Cytogenetics Part 1 Flashcards
Greek Philosopher
Hippocrates argued that these are resided in various parts of the body; bearers of hereditary traits
the generative power of male semen resided in a?
vital heat
this had the capacity to produce offspring of the same “form” as the parent
vital heat
he is credited with the earliest statement of the theory of epigenesis
William Harvey
an organism is derived from the substances present in the egg
The theory of epigenesis conflicts directly with the theory of?
theory of preformation
sex cells contain a complete miniature adult called?
He disproved the theory of preformation
Casper Wolff
He proposed the atomic theory
John Dalton
all matter is composed of all invisible units called?
They proposed the cell theory
Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann
all organisms are composed of basic visible units called?
the creation of living organisms from nonliving components
spontaneous generation
living organisms were considered to be derived from _________ and consists of cells made up of atoms
preexisting organisms
animal and plant groups remain unchanged in form from the moment of their appearance on earth
fixity of species
He is better known for devising the binomial system of classification
Carolus Linnaeus
He crossbred two groups and derived a new hybrid form, which he then converted back to one of the parental types by repeated backcrosses
Gottlieb Kolreuter
Charles Darwin published a book stating his evolutionary theory named?
The Origin of Species
He proposed the theory of natural selection
Charles Darwin
a theory that attempts to explain the causes of evolutionary change
Theory of Natural Selection
heredity and development were dependent on information contained in?
is known as the father of genetics
Gregor Johann Mendel
Gregor Mendel established what theory?
chromosomal theory of inheritance
a theory that stated that inherited traits are controlled by genes that reside in chromosomes
theory of inheritance
what are the trinity of molecular genetics?
DNA, RNA, and protein
full name of DNA
deoxyribonucleic acid
this serves as the genetic material in all living organisms as well as in most viruses
The process of transferring information from DNA to RNA is called?
The subsequent conversion of the genetic information contained in RNA into a protein is called?
The DNA exists in cells as a long, coiled ladderlike structure described as?
double helix
Each strand of the helix consists of a linear polymer made up of genetic building blocks called?
four types of nucleotide
adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T)
serve as nonspecific workbenches for protein synthesis
are linear polymers made up of amino acids
the end products of genetic expression
These molecules serve as biological catalysts
the oxygen-binding pigment in red blood cells
the pancreatic hormone
the connective tissue molecule
the structural molecule in hair
the proteins integral to chromosome structure in eukaryotes
the contractile muscle proteins
actin and myosin
the anti-body molecules of the immune system
Four basic approaches in genetics
transmission genetics, cytogenetics, molecular genetic analysis, and population genetics
patterns of inheritance of traits are examined
transmission genetics
in human studies, where designed matings are neither possible nor desirable, _______ is often useful
pedigree analysis
the study of chromosomes
it illustrate the chromosomes characteristic of any species arranged in a standard sequence
The first animal ever to be cloned from an adult somatic cell
Dolly the lamb
The cloned lamb was the result of the research of whom?
Ian Wilmut
scientists attempt to define how and why certain genetic variation is maintained in populations, while other variation diminishes or is lost with time
population genetics
acquiring information for the sake of extending knowledge in any discipline of science
basic research
scientists conduct investigations to solve problems facing society or simply to improve the well-being of members of our society
applied research
it encouraged parents displaying favorable characteristics to have large families
Positive eugenics
restrict reproduction of parents displaying unfavorable characteristics
Negative eugenics
refers to medical or genetic intervention designed to reduce the impact of defective genotypes on individuals.
the entire genetic complement of several species, including our own, has been sequenced