Psyc Final Flashcards
approach that states that all behaviors have a cause and don’t happen on accident; there’s a reason behind the behaviors that you do
Freud element of personality that is entirely unconscious and has no contact with reality; follows the pleasure principle; libido; iceberg metaphor
Freud element of personality that is conscious; follows reality principle (keeps you out of trouble); follows laws, social expectations, and rules.
Voice of morality; conscious; punishes you by experiencing guilt and shame when you do something bad
sum total of all the things that are good and worthy
When part of you stays in one of the psychosexual development stages
Psychosexual development stage that happens at 0-18 months; errogenous zone is the mouth; conflict is weaning; if you are fixated you still chew on things, are gullible, or have sarcasm
Oral stage
Psychosexual development stage that happens at 18 months - three years; errogenous zone is anus; conflict is potty training; if you are fixated you are obsessed with orerliness and tidiness or messy and disorganized
Anal stage
fixation obsessed with orderliness and tidiness
anal retentive
fixation where you’re messy and disorganized
anal expulsive
Pyschosexual development stage that happens at 3 -5 years; errogenous zone is the genitals; boy conflicts are oedipus complex and castration anxiety; girl conflicts are electra complex and penis envy; fixation is problems with sexuality and sex
Phallic stage
conflict in the phallic stage where boys are competing with their fathers for possession of his mother
oedipus complex
conflict in the phallic stage where boys are afraid that their dad will cut their genitals off
castration anxiety
conflict in the genital stage where girls realize they don’t have a penis
electra complex
Period within psychosexual development that happens between age 6 to teenage years where ego and superego emerge, sexuality is not expressed, and there is no new conflict
Latency Period
Stage of psychosexual development that occurs from adolescence to adulthood; few completely achieve this; ability to gratify own needs while achieving mutual gratification with partner; need complete libido control; no fixations
Genital Stage
defense mechanism in which ego helps us find a safer target and take our anger out on something else
defense mechanism in which ego tries to forget memories that may cause anxiety
defense mechanism in which ego lets you return to a safer time in life