MSK Flashcards
De Quarvains patho
Thickening of tunnel in which APL and EPB travel through
Pregnancy known aetiology, hormones?
Symptoms of de quarvain’s tenosynovitis syndrome
Pain on using thumb felt at side of wrist
Trigger or catch
pain on the radial side of the wrist tenderness over the radial styloid process abduction of the thumb against resistance is painful
Test for de quarvains tenosynovitis
Finkelstein’s test: with the thumb is flexed across the palm of the hand, pain is reproduced by movement of the wrist into flexion and ulnar deviation
Treatment of de quarvain’s
NSAIDS Rest and Splint Steroid injection (thinning of skin at injection site Tendon release
What is froments signs and why positive
- Froment’s sign
- Pinc paper
- Normally Adductor pollicis (flat and holds) with lumbricles (unless median)
- If not then Flexor policis longus and flexor digitorum profundus
What is retropulsion and why?
Extensor pollicis longus spontaneous break.
Old ladies
Important assessment in RA in hand?
Look at tendons
Causes of swan neck defromity
Swelling/ inflammation of volar plate due to synovitis/ effusions, causes hyperextension at PIP
OR Traumatic from volar plate injury from hyperextension of digit e.g. basketball
Causes of boutonniere deformity
Extention DIP
Flexion POP
Rupture of central slip over PIP joint so loss of extension of PIP (flexed), Extensor tendon slips down causing extension of DIP
ED splits into 3 at MCP joint
Treatment boutonniere deformity
Spliont 6 weeks, encourage movement
Repair and relocate band
Increased (loss of
Increased/Spastic paralysis
Present possibly
What is Hoffman reflex?
- Flick middle finger
* Positive = UMNL amd flexion of terminal phalax of thumb
How to assess motor of upper limb
- C5 -> Elbow flexion
- C6 -> Wrist extension
- C7 -> Elbow extension
- C8 -> like a cat
- T1 -> finger abduction
upper limb neuro sensory
- Sensory – light and pin prick
- C4 -> Top of deltoid
- C5 -> anterior cubital fossa, lateral side, just proximal on bicep
- C6 -> Thumb dorsal aspect
- C7 -> Middle finger dorsal aspect
- C8 -> Little finger dorsal aspect
- T1 -> anterior cubital fossa, medial side, just proximal to elbow
upper limb neuro motor
- Make easy for patient (active movements then put in full extension as easier)
- Stabilise patient – always hold appropriate joint
- C5 -> Elbow flexion
- C6 -> Wrist flexion
- C7 -> Elbow extension
- C8 -> like a cat
- T1 -> finger abduction
Upperlimb reflexes
- C5,6 – Biceps tendon (pick up sticks) anjd brachioradalis
- C7,8 – Triceps tendon (lay them straight)
- Hoffman
- Flick middle finger
- Positive = UMNL amd flexion of terminal phalax of thumb
Lower limb sensory
- L1 = lateral to gonad on anterior thigh
- L2 = halfway to knee anterior medial thigh
- L3 – Medial knee
- L4 – Medial malleuolus
- L5 – Just distal to dorsalis pedis
- S1 – Lateral posterior heel
- S2 – Posterior knee
- L1 = lateral to gonad on anterior thigh
- L2 = halfway to knee anterior medial thigh
- L3 – Medial knee
- L4 – Medial malleuolus
- L5 – Just distal to dorsalis pedis
- S1 – Lateral posterior heel
- S2 – Posterior knee
Lower limb motor
- L2 – hip flexion
- March like soldier
- L3 – Knee extension
- Squat
- L4 – Ankle dorsi flexion
- Walk on heel
- L5 – Toe dorsiflexion
- Walk on heel barefoot
- S1 – plantarflexion ankle
- Walk on tip toes
- Anything wrong then examine on couch
Lower limb reflexes
- S1/2 – ankle jerk (buckle my shoe)
* L3/4 – bicep brachii (kick the door)
MRC power scale
0 No muscle contraction is seen or identified with palpatio; paralysis
1 Can’t produce joint motion even without gravity but seen or felt
2 Muscle can move joint across full range of motion if force of gravity eliminated
3 Full range against gravity but not resistnace
4 Full range of motion against moderate resistance
5 Full ROM aginst full resistance of examiner
Where does the spinal cord end
Anterior horn cells
HOw many nerves may a disc herniation knock out
2 or more if central (Williams diagnram)
hallux rigidus patho and cause
Hallux rigidus presentation