psych 7 Flashcards
ones incentive or reason for behaving a certain way
ex: which impels a character to act like wanting to workout for muscle
a complex unlearned behavior that is passed along species
ex: flinch when something is thrown at you
physiological need
those relating to the basic biological necessities of life
ex: food drinks rest and houses
drive-reduction theory
an idea that a physiological need creates an aroused tensio state that motivates an organism to satisfy the need
ex: money is needed to buy food. i need to make money to buy food
tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state
ex: blood glucose levels
a positive or negative enviormental stimulus that motivates behavior
ex: working harded as a taxi driver to get more stars
yerkes-dodson law
principle that performance on tasls is best when the arousal level is appropriate to the difficulty to the tast
ex: higher arousal for cleaning, lower arousal for strenuous math homework
hierarchy of needs
Maslows pyramid of himan needs, startin with the basic needs that must be satisfied before higher-level safety
ex: i need to have food in order to move up in the pyramid
a simple sugar that is an important source of energy
ex: sugar in blood
set point theory
the idea that body monitors fat-ce;; levels to keep them fairly stable
ex: weight
basal metabolic rate
age changes your metabolic rate
ex: im 80, so im going to gain weight easier. im 18 so im going to not gain as much weight when i eat
a condition of being over weight and having an excessive amount of bodyfat
ex: eating too much calories and not buring enough
The lack of desire to have sexual attraction to others.
ex: someone not wanting relationships and doesn’t like the idea of it.
the responsible for typically male behaviors, such as aggression, competitiveness and superior visuo-spatial abilitie
ex: facial hair and deepening voice.
produced mainly by the ovaries and act as the principal female sex hormones
ex: what regulates the menstral cycle in girls
sexual response cycle
excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Both men and women experience these phases, although the timing usually is different.
ex: refactory period isnt included in the 4 stages
refractory period
when talking on the phone while driving causes you to react slower to seeing a stopped car in front of you.
ex: the next time you see a friend texting and driving, remind them that by doing so they are slowing their reaction time, which could be dangerous.
affiliation need
engagement in positive social interactions with other individuals. ex: Attachment is thye affiliation as a effect of the development of a social bond.
an extreme form of rejection in which one is excluded and ignored in the presence of others.
ex: being excluded from frineds
ultra ego. everything is about me
ex: always taking pictures
achievement motivation
the need for excellence and significant accomplishment
ex: despite what rewards may be offered after the achievement has been met.
the passionate and preserverence for long term goals
ex: my grit is to be a singer
“a complex reaction pattern, involving experiential, behavioral and physiological elements.” ex: sad emotion is how individuals deal with matters like crying
james-lange theory
it proposes that emotional stimuli first induce peripheral physiological variations, which occur without consciousness of affect
ex: stimulating events like haunted houses create a response like screaming and being scared
canon-bard thoery
the lower part of the brain, also called the thalamus, controls your experience of emotion.
ex: when im sad and experience this, the thalamus is in control
two-factory-theory (schacter)
physiological arousal determines the strength of the emotion, while cognitive appraisal identifies the emotion label
ex: my hearts rasing, i need to know why
a device that measures and records several physiological indicators of stress
ex: if youre lying, then it will measure your higher heart rate