in 2 weeks to ensure completed)
medical management - mifepristone to prime, then 24-48h later misoprostal/prostaglandin (oral or vaginal). bleeding can continue for 3 weeks. most successful in earlier miscarriages.
surgical management - if heavy or persistent bleeding, or pt request - surgical evac of retain products of concept (ERPC), under GA.
define recurrent miscarriage
loss of 3+ consecutive pregnancies at <24 weeks, by same biological father.
affects 1% of women.
list some possible causes of recurrent miscarriage
antiphospholipid abs –> thrombosis in the uteroplacental circulation, treat with aspirin and LMWH
chromosomal defects - e.g. a balanced translocation in parents
anatomical factors e.g .uterine abnormalities, more common with late miscarriage though
infection - BV associated with 2nd trimester loss
others - obesity, smoking, PCOS, maternal age, excess caffeine
what happens during days 1-4 of the menstrual cycle?
endometrium shed as its hormonal support is withdrawn
myometrial contraction can –> cramps/pain
what happens during days 5-13 of the menstrual cycle?
proliferative phase:
- GnRH pulses (from hypothalamus) stimulate LH and FSH release –> follicular growth
- follicles produce oestradiol and inhib –> suppress FSH (neg feedback), so only one follicle/oocyte matures
- as oestradiol rises, ‘positive feedback’ on hypothalamus and pituitary –> LH levels to rise sharply
- ovulation occurs 36h after LH surge
- oestradiol causes endometrium to re-form + become ‘proliferative’ –> thickens as stromal cells proliferate, glands elongate
what triggers ovulation in menstrual cycle / when does it occur?
LH surge - ovulation occurs 36h after.
LH surge occurs after oestradiol levels have risen to certain point (I think)
what happens during days 14-28 of the menstrual cycle?
luteal/secretory phase
- follicle from which egg was released becomes corpus luteum - produces oestradiol and progesterone
- progesterone levels peak a week later (day 21)
- this triggers ‘secretory’ changes in endometrium where stromal cells enlarge, glands swell, and blood supply increases
- towards end of luteal phase, corpus luteum starts to fail if egg not fertilized, so progesterone + oestrogen levels decrease
- endometrium then breaks down as this hormonal support is removed, and cycle restarts
differentiate between the following:
- primary amenorrhoea
- secondary amenorrhoea
- oligomenorrhoea
amenorrhoea = absence of menstruation primary = menstruation hasn't started by age 16 secondary = prev normal menstruation stops for >6 months oligomenorrhoea = menstruation occurs every 35 days to 6 months
what five things need to be ‘normal’ for ‘normal’ menstruation to occur?
OR - what five different things can cause pathological problems with menstruation?
for normal menstruation you need:
- hypothalamic function
- pituitary function
- ovarian function
- endometrial function
- patent cervix and vagina (‘outflow tract’)
so - menstrual disturbance can be caused by issues on any of these 5 levels
what is ‘physiological’ secondary amenorrhoea?
amenorrhoea due to pregnancy or menopause - by far the most common causes of amenorrhoea
give some causes of post-coital bleeding
cervical trauma, polyp, cervical/endometria/vaginal carcinoma, cervicitis or vaginitis of any cause
explain how you decide how to investigate primary amenorrhoea?
in absence of pubertal development - investigate as for delayed puberty
if normal puberty - exclude genital tract anomaly, then investigate as for secondary amenhorrhoea
abnormal pubertal development - exclude chromosomal anomaly (e.g. Turner’s) and causes of hyperandrogenism
what is the main hypothalamic cause of secondary amenorrhoea? how do you diagnose/treat?
hypothalamic hypogonadism - due to psychological factors (stress), low weight/anorexia, excessive exercise
GnRH (+ thus LH/FSH) low - although may see normal LH/FSH
treat - supportive + oestrogen replacement (COCP/HRT)
what pituitary causes of secondary amenorrhoea are there? how do you diagnose/treat?
hyperprolactinaemia - due to pituitary hyperplasia or benign adenomas, can be due to thyroid issues
treat - bromocriptine, cabergoline or sometimes surgery
what are the key ovarian disorders that lead to secondary amenorrhoea?
PCOS - most common
ovarian insufficiency/failure aka premature menopause
congenital - Turner’s, gonadal dysgenesis
what tests might you order if a woman came to clinic with secondary amenorrhoea?
- beta HCG
- serum free androgen index (raised in PCOS)
- prolactin
- testosterone levels
- may do MRI if prolactin levels really high
how would you manage a woman with secondary amenorrhoea?
treatment depends on cause
can involve HRT/COCP use to replace oestrogen
correct genital tract anomaly if poss
weight gain/stress management/reduction of extreme exercise
for PCOS - main treatment is weight loss, might use COCP or metformin
define menorrhagia
menstrual blood loss >80ml per period
clinically - blood loss affecting quality of life
give some possible causes of menorrhagia
uterine fibroid (30%) uterine polyps (10%)
thyroid disease, clotting disorder endometrial carcinoma endometriosis/adenomyosis PID iatrogenic - copper coil, anticoagulants
NO KNOWN CAUSE - ‘dysfunctional uterine bleeding’
how do fibroids cause menorrhagia?
1) by enlarging uterine cavity, leading to increased surface are of endometrium for bleeding to come from (this is similar to how polyps cause menorrhagia)
2) might produce prostaglandins, which might cause menorrhagia