Protozoans packet Flashcards
what are the different types of phylum?
amoebas ciliates flagellates/hemoglagellates apicomplexa dinoflagellates
what are some non-pathogen amoebas?
Amoeba proteus
Entamoeba gingivalis
Entamoeba coli
Radiolaria and Foraminifera
what are some pathogen amoebas?
Entamoeba histolytica
Iodamoeba butschlii
Endolimax nana
Naegleria fowleri
what makes an amoeba a pathogen or a non-pathogen?
non-pathogen amoeba don’t have any RBC
which amoeba could you find near oil?
Radiolaria and Foraminifera
which amoeba is a commensal in mouth?
Entamoeba gingivalis
-no effect on human
which amoeba is a mutualist in colon?
Entamoeba coli
-benefits colon: human makes vit. B complex, vit. K
what is the structure of ciliates?
oval or pear-shaped
what is the locomotion of ciliates?
which phylum is the most structurally advanced?
what is ciliates asexual reproduction?
fission- mitosis
what is ciliates sexual reproduction?
conjugation- mitosis and meiosis
what are examples of a non-pathogen ciliate?
Paramecium caudatum
what are examples of a pathogen ciliate?
Balantidium coli
what does a pellicle do in a ciliate?
prevents osmotic shock