Psych Flashcards
aplha1 blocker
antisocial personality disorder can be preceeded by kid who have been diagnosed with
conduct disorder
CI to bupropion
seizure disorder, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, use of an MAOI in the past 2 weeks
typical antipsychotics block what and can lead to what
D2 receptors: galactorrhea, infertility, menstrual irregularities, EPS, NMS
tests needed before starting Li therapy
BUN, Cr, UA, thyroid function tests
mesolimbic ptwy
antipsychotic efficacy
nigrostriatal ptwy
EPSs: acute dystonia, akathesia, parkinsonism
tuboinfundibular ptwy
high fever, autonomic instability, lead-pipe rigidity, AMS, possible elevated CK and WBC count
NMS - stop antipsych, supportive care, dantroline or bromocriptine
first line drug for narcolepsy
duration of tx with single episode of MDD
4-9 months
duration of tx with multiple episodes of MDD (recurrent MDD)
1-3 yr
NMS tx
STOP antipsychotic, supportive care, dantroline or bromocriptine
myalgias, arthralgias, N/V/D, abd pain, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, sweating, pupillary dilation, piloerection, yawning
opioid withdraw (heroin)
first line tx for BP
Li or carbazeapine with a second gen anti-psych