psyc unit 1 Flashcards
critical thinking
Using reason and evidence to anylyze and decide a logical action or belif
ex: A doctor anylyzes patients situations and which will be treated in which order.
Our source of knowledge is through experience. Touching, smelling: senses
Ex:”Most people like sour candy over sweet candy.” -not true, just your experience
Wilhem Wundt
Father of psyc. First lab and examined cognitive structures.
ex: founder of structuralism
study of how simple feelings and experiences form more complex structures
ex: saying a word with different emphasis and tone will give it a diffornet meaning.
Bradford Titchener
he continued Wilhelm ideas, structuralism
ex: structuralism is breaking down mental process into basic components
William James
she created functialism and taught Mary, who was a PHD psychologist. Margrett Wash whom was the 1st women to get a psyc degree.
contemplation of your own thoughts and desires and conduct
ex: Anna compmentated weather or not she wanted to wear a dress today.
Mary Calkins
introduced the field of psychology. She believed that the conscious was the main focus of psychology.
Consiouness enables analyze past and plan future.
ex:”Ouch thats hot lets not do that”
The idea that all behaviors are learned through interaction with the enviornment. Rewards
Ex: People work to get money and pay off debt, ect
Humanistic psyc
The study of the whole person.
Ex: a therapist studying their new clients needs and what also hasent been met.
Cognitive psyc
The brain making connections from past experiences
ex: I remember that person from middle school
problem solving
ex: solving a multi-step algebra question
cognitive neuroscience
discipline to study cognition from the level of cranial nerve, and is an important field of learning science.
ex:perception, selective attention, memory, language, emotion and consciousness.
the mental and emotional factors in studying a person
ex: setting up and experiment and studying the behaviors of a hangry person.
nature vs. nurture
whether one’s genes (nature) are more or less influential than they way they were raised (nurture)
ex: genetics or experience is the reason a child is blonde
evolutionary psyc
adaptations and mechanisms of the mind that have evolved to solve specific problems of survival or reproduction.
ex: ability to recognize poisonous snakes
behavior genetics
the study of genetic and environmental influences on behaviors. By examining genetic influence, more information can be gleaned about how the environment operates to affect behavior
ex: depression
These values and concepts are passed on from generation to generation, and they are the basis for everyday behaviors and practices.
ex: holiday traditions
positive psyc
the scientific study of human flourishing, and an applied approach to optimal functioning.
ex: the study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals, communities, and organisations to thrive
biopsycosocial approach
Bio (physiological pathology)
Psycho (thoughts emotions and behaviours such as psychological distress, fear/avoidance beliefs, current coping methods and attribution)
Social (socio-economical, socio-environmental, and cultural factors suchs as work issues, family circumstances and benefits/economics)
ex: People may start smoking for psycological reasons, such as thinking it makes them less stressed or because of personality traits
behavioral psyc
Behavioral psychology, or behaviorism, is a theory suggesting that environment shapes human behavior
ex: Tim does his homework so his mom doesnt yell at him now.
biological psyc
it focuses on the nervous system, hormones and genetics.
ex: examines the relationship between mind and body, neural mechanisms, and the influence of heredity on behavior.
psychodynamic psycology
studies how unconsious drives and conflicts with influencial behavior
ex: used to treat people with psycological disorders
social cultural
study how situations and culture affects our behavior and thinking
ex: social values and attitudes while doing certain tasks.
testing effect
better memory after processing, rather than just looking at information
ex: someone remembering a book when they process and think about it , rather than just skimming it.
a study method
ex: survey, question, read, retrieve, review
scientific study of human abilities attitudes and traits
ex: watching how humans interact when angry.
basic research
all science that increases the scientific knowledge base
ex: basing results off of the scientific facts
developmental psychology
the scientific study of how and why humans grow, change, and adapt across the course of their lives.
ex: learning how to walk, rather than just crawling.