Psoriasis and Red Scaly Rash Flashcards
Psoriasis is a chronic disease with predominantly __ and __ involvements.
skin and joint
Onset occurs in 2 peaks:
between 20-30, then 50-60
The classification of psoriasis is based on 1; they include (name 5); clinically they often overlap
- morphology
Plaque, inverse/flexural, guttate, erythrodermic, pustular
1 psoriasis are rare and can often be triggered by 2. They can be palmoplantar, which can be either 3 or 4.
- pustular
- corticosteroid withdrawal
- plaque type
- pustular type
Guttate psoriasis have 1 onset and are 2 sized lesions on 3 and 4. They are often preceded by 5.
- acute
- raindrop
- trunk
- extremities
- Strep Pharyngitis
1 lesions are erythematous plaques in the 2 and may lack 2 due to moistness of the area
- Inverse/flexural
2. scales
1 involves entire skin surface with the skin being bright red. It’s associated with 2 and like pustular psoriasis, hospitalization is sometimes required.
- Psoriatic erythroderma
2. fever, chills, malaise
Plaque psoriasis is the most common form, characterized by 1 scale and underlying 2; they can commonly be on the 3 and is typically 4 and 5, and 10% to 25% are associated with 6. There can also be 7 phenomenon (lesion induced by scratching/trauma)
- silvery scale
- erythema
- elbow
- symmetric
- bilateral
- psoriatic arthritis
- Koener phenomenon
The pathogenesis of plaque psoriasis is the 1 state resulting in excess scale and thick skin, mediated by 2 released by immune cells; they can be triggered by 3 and are more severe in 4 pt, with 20% having 5. There’s a positive correlation with increased 6 with prevalence and severity. Pt with psoriasis may also be at increased risk for 7.
- hyperkeratinic
- cytokines
- preceding strp pharyngitis infection
- psoriatic arthritis
- Cardiovascular disease
Psoriasis can be triggered by medications such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- beta blockers
- lithium
- antimalarial
- corticosteroids
1/3 of psoriasis pt have positive __ history
Behavioral risk factors for psoriasis include __ and __
smoking and alcohol
Nail psoriasis is linked with 1 and can be 2, which shows as punctate depression of nail plate surface, 3, which is the separation of nail plate from nail bed, 4, and 5.
- psoriatic arthritis
- pitting
- oncholysis
- subungual hyperkeratosis
- trachyonoychia
Psoriatic arthritis occurs in __ of ptn with psoriasis and is not related to __ of psoriasis. There are five clinical patterns, most common ones being __ and __
- 10 to 25%
- severity
- oligoarthritis
- tenosynovitis
For psoriasis <5% BSA (localized), 1 is the best treatment, and it is much better with 2 which allows for better penetration
- topical
2. occlusion