Psych 122 Stats Flashcards
week 15 exam
(and type of samples used on)
tests for association between paired samples using spearman’s rho or Pearson’s r
qqPlot( )
Checks whether data is normally distributed
lm( )
Used to fir the linear model and carry out regression and analysis of covariance
cramersV( )
Calculates cramer’s V which is a measure for effect size of chi squared
Assumptions of correlations
- variables are at interval level
- Data is continuous and numerical
- Data is normally distributed
- Relationship is linear
What is the assumption for regression analysis
Assumes the residuals are normally distributed
Which tests are non- parametric tests?
Spearman’s rho and Pearson’s r
How to calculate Bonferrroni
Bonferroni= alpha level (0.05) / no. of variables
Why do we use Bonferroni principles
When conducting multiple chi squared analyses, the significance levels is adjusted to control for a type 1 error
What is a hetroscedastic?
Indicates a pattern with a bow tie/fan shape
Type 1 error
False Positive
wrongly reject the null and accept the alternative hypothesis
Type 2 error
False Negative
Failure to reject the null hypothesis when it is false