PST UNIT 4 Flashcards
this is a dynamic environment filled by students with diverse learning styles
This is the most common type of teaching strategy and classified as an authoritative teaching procedure
Lecture Strategy
an uninterrupted verbal presentation by a lecturer
conventional presentation with questions, comments, and brief discussions
defined as a process of learning that takes place when students work together in groups of 8 -10
Small group learning
group process where all ideas are accepted and recorded
Brainstorm session
two or three people are asked to discuss an issue for a few minutes; comments are collected and summarizes then shared
Buzz Group
students are selected from the class, sit in front of the class as a planel and discuss the topic
involves group using problem-based learning
Problem-based tutorial group
group discussion of a paper presented by a student
a technique that involves grouping of ideas that are written on small slips of paper
involves mini-project work and followed by reportin gto the whole class
requires a brief, factual response, and a correct answer
Narrow questions
requires a more wide-ranging answer and can be answered in a number of different ways
Broad questions
useful at the start of the discussion to assess knowledge
Recall questions
the students directly evaluate the subject
Questions with direct observation
must be brief, direct, and firmly anchored in context
Clear questions
attentively stimulates a number of thinking functions including analysis, comprehension, synthesis, and evaluation
this is effective for Q & A slides where clicking on the different answers to a posed question that takes a person to different slides and then returns to the questions slide
Hyperlink function
a combination of audio, visual, and kinesthetic learning that increase the effectiveness of abosrobing materials to learners
This type of learning is an innovative type of learning that gives an easy access for learners that is delivered via the internet
E-learning is real time learning
Synchronous learning
learners and the teacher interact at the same time from different locations; they can share their own ideas
Synchronous learning
It is a pause-and-resume kind of learning
Asynchronous learning
the learners and the teacher cannot be online at the same time
Asynchronous learning
Many prefer this type of E-learning because it facilitates the sharing of information outside the constraints of time
Asynchronous learning
a way of learning and sharing information and documents through the different medium like mails, and social media.
a systematic attempt to collect data and evaluate information about a particular problem
Involves the systematic collection and analysis of data using computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to derive results
Quantitative Research
seeks to describe the current status of a variable or phenomenon
Descriptive design
is mostly observational in nature
Data collection
explores the relationship between variables using statistical analyses
Correlational Design
seeks to establish a cause-effect relationship between variables and the researcher doesn’t manipulate the variable
Quasi-Experimental design
What is Quasi-Experimental design often reffered?
Casual Comparative
often called the experimentation
Experimental design
use the scientific method to establish cause-effect relationship among a group of variables in a research study; researcher manipulates the variable
Experimental design
It involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical materials which may include case study, personal experience, etc.
Quantitative research
this method is used to understand people’s beliefs, experiences, attitudes, etc.
Quantitative research
immersion of the researcher to the target participants’ environment to understand the goal
The researcher does not rely on interviews or surveys but a first hand experience with the environment
done by in-depth interview, read documents, and look for themes to illustrate individual story.
used to describe an event, activity, or phenomenon
it uses a combination of methods such as conducting interviews, reading documents, or visiting places
it is composed of 5-25 sample sizes
provides an explanation or theory behind the events
Grounded Theory
It uses primarily interviews and existing documents to build a theory based on the data.
Sample sizes are often larger and they are usually 20 -60
Grounded Theory
involves a deep understanding through multiple types of data sources.
Case Study
It can be explanatory, exploratory or describing an event. It focuses in explaining organization, entity, company or event.
Case Study
The incorporation of various qualitative and quantitative strategies within a single project
Mixed-method research or Triangulation
begins at the point of theory or phenomenon and test if that theory is valid in the given circumstances
Deductive research
begins with the collection of data but ends developing a new theory
begins with the data and ends with the empirical generalizations
Descriptive research
Recording classroom-based activities in a digital format that the students can then watch over the web, on a computer or their mobile device
also known as E-learning; need live audiences
This lecture captures technology records the presenter’s audio and video including any visual aids, synchronizes them and webcasts the stream live or archives for on-demand playback
Live lecture capture
a digital video recording on the computer and usually includes audio narration; usually used in tutorials, training videos, video lessons, and recorded presentations
defined as condensed and studio-recorded lectures made available via the web as multimedia presentations
can be made without live audiences
Web Lecture
consists of a series of prepared speeches which focus on a particular issue rather than a more general theme
representation of information or data in a graphic format designed to make that information easier to understand
This visual medium provide a stronger sense of connection to the ideas for those who are more comfortable with visual learning than traditional lecture or readings
Infographics or Graphics Info
In infographics, you must keep the icon color, style and shape?
This teaching strategy provides the student an opportunity to explore realistic situations by interacting with other people
This activity engages the student’s feelings and emotions
incorporates the aesthetics and functionality of games to engage, educate, and motivate learners
Examples are Jeopardy and Kahoot!
users perform and progress towards defined learning outcomes
accumulated as a result of executing tasks
users pass depending on the points
serve as rewards for completing actions
a written constructive criticism or judgement based on criteria. This include the strengths, weaknesses, logical links, and significance of the journal
Students give a unique opinion and discussion of the article
Part of the critiquing where the researcher asks could the study be replicated