PSY 270 Complete Course,UOP PSY 270 Entire Course,UOP PSY 270 Complete Course Assignment Flashcards
PSY 270 Complete Course
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PSY 270 Complete Course
PSY 270 Week 1 Checkpoint Research Methods Appendix B
PSY 270 Week 1 DQ 1
PSY 270 Week 1 DQ 2
PSY 270 Week 2 Assignment Clinical Assessment
PSY 270 Week 2 Checkpoint Models of Abnormality Appendix C
PSY 270 Week 3 Checkpoint Stress Disorders Appendix D
PSY 270 Week 3 DQ 1
PSY 270 Week 3 DQ 2
PSY 270 Week 4 Assignment Depression Paper
PSY 270 Week 4 Checkpoint Clinical Interview Questions
PSY 270 Week 4 Checkpoint Suicide Appendix E
PSY 270 Week 5 Checkpoint Substance Abuse
PSY 270 Week 5 DQ 1
PSY 270 Week 5 DQ 2
PSY 270 Week 6 Assignment Schizophrenia Presentation
PSY 270 Week 6 Checkpoint Mind Over Matter
PSY 270 Week 7 Checkpoint Autism and Mental Retardation Appendi F
PSY 270 Week 7 DQ 1
PSY 270 Week 7 DQ 2
PSY 270 Week 8 Assignment DSM IV Evaluation Appendix G
PSY 270 Week 8 Individual Assignment DSM-IV Evaluation Appendix H
PSY 270 Week 9 Capstone DQ
PSY 270 Week 9 Final Project Psychological Disorder Analysis
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PSY 270 Week 9 Final Project Psychological Disorder Analysis
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PSY 270 Week 9 Final Project Psychological Disorder Analysis
Marla is a 42-year-old Hispanic female who comes to the mental health clinic complaining of having trouble sleeping, feeling “jumpy all of the time,” and experiencing an inability to concentrate. These symptoms are causing problems for her at work, where she is an accountant.
Resources: Appendix A, Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology, and the Faces of Abnormal Psychology Interactive application at the McGraw Hill Higher Education Web site
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper analyzing Marla’s disorder. Address the following:
Decide which disorder Marla may have using the information in the Faces of Abnormal Psychology Interactive Application at The profile introduction will match more than one of the disorders found in the application. You must choose one of the disorders and complete the profile.
Include the 10 question from the week Four CheckPoint.
Summarize the disorder using the information provided in the interactive application.
Explain the origin of the disorder and any potential treatments by using one of the models of abnormality found in Ch. 2 of Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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PSY 270 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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PSY 270 Week 9 Capstone DQ
Psychology has many applications in our lives, both professionally and personally. How might having a background in psychology help you in your professional life? How might it help you in your personal life?
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PSY 270 Week 8 Individual Assignment DSM-IV Evaluation Appendix H
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PSY 270 Week 8 Individual Assignment DSM-IV Evaluation Appendix H
Resource: Appendix H
Complete Appendix H.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
Post your assignment as a 350- to 700-word attachment.
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PSY 270 Week 8 Assignment DSM IV Evaluation Appendix G
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PSY 270 Week 8 Assignment DSM IV Evaluation Appendix G
Resource: Appendix G
Complete Appendix G.
Post your answers as an attachment.
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PSY 270 Week 7 DQ 2
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PSY 270 Week 7 DQ 2
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a growing concern in the United States. How does ADHD differ from disruptive behavior disorder? How might these two disorders affect a classroom? Do you believe doctors overprescribe medication for ADHD?
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PSY 270 Week 7 DQ 1
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PSY 270 Week 7 DQ 1
Children, like adults, experience depression and anxiety. How do the experiences of children who feel anxiety or depression compare to those of adults who feel anxiety or depression?
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PSY 270 Week 7 Checkpoint Autism and Mental Retardation Appendi F
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PSY 270 Week 7 Checkpoint Autism and Mental Retardation Appendi F
Appendix F
Autism and Mental Retardation
Respond to the following:
List the primary features of autism.
Which explanation for autism is no longer considered valid and lacks research support?
What forms of treatment are helpful for a person with autism?
List the criteria for a diagnosis of mental retardation:
Explain one way in which sociocultural biases in testing might pose problems for assessing mental retardation.
Of the four levels of mental retardation, into which category do most people with mental retardation fall?
What are the main types of biological causes of mental retardation?
What is the only way to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome?
What are normalization and mainstreaming?
What is your opinion about mainstreaming and normalization for children and adults with autism or mental retardation?
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PSY 270 Week 6 Checkpoint Mind Over Matter
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PSY 270 Week 6 Checkpoint Mind Over Matter
Resource: A Matter Over Mind article
Review the Electronic Reserve Readings for Week Five, located on the student Web site. In your reading, A Matter Over Mind, the author presents the case of a young man who shoots and kills a police officer. The case argues a defendant’s constitutional right to use the insanity defense and the amount of leeway provided to prosecutors.
What is the difference between mental illness and insanity? (Hint: What is the important second prong of the McNaughten rule?)
The McNaughten rule cannot be used to defend the actions of a person who drinks alcohol and then murders someone. Why not?
Identify each of the following:
Rational and guilty
Guilty but insane
Not guilty by reason of insanity
If you were deciding this case, how would you rule? Briefly explain your decision.
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PSY 270 Week 6 Assignment Schizophrenia Presentation
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PSY 270 Week 6 Assignment Schizophrenia Presentation
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that includes an introduction and a conclusion.
Address the following in your presentation:
What are the symptoms of schizophrenia?
How is schizophrenia diagnosed?
How is schizophrenia explained by the biological, psychological, and sociocultural views?
What are the various methods of treating schizophrenia?
Does any one treatment seem to be more effective than the others? If so, which treatment and why?
Post your presentation as an attachment.
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PSY 270 Week 5 DQ 2
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PSY 270 Week 5 DQ 2
How does your assigned theoretical viewpoint explain the causes of substance abuse, and what treatments does it recommend? What are some of the strengths or weaknesses of your assigned viewpoint?
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PSY 270 Week 5 DQ 1
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PSY 270 Week 5 DQ 1
Anorexia and bulimia are serious problems with devastating effects. Both are eating disorders, but each has distinct characteristics. What are some differences between these two disorders? How do these disorders affect the people who suffer from them? What leads a person to become either anorexic or bulimic? Are the causes internal, external, or both? Explain your answers.
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PSY 270 Week 5 Checkpoint Substance Abuse
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PSY 270 Week 5 Checkpoint Substance Abuse
CheckPoint: Substance Abuse
Review the various responses from the clusters in Discussion Question 2.
Respond to the following: In Discussion Question 2, you examined the various viewpoints on causes and treatments for substance abuse. With which viewpoint or viewpoints do you agree most? Why?
Provide specific examples of causal factors and treatments outlined by the respective theoretical viewpoints
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PSY 270 Week 4 Checkpoint Suicide Appendix E
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PSY 270 Week 4 Checkpoint Suicide Appendix E
Appendix E
Respond to the following based on the information in the “Suicide Rates by Age Group” article:
What has been the trend in suicide rates over the past few years?
What part of the U.S. has the highest suicide rate?
List three risk factors for suicide.
Many researchers worry that suicide rates for adolescents and older adults continue to increase. What does the research data show about these age groups?
In the U.S., what demographic has the highest rate of suicide?
List four possible reasons for the observed decrease in suicide rates.
Recent media reports have suggested that medications may provoke suicidal behavior, particularly in adolescents. As a precautionary step, the FDA issued a public health advisory warning doctors to watch patients closely for worsening depression when medication is first prescribed. What does the data show about the effects of medication and suicide?
Once a patient begins medication for depression, when is that patient at the highest risk for suicidal ideation and behavior?
Based on the readings, what is your opinion on the use of medication to help control depression and reduce the risk of suicide?
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PSY 270 Week 4 Checkpoint Clinical Interview Questions
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PSY 270 Week 4 Checkpoint Clinical Interview Questions
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PSY 270 Week 4 Checkpoint Clinical Interview Questions
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PSY 270 Week 4 Assignment Depression Paper
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PSY 270 Week 4 Assignment Depression Paper
Many people become depressed at some point in their lives, but when these feelings interfere with an individual’s ability to live a normal life and persist for an extended period, the individual should seek professional help. Some individuals not only experience depression but also extreme highs, known as mania, making it more difficult to live a normal, productive life.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper outlining the differences between unipolar and bipolar disorders.
Address the underlying causes of unipolar and bipolar disorders. What symptoms would indicate that an individual may be suffering from a unipolar or bipolar disorder? What treatments are available for individuals who suffer from unipolar or bipolar disorders?
Provide at least two references to support your research.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
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PSY 270 Week 3 DQ 2
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PSY 270 Week 3 DQ 2
How do phobias differ from fears? What types of phobias affect a person’s ability to function normally in society? How is his or her ability to function in society affected? What may cause a person to develop a phobia?
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PSY 270 Week 3 DQ 1
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PSY 270 Week 3 DQ 1
Surveys suggest that up to 4% of the U.S. population suffers from generalized anxiety disorder. How are anxiety disorders viewed by various psychological perspectives such as psychodynamic, biological, cognitive, and humanistic? With which perspective do you most agree? With which do you least agree? Explain your answers.
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PSY 270 Week 3 Checkpoint Stress Disorders Appendix D
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PSY 270 Week 3 Checkpoint Stress Disorders Appendix D
Psychological and Psychophysiological Stress Disorders
Respond to the following:
Stress can be the root cause of psychological disorders. Name four symptoms shared by acute and posttraumatic stress disorders.
What life events are most likely to trigger a stress disorder?
Traumatic events do not always result in a diagnosable psychological disorder. What factors determine how a person may be affected by one such event?
What are the four stages in meeting the psychological needs of disaster victims?
What is the link between personality styles and heart disease?
List and briefly describe four psychological treatments for physical disorders.
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PSY 270 Week 2 Checkpoint Models of Abnormality Appendix C
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PSY 270 Week 2 Checkpoint Models of Abnormality Appendix C
Resource: Appendix C
Complete the activity in Appendix C.
Post your completed chart as an attachment.
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PSY 270 Week 2 Assignment Clinical Assessment
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PSY 270 Week 2 Assignment Clinical Assessment
Mr. and Mrs. Lawson brought their 4-year-old adopted daughter, Clara, to see Dr. Mason, a psychiatrist. Clara was polite in greeting Dr. Mason, but did not smile and kept her gaze down as she took a seat. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson sat next to Clara and began explaining their concerns. They described Clara as a quiet child who has recently begun throwing temper tantrums, during which she is inconsolable. Her sleep and eating patterns have changed, and she no longer wants to go to preschool.
Create a brief response to each of the following questions:
What other information would you like to learn during the interview with the family? What questions would you ask?
In addition to the clinical interview, what other clinical assessment tools should you consider? Why?
Although you need more information to begin treatment, what factors might you take into consideration in designing an effective intervention for this family?
If you were preparing to diagnose Clara, you would refer to the DSM-IV classification system to evaluate her condition on five separate axes. What type of information would go into each axis? You are not asked to enter a diagnosis, only describe the kind of information that would be entered in each axis.
Do you think that diagnosing Clara would be beneficial or harmful? Explain why.
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PSY 270 Week 1 DQ 2
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PSY 270 Week 1 DQ 2
There are currently several trends in the treatment of psychological disorders, including the following:
The use of psychotropic medications
Deinstitutionalization and outpatient care for those with severe psychological problems
Prevention programs and positive psychology
Insurance coverage and managed care programs
Choose one of these current trends listed above and address the following questions: What are the positive outcomes of this trend? What are the negative outcomes of this trend? How may these negative outcomes be minimized?
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PSY 270 Week 1 DQ 1
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PSY 270 Week 1 DQ 1
No single definition of psychological abnormality has been completely accepted by the psychological community. Many of the definitions include common features, known as the four Ds. What are the four Ds? Briefly describe each one. How may culture determine what is considered abnormal? Cite specific examples.
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PSY 270 Week 1 Checkpoint Research Methods Appendix B
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PSY 270 Week 1 Checkpoint Research Methods Appendix B
Resource: Appendix B
Complete the chart found in Appendix B.
Post your completed chart as an attachment.
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