Psych Flashcards
Normal pressure hydrocephalus presentation
Triad of:
- Dementia
- Gait disturbance
- Urinary incontinence
Wernicke’s syndrome triad
- Confusion
- Ataxia
- Nystagmus / opthalmoplegia
Korsakoff’s syndrome (irreversible)
Antero and retrograde amnesia
Confabulation / frontal lobe dysfunction
Psychotic symptoms
Schneider’s first rank symptoms
Auditory hallucinations: third person, running commentary, thought echo
Thought disorder: insertion/withdrawal/broadcast
Passivity: made feelings/actions/impulses, or somatic passivity
Delusional perceptions
Anorexia nervosa diagnostic criteria
Requires all four:
1. Weight 15% below expected or BMI
Bulimia nervosa diagnostic critera
Requires all three:
- Binge eating
- Methods to prevent weight gain e.g. vomiting, purging, laxatives
- Morbid fear of fatness
Russell’s sign
Thick skin on back of hands from vomiting in bulimia
Functional hallucinations
A hallucination precipitated by a stimulus in the same sensory modality
Reflex hallucination
A hallucination precipitated by a stimulus in another sensory modality
Hypnagogic hallucination
Hallucination whilst falling asleep
Hypnopompic hallucination
Hallucination whilst waking up
Couvade syndrome
Man experiencing pregnancy symptoms around time of birth of his child
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in a non-pregnant woman
Treatment of opiate overdose
Euphoria, nausea and vomiting, constipation, anorexia, hypotension, respiratory depression, tremor, pinpoint pupils and erectile dysfunction
Opiate use
Dilated pupils, lacrimation, sweating, diarrhoea, insomnia, tachycardia, abdominal cramp-like pains, nausea and vomiting
Opiate withdrawal
Managing opiate detox
Methadone and buprenorphine (partial agonist)
Tachycardia, hypertension, N&V, dilated pupils (mydriasis), increased libido, formication
Cocaine use
Dysphoria, cravings, irritability, paranoia
Cocaine withdrawal
Anxiety, insomnia, sweating, tachycardia, tremor, seizures
Alcohol withdrawal
Management of alcohol withdrawal
Benzodiazepines e.g. chlordiazepoxide
IV Pabrinex
Delusion that one is infected by parasites +/- formication
Ekbom’s syndrome
Nihilistic delusion that one is dead, has lost all one’s possessions, does not exist or is decaying
Cotard’s syndrome
Syndrome of obesity with sleep apnoea and hypersomnia
Pickwickian syndrome
Delusional belief that someone of higher social status is in love with them
De Clerambault’s syndrome (erotomania)
Factitious disorder in which people give approximate answers to simple questions but show they still understand the question
Ganser’s syndrome
Delusion that persecutor is able to change into many forms and disguise themselves to look like other people
Fregoli syndrome
Feeling of delusional intensity that one’s partner is being unfaithful
Othello syndrome
Delusional belief that a close acquaintance has been replaced by an identical double
Capgras’ syndrome
When a delusion in one person becomes shared by someone close to them
Folie a deux
ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for dependence syndrome
3+ symptoms present together at some time during past year:
- Strong desire or compulsion
- Difficulties controlling substance-taking behaviour
- Physiological withdrawal state
- Signs of tolerance
- Neglect of other interests
- Persistence despite clear awareness of harmful consequences
ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia
One or more of:
1. Thought echo, insertion, withdrawal or broadcast
2. Delusions of control or passivity; delusional perception
3. Hallucinatory voices; running commentary, third person or ‘originating’ from some part of the body
4. Bizarre delusions
Or, two of:
1. Other hallucinations or sustained overvalued ideas
2. Thought disorganisation e.g. loosening of associations, neologisms
3. Catatonic symptoms
4. Negative symptoms e.g. anhedonia
5. Change in personal behaviour e.g. social withdrawal
Most of the time for >1 month
ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for OCD
Obsessions or compulsions present for at least 2 successive weeks, and are a source of distress or interference with functioning Coming from pt's own mind Unpleasantly repetitive Resisted unsuccessfully Compulsive act is not pleasurable
ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for depression
Key symptoms: 1. Low mood 2. Anergia 3. Anhedonia Associated symptoms: 1. Disturbed sleep 2. Poor concentration or indecisiveness 3. Low self-confidence 4. Poor or increased appetite 5. Suicidal thoughts or acts 6. Agitation or slowing of movements 7. Guilt or self blame 2 key symptoms + 2 associated symptoms for 2 weeks = mild depression 5-6 symptoms = moderate 7+ / psychotic symptoms = severe
Common side-effects of SSRIs
Hyponatraemia, GI disturbance, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, agitation.
Series of frenzied attacks, lasting several hours. If they survive, often followed by amnesia of the event. Form of dissociative disorder. Malaysian men.
Fear of penis retracting into abdomen (Chinese men)
Sudden onset hysteria, bizarre behaviour, removal of clothes, coprophagia and violence in women in the arctic circle.
Anxiety and belief that semen is being lost in the urine. Excessive guilt about masturbation. Young Indian males.
Exaggerated startle response and echolalia. North African and Far Eastern women
Severe depressive episode after traumatic event with diarrhoea and nervous tics. South America.
Craving human flesh. North American tribes.
Presentation of Niacin (B3) deficiency
Triad: dermatitis, diarrhoea and dementia