CardioResp Flashcards
6 key cardiology symptoms
Plapitations Chest Pain SOB Orthopnea Ankle swelling/ oedema Syncope/ dizziness
Describe the NYHA Heart Failure Classification system
1-4 1 = no limitation 2= mild PA limitation (mild HF) 3= marked PA limitation (moderate HF) 4= symptoms at rest (severe HF)
Final part of cardiology history?
System view e.g. just Bowel and water works Anything i missed? What have you been told so far? ICE
Cause of third heart sound? describe sound
lub dub dee
Cause of forth heart sound? describe
Low pitched
Causes of third and forth heart sound
Both caused by HF MI Cardiomyopathy Hypertension
Grading of murmurs describe
1-6 (last three with a thrill) 1- barely audible 2 soft 3 heard easily 4 loud with thrill 5 very loud with thrill, may be heard with streph partially off 6 same as 5
Causes of mitral stenosis
Rheumatic fever (chorea) in 50% Age and calcification
Signs of mitral stenosis
Pulmonary oedema signs
AF (highly associated due to atrial changes)
RHF late
Malar flush
How does ausculation change with mitral stenosis progression
Earlier the murmur/ mitral ‘snap’ with more severe disease due to Left atrium hypertrophy
Followed by low rumbling - bell at apex with patient lying on left side
Chest Xray mitral stenosis
Pulmonary hypertension- upper lobe diversion, bat winging, loss of menisci
ECG mitral stenosis
RVH - lead to right axis deviation and tall R in V1/2
Bifid P wave - LAH causing left atrial delay
Mitral Regurg causes:
More common than MS Rheumatic heart disease Papillary muscle necrosis (MI) Cardiomyopathy CT disorders - Ehlers Danlos - Marfans - Osteogenesis Imperfecta Endocarditis
Mitral regurg signs
Malar flush
Displaced apex beat (volume overload)
Palpable thrill
Pansystolic murmur radiating to axilla “burr” - not gap before S2 unlike AS
Mitral regurg xray and ECG
Cardiomegaly (grows more to maintain BP desite loss of blood the wrong way, V and A) Left displacement (S in V1 and tall R in V5/6) Bifid P wave
AS causes
<65 bicuspid valve
>65 Calcification age related
Rheumatic heart disease
AS symptoms
Syncope on exercise
Poor prognosis without surgery
Signs of AS
Collapsing pulse Slow rising character Low volume - small PulseP Forceful apex beat Eject systolic mkurmur to cartids lub-whoosshhh (pause) dub
CXR and ECG of AS
Enlarged aorta (post stonotic dilatation) LV straign pattern - depressed ST with inverted T in all ventricular facing leads
AR causes
Bifid aortic valve
Rheumatic valve disease (commonest)
infective endocarditis
Marfan’s (CT causes regurg)
AR signs and ECG
Loudest at 4th intercostal space left sternal edge, sitting forward and breathing out.
High pitched early diastolic murmur. (think other MR is high pitched too “burrr”) lub taaarr
Collapsing pulse (wide pulse pressure)
Pistol shot femorals - femoral artery
low volume pulse
Quincke’s sign - capillary pulsation in the nail beds
De Musset’s sign - head nodding with each heart beat
(all three to do with PULSITATION / wide PP)
Displaced apex beat (LVH)
Angles of limb leads
I 0 II 60 aVf 90 III 120 aVr -150 avL -30
Placement of chest leads
V1: Fourth intercostal space, right of the sternum.
• V2: Fourth intercostal space, left of the sternum.
• V3: Directly between leads V2 and V4.
• V4: Fifth intercostal space at midclavicular line.
• V5: Level with V4 at left anterior axillary line.
• V6: Level with V5 at left midaxillary line.
Why is the rhythm of atrial flutter normally around 150, 100 or 75bpm?
Depends on ratio of A:V dependent on how many beats AVN is conducting (degree of block)