protozoan parasites lab tite Flashcards
Trophozoites of entamoeba histolytica have the following chartacteristics?
-Small delicate nuclear karyosomal chromatin
- fine peripheral chromatin
- progressive motility with hyaline, fingerlike pseudopods
Adherence to the intestinal mucosa of G. Lamblia is achieved by the
Ventral sucking disc
The largest protozoan that infects humans
Balantidium Coli
what makes the Trophozoite of Balantidium coli. distinct
Merong Cilia lods
The commensal has a pear-shaped trophozoite with three anterior flagella, a nucleus and a prominent shepherd’s crook-like cytostome
chilomastix mesnili
specimen used routinely in the detection of T. vaginalis
Vaginal discharge/peripheral discharge
Fresh specimens are mandatory for the recovery of
motile trophozoites
formed stool
protozoan cyst and helminth egg
If stool is standing for longer than 30 min
Trophozoite will lose motility and get destroye3d
which of the following is not useful for direct fecal smear analysis?
Gram’s iodine
which of the following is useful for direct fecal smear analysis?
-1. NSS
-2. Lugol’s iodine/ Nair’s buffered methylene blue pwedeng substitute
Nair’s buffered methylene blue is good for?
Phylum amoebazoa (7)
- Entamoeba histolytica
- E. Coli
- E. Hartmanni
- Iodamoeba butschlii
- Endolimax nana
- Naegleria fowleri
- Acanthamoeba spp.
Phylum metamonada (5)
- Giardia lamblia
- Dientamoeba fragilis
- Chilomastix mesnili
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- T. tenax
Kingdom protozoa (5)
- Phylum amoebazoa
- Phylum metamonada
- Phylum euglenozoa
- Phylum ciliophora
- Phylum apicomplexa
Phylum euglenozoa (2)
- Leishmania spp.
- Trypanosomes
Phylum ciliophora
- Balantidium coli
Phylum apicomplexa
- Babesia
- Plasmodium spp.
- Toxoplasma gondii
Characterized by the presence of hyaline foot-like extrusions from the ectoplasm
sa loob ng nucleus ano yung nandon mukha daw mata.
Important in distinguishing what specie of parasite? contains chromatin
2 sides of cytoplasm
endoplasm and ectoplasm
what structure of the amoeba is generally considered with the motility of the parasite?
Consists of organelle, nutrients, glycogen, very refractile, metabolic processes
All amoeba are intestine dwellers except
E. Gingivalis
All are commensals except:
E. histolytica
Cysts is the infective stage except:
E. gingivalis (meron lang trophozoite form to)
From phylum Sacomastigophora (old) ano na tawag?
phylum amoebozoa
4 stages in the life cycle of amoeba
- Trophozoite
- pre-cystic stage
- Cystic stage
- metacystic stage
process when trophozoite transforms into a cyst
process when a cyst transforms into a trophozoite
uninucleated that organism that starts to become a cyst
pre-cystic stage
infective stage of parasite, non feeding forms, resistant, non-motile
cystic stage
cyst is starting to become a trophozoite
metacystic stage
feeding form, labile, motile, active, only recovered in fresh sample
in cyst what can you seE?
chromatid bodies, nucleus, karyosome, and glycogen
nutrient source ng cyst, food reserve
chromatid bodies
function ng cyst?
anong source ng amoeba ang probably nagcacause ng infection?
matured cyst
- Common in people who live in tropical areas with poor sanitary conditions
- most pathogenic amoeba; true pathogen
- habitat large intestine
- infective stage - cyst =tetra quadrinucleated” (mature)
- virulent stage - trophozoite (feeding)
- name means “tissue lysis” it releases lectin, amoebapores, cystene proteanases
- causes lysis or necrosis
- Final host - man
- mode of transmission: ingestion of mature cyst
Entamoeba histolytica
chromatoidal bar of cyst
cigar shape, sausage shape, road shape, coffin shape, with rounded ends
purpose of chromatoidal bar?
food storage/source of nutrients
with the presence of red blood cells you already know that the parasite under the microscope is?
would show a progressive aggresive rapid movement of hyaline pseudopodia
unstained smear
What kills motility?
E histolytica diagnosis (5)
- direct fecal smear
- concentration technique
- culture media
- stains
- serological tests
Concentration techniques enumerate all
- MIFCT (merthiolate iodine formaldehyde ct)
- Floatation technique (zinc sulfate or brine floatation technique.
principle of concentration techniques
used for the recovery of cyst
chick embryo
used as a culture media
lugols iodine and
permanent stain
- iron hematoxylin
- trichrome stain
- best carmine
Serological test
E- histolytica vs kamukha. what serological test use
mga kamukha ng e histolytica
E. dispar
E. moshkovskii
small race of e histolytica
E. histolytica treatment?
- Metronidazole
- diloxanide furoate
For tissue infection caused by E. histolytica (trophozoid)
for asymptomatic cyst passers
Diloxanide furoate
Entamoeba coli
iba sa escherichia coli
can be got in contaminated water or food
entamoeba coli
entamoeba coli
witch broom shape/splinter shape yung chromatoidal body
entamoeba coli cyst
entamoeba coli trophozoite
dirty looking, granular cystoplasm usually vacuolated, contains debris.
pag sa practical exam tapos maliit tapos di makita ano sagot!
endolimax nana
protozoans characterized by the presence of whiplike locomotory organ
Flagellates with no cyst stage
- trichomonas vaginalis
- trichomonas hominis
found on surface or in soil food or water
- foul smelling diarrhea with increased amount of fat and mucus but no blood
- sexually transmitted disease (anal sex)
- binary fission
- duodenum ang bahay niya. “crypts” of duodenum
- first portion of the small intestine
giardia duodenalis/Giardia lamblia/Giardia intestinalis.
dami niyang names fuck man
cell detatching factor
pinag slough off
pathogenesis of G.duodenalis
uses cell detatching factor
- to lose intercellular junction,
- cytoskeleton rearrangement
- cell barrier dysfunction
pathophysiological mechanisms
- diarrhea
- malabsorption
- electrolyte imbalance
G. duodenalis nuclei cyst
4 mature
2-4 (baby)
motility of G. duodenalis (trophozoites)
falling leaf motility
Trophozoites mukhang
old man’s eye w/glasses appearance
use of 2 axostyle, 2 axonemes
for support and movement
made of microtubules
use of median bodies
for energy
4 pairs, so 8 flagellas
merong 2 pairs lateral
1 pair ventral
1 pair cardal
traveler’s diarrhea, gay bowel syndrome
- epigastric pain, flatulence, fat malabsorption
Entero-test is also called
string test
- tropgozoite and cyst,
- 1 or 2 nuclei
- nuclear membrane as no peripheral chromatin
- karyosome: 4-6 discrete granules
Dientamoeba fragilis
u can see very distinct in dientamoeba fragilis
inner and outer cysts wall.
mode of transmission of dientamoeba fragilis
fecal-oral route
- may be conveyed in helminth eggs
ex. ascaris eggs, enterobius eggs
can trophozoites survive in mucus?
no cystic stage, no true cell wall, no cyst
trichomonas vaginalis
motility of trichomonas vaginalis
non directional, jerky tumbling motility
undulating membrane
allows parasite to move in water.
releases proteinases. can lysis rbc and tissues
- 4.5 ph
trichomonas vaginalis
chilomastix mesnili (safety pin)
boring cork screw motility
Only pathogenic ciliate and the largest of the protozoan that parsitize humans
balantidium coli
E. polecki
common cause of infection on pigs
balantidium coli
definitive host of balantidium coli and ano ung accidental
pigs ang definitive and accidental ung humans
anus at labasan ng dumi ng balantidium coli
mouth ng balantidium coli
for reproduction
vegetative function