PSY10005 Research Methods Flashcards
Methods of Acquiring Knowledge
Rationalism - knowledge from reasoning
Empiricism - experience
specific to general reasoning
Obs > Hypothesis > Theory
general to specific reasoning
theory > hypothesis > obs > confirmation/disconfirmation
Role of scientist in psych research
curiosity, patience, objectivity, change
Falsification position
confirmation and disconfirmation are equally important (Karl Popper)
mediating variable
occurs between two other variables in a causal chain
moderating variable
qualify a causal relationship as dependent on another variable
criteria for identifying a causal relationship
- IV must be related to DV (relationship condition)
- Changes in Iv must precede changes in DV (temporal order condition)
- no other plausible explanation must exist for the effect
basic vs applied research
basic - designed to advance knowledge and propose/test theory where the audience is the scientific community
applied - designed to offer practical solutions to the real world and address needs of practitioners
psychology’s WEIRD problem
Industrialised (prioritise urban areas)
Rich (poor people often excluded from research)
research ethics
- issues related to the relationship between science and society (e.g. gov funding, corporate, conflict of interest)
- research misconduct (e.g. fabrication, plagiarism, falsification)
- p-hacking (manipulate data collection to produce a stat sig relationship after data has been collected)
- treatment of research participants
APA Ethical principals of Psychologists and Code of Conduct - 5 general moral principals
- Beneficence & nonmaleficence
- fidelity & responsibility
- Integrity
- Justice
- Respect for people’s rights and dignity
Ethical considerations
Informed Consent (active & passive)
Deception (active and passive)
Debriefing (dehoaxing & desensitising)
Coercion and freedom
Confidentiality, anonymity & the concept of privacy
interval scale
equal distances between adjacent numbers e.g. temp on celsius scale
ratio scale
same as interval but has absolute zero point