Psych 2 Flashcards
Risk factors/ aetiology for Anorexia nervosa
Bio: Genetics Female (mid-adolescence Early menarche Starvation (endocrine) perpetuates Psycho: Sexual abuse Dieting in adolescence Low self esteem Premorbid anxiety or depression Perfectionism/ anankastic personality Criticism regarding eating/body shape/weight Social: Western society Stress Bullting at school involving weight Occupatione.g. ballet, models
Clinically defining features of Anorexia nervosa as defined by ICD10 and other features
Fear of weight gain
Amenorrhoea and loss of sexual interest and impotence in male.
BMI 15% below expected weight
Deliberate weight loss (food or exercise)
Distorted body image
All features present for 3 months and must be absence of binge eating and a preoccupation with eating/ craving to eat. (if not consider bulimia or EDNOS.
Physical: Fatigue, hypothermia, bradycardia, arrhythmias, peripheral oedema, headache, lanugo hair.
Preoccupation with food: Dieting, making meals for ohers
Socially isolated, sexuality feared
Symptoms of depression and obsession
Anorexia features
enlarged salivary glands
most things low
G’s and C’s raised: growth hormone, glucose, salivary glands, cortisol, cholesterol, carotinaemia
Appearance and behaviour
Appearance and behaviour
Tics Rapport Psychomotor activity e.g. retardation Abnormal behaviours e.g. distracted Physical state Hygiene Eye contact - staring in parkinsonism and averting gaze in depression Body language
Rate - Latency. Pressured/slow
Quantity of speech – minimal (e.g. only in response to questions) /excessive speech / complete absence of speech
Tone - monotomous (dep), tremulous (anx)
Volume - mania loud, depression low
Fluency and rhythm of speech – articulate / clear / slurred
Formal thought disorder e.g. word salad, tangientality, derailment of thought e.g. knight’s move thinking
Mood - a patient’s sustained, subjective, experienced emotion over a period of time.
Elated, euthymic or depressed.
May be diurnal e.g. dep
Affect is assessed on:
Range - restriced, blunted (more severe than restricted), flat (almost no expression)
Appropriateness - appropriate, inappropriate, incongruous
Stability - stable, labile (fluctuating)
If affect is normal = reactive
Perception and good questions to ask
Hallucinations - modalities
Different from:
Pseudohallucinations - Voices in head - no external stimuli reported (know it’s not real?)
Illusion- A false mental image produced by misinterpretation of external stimulus
Depersonalisation - detachment of normal sense of self (neurosis = stress)
Derealization - (neurosis), unreality feeling, people and experiences are unreal/ on a stage.
See things others cant hear or can’t explain?
Hear things others cant hear or explain?
Feel things cant explain?
Voices in head?
Feel like things you see or heard or experience aren’t real?
Thought and questions
• Loosening of association (x3 in speech)
• Circumstantiality - drifts but comes back to same idea.
• Perservation (same idea)
• Neologisms - giving words new meanings
• Delusions, preoccupations/ overvalued ideas (Strongly held beliefs but can be put out of mind with some effort).
• Obsessions (distressing thoughts that enter the mind despite the patient’s effort to resist them), compulsions, ruminations
• Acceleration (pressure of speech/ flight of ideas)
• Retardation (Poverty of thought)
• Thought blocking
Suicidal ideation?
Difference between normal grief and depression?
a normal grief reaction lasts under 6 months whereas depression can last longer.
Side effects of antipsychotics
Extrapyramidal side-effects
acute dystonia (e.g. torticollis, oculogyric crisis)
akathisia (severe restlessness)
tardive dyskinesia (late onset of choreoathetoid movements, abnormal, involuntary, may occur in 40% of patients, may be irreversible, most common is chewing and pouting of jaw)
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has issued specific warnings when antipsychotics are used in elderly patients:
increased risk of stroke
increased risk of venous thromboembolism
Other side-effects
antimuscarinic: dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation
sedation, weight gain
raised prolactin: galactorrhoea, impaired glucose tolerance
neuroleptic malignant syndrome: pyrexia, muscle stiffness
reduced seizure threshold (greater with atypicals)
prolonged QT interval (particularly haloperidol)
Describe Insight?
Intact - accept disorder and treatment
Partial - accept disorder but not treatment or vice versa
Cognition and questions
General - Conscious level Hyper/ hypoactive - sleepy? Orientation Attention Language (right ear with left hand) Calculation Right sided function - draw clock face Abstract thinking - take a horse to water but... Memory Praxis - e.g. copying/ drawing
Where are you? When are you? Touch your right ear with your left hand? Draw a clock face? Take a horse to water... 10x5?
Reporting of MSE
Appeared to be hygienic, suitably dressed, no psuychomotor abnormality
No abnormal behaviours such as staring or distracted with good rapport
Rate - normal (not pressured or slow)
Normal quantity (not minimal or excessive)
Volume normal
Tone normal (not monotomous or tremulous)
Subjectively - euthymic, low, elated
Reactive/ restricted/ bluted/ flat range
No hallucinations, illusions or derealization/ depersonalization
Normal structure (no neologisms, loosening of association, circumstantiality, formal thought disorder)
No delusions, obsessions or overvalued ideas
No accelaration/ retardardation
No suicidal ideation
Insight present
Well orientated, good attention and no obvious impairment of higher functioning. (memory not impaired or trouble understanding language)
Psych history structure
Presenting complaint History of PC Psych history Medical history Medication Family history Personal history: • Infancy • Adolescence • Forensic • Occupational • Sexual and relationships • Living Drugs and Alcohol Premorbid personality MSE
How to get presenting complaint
Ask patient to describe atypical day
Onset, severity, duration, agg/ relieve, associated symptoms.
Patient’s view of the problem
Ask about other symptoms e.g. core in depression, positive and negative in psychosis, biological, psychological, avoidance in anx.
E.g: Do you see/ hear things others can't? Help me to understand this… Do you feel you have any special abilities or powers? Test delusions People interfering with your thoughts? Heard/ seen anything you can't explain. You look a little nervous today? Just get the patient talking
Assess risk - may wait until good time in the conversation - the how and what about killing yourself.
e.g: Sometimes when people feel low… Response to the people following you? Ever hurt so bad that you've thought about killing yourself? What stopped you?
Past psych history
Previous admissions.
Mental Health Act.
Previous self harm
Family history
Drugs and alcohol use
Always ask about cannabis specifically which naturally follows from smoking.
Personal history
xInfancy - development/ milestones, serious illnesses. “were you a healthy child”
Adolescence - how was school for you? Friends? Bullying? Teachers? Qualifications?
Occupation - Leaving school going forward. What jobs they prefered? Relationships? Reasons for job changes?
Social - House, finances, changes in circumstances, support network,
Forensic - ever been in trouble with the police? Or not caught for?
Pre morbid personality
How person was before so you can compare to how they are now.
How have experiences impacted on them as a person?
Anorexia thought findings
Preoccupation with food and overvalued ideas concerning dieting, appearance and weight loss (preoccupation differs from obsession in that with severe difficulty the thought can be put out of the mind).
Complication of AN
Osteoporosis (DEXa), Proximal myopathy (upper and lower limbs)
Arrhythmias e.g. brady, Prolonged QT, changed caused by hypokalemia.
Hypoglycaemia, Hypercholesterolaemia, Hypothyroidism (TFTs)
Hepatitis/ LFTs Pancreatitis (amylase) Renal failure/ stones Enlarged salivary glands Constipation Peptic ulcers
Anaemia (iron), thrombocytopenia, leucopenia
Dry slin, brittle nairs, infections, suicide