PRPG Fundamental Principles Flashcards
What are the 5 fundamental principles of the PRPG?
Professional competence and due care
Professional behaviour
What does integrity refer to?
To be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships
What does objectivity refer to?
To not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence of others to override professional or business judgements
What does professional competence and due care refer to?
To maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required e.g keep up to date on legislation and techniques, act diligently and in accordance with technical and professional standards
What does confidentiality refer to?
To respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships, not to disclose info without proper authority unless there is a legal or professional right/duty to disclose.
Nor to use the info for personal advantage
What does professional behaviour refer to?
To comply with relevant laws and regulations and avoid any action that discredits the profession
What is a member?
A member of the CIOT or ATT including students and ADIT affiliates
What is a member in practice?
A member (including students) who provides taxation services on a full-time or part-time basis as a sole practitioner, a partner in a partnership, a member of an LLP or proprietor of an unincorporated body, or a director of or an employee of a company providing taxation services in which they have a financial interest which represents 5% or more the equity capital
What does PRPG stand for?
Professional rules and practice guidelines
Who is not bound by the Professional Rules and Practice Guidelines?
Fellows of ACA, members of HMRC
What duty does a member have to their clients?
A duty to act with reasonable care and skill, honesty, impartiality, integrity and professionalism
In the event that a member in practice outside the UK encounters a conflict between the PRPG and the law of the country where they are practising, that member should…
Comply with local laws first
Who does the tax disciplinary board operate independently of?
The CIOT and ATT
What is the relationship between the tax disciplinary board and the tax disciplinary scheme?
The TDB manages the tax disciplinary scheme
What is a member’s duty to the CIOT/ATT?
To not act in such a way to bring the CIOT/ATT into disrepute, or in any way which would harm the reputation or standing of the CIOT/ATT
Besides the CIOT/ATT, who else does a member have duties and obligations to?
Other regulators and professional bodies e.g HMRC or the Financial Reporting Council
Which principle does the following statement relate to? “A member must not engage in or be party (directly or indirectly) to any illegal activity?
Which principle does the following statement relate to? “A member should be courteous and considerate towards all with whom they come into contact in the course of their professional work?”
Professional behaviour
True or false, you do not owe a duty of confidentiality until a letter of engagement is in place?
What are two examples of situations that could potentially threaten client confidentiality?
A tax advisor in sole practice needing a second opinion from another member
A tax adviser disclosing an error to HRMC (that was made by HMRC) which generated a large tax repayment to a client
A member must provide such information as is reasonably requested by the CIOT and ATT within what timeframe?
Without unreasonable delay
What are three examples where a member but notify the CIOT?
- Being charged with assault
- If disciplinary action is upheld against him
- If a bankrupcy order has been made against him
Which principle does a member’s technical knowledge refer to?
Professional competence and due care
What happens if a member notifies the ATT or CIOT of bankruptcy?
Their professional body will consider whether their membership should continue
What does a member’s duty of care cover?
Honorary work, pro bono work, work for family, friends and charity organisations
What is honorary work?
A formal honorary post for charities, amateur organisations and other ‘not for profit’ organisations