Psyc exam 3 Flashcards
the study of the way we think about, feel about, and act towards other people
social psych
when other people affect how you behave, talk, think, etc. Vice versa
social influence
changing behavior to match that of others; normative social influence
Public conformity
study where a person would go along with the rest of the group’s answer even though it was obviously wrong
Asch’s study
changing behavior to match that of others; information social influence; you think other people know something that you don’t know; example: if cards ahead of you switch lanes, you also will
Private conformity
Study that looked at the autokinetic effect; light was shined on a wall and participants were asked how much it was moving.
Sherif’s study
When something looks like its moving but its not; optical illusion
autokinetic effect
preface real request with series of minor requests; goal is to get person to say yes early and often
compliance: foot-in-the-door
preface real request with a series fo large decreasing requests; norm of reciprocity; start with higher request then decrease
compliance: door-in-the-face
secure agreement to a request, then increase price or reveal hidden costs
compliance: lowball
The experiment where authority figures ordered participants to deliver what they believed were dangerous electrical shocks to another person
Milgram’s Obedience experiment
two thoughts that don’t go together
cognitive irrelevance
two thoughts that are related to each other
cognitive consonance
two inconsistent thought; this bothers us; they’re related and opposite.
Example: “I worked so hard to get in this group” and “ this group sucks”
cognitive dissonance
Working hard for something makes you appreciate it more
effort justification
The moment you pick on thing over the other, the other choice doesn’t seem as good.
post-decisional spread