paragaytology Flashcards
2 ways animals can obtain food at expense of other animals
Predation, Scavenging
Difference of predation from scavenging
Predation - pumapatay ng hayop tapos kain
scavenging - kumakain na ng patay na hayop kadiri
“Living together”. Refers to association of two species for food and shelter.
“eating at the same table”. beneficial for one and at least not disadvantageous to other.
3 types of symbiosis
Commensalism, Mutualism, parasitism,
Specialized type of symbiosis where organisms are beneficial to each other.
1 animal lives at the expense of the host.
What is medical parasitology
a branch of biology that is focused on the animal parasites of humans and their medical significance and public health impact.
An organism that depends
an organism that provides shelter and norusishment
Types of host
Definitive or final host, intermediate host, paratenic host, reservoir host.
Harbors the adult or sexually mature stage of parasite
Definitive or final host
definitive host for lymphatic filarial worms that cause elephantiasis and trypanosomes that cause african trypanosomiasis
The defiinitive host for plasmodium spp. that causes malaria.
Anopheles mosquito
Harbors the larval stages or asexual forms of the parasites
Intermediate host
harbors the early larval stage of the parasites
first intermediate host
what is an intermediate host of all the trematodes
Blood feeding arthropods intermediate hosts?
Mosquitos, tsese flies, sandflies, triatomid bugs
a blood feeding arthropod
used to describe a vector which assist in the transfer of a prasitic form between hosts but is not essential in the life cycle of parasite
mechanical vector
does parasitic development occur in the vector?
no idiot!
example of a mechanical vector
a fly that transfers amoebic cysts from infected feces to food/drink that is consumed by humans
what is a non arthropods mechanical vector called?
transport or paratenic host
in such host, a parasite remains viable but does not develop.
transport or paratenic host
harbors the infective larval stage of the parasite.
Example: snail, fish, vegetable, crabs, ants
Second intermediate host
harbors the parasite in an underdeveloped or in arrested state of development
Paratenic host
Alternative host to a parasite that is harbored normally by humans
Resorvoir host
host the continues life cycle of the parasite and acts as an additional source of infection
resorvoir host
pigs are known resorvoir host of
balantidium coli
when normal host is an animal pero nakaabot sa human,
- Leishmaniasis
- south american trypanosomiasis
- african trypanosomiasis
- schistosomiasis (S. japonicum)
- trichinellosis
- echinococcosis.
Organisms that depend on the host for survival
Types of parasites
- Obligate parasite
- Facultative
- Temporary parasite
- intermittent parasite
Organism cannot survive in any other manner in the absence of a host
Obligate parasite
Organism may exist in a free-living state or as a commensal, but if there is oppurtunity may become parasitic
Obligatory at one or more stages of their life cycle but free livings at others.
Temporary parasite
Small organisms, such as mosquitoes which must periodically seek out other and larger forms on which to nourish themselves.
Intermittent parasite
These are parasites that visit their host during feeding time.
Intermittent parasite
Parasites living within the host
Parasites found on the surface of the body
is due to increased resistance to the enzymatic activities of the host
preadaptive changes
only group of protozoans that contain nothing but parasitic forms:
Phylum apicomplexa and microsporidia
most of the free living turbellarian flatworms are provided with what at adult stage.
wala to nalimutan q tamang answer
parasitic specialized attatchment organs of parasitic flatowmrs
most of these species barely attain naked-eye visibility as adults
Loss of certain metabolic pathways common to free-living organisms.
in its cercarial stage has penetration glands which produce enzyme capable of digesting the skin
blood fluke (schistosoma)
during its embryonic stage prior to developing into a cysticeroid larva, penetrates an intestinal villus with the help of the six hooklets it bears
hymenolepis nana
Giant intestinal fluke - may produce local severe local damage to intestinal wall by means of its powerful suckers.
Fasciolapis buski
Erodes the intestinal wall, destroying the tissues locally by means of a proteolytic enzyme
Entamoeba histolytica
pathogenic species of of malarial parasite
Plasmodium falciparum
Invade and multiply in red blood cells, which are destroyed in the process. may attach to the walls of smaller blood vessels in the brain, causing localized ischemia
Plasmodium falciparum
by virtue of their size may damage the host in other ways impossible for smaller parasites
giant intestinal roundworm. May perforate the bowel wall, cause intestinal obstruction if present in large numbers and ectopically may invade the appendix, bile duct, and other organs
Ascaris lumbricoides
Parasites that exert their effects by depriving the host of essential substances.
give mo yung example ng mga kumukuha ng iron and anong sakit pwede makuha there
Human hookworkms :
- ancylostoma duodenale
- necator americanus
may cause microcytic hypochromic anemia
Broad fish tapeworm
Dibothriocephalus latus
Dibothriocephalus latus old name
Diphyllobothrium latum.
Selectively removes B12 from the alimentary tract, producing a megaloblastic anemia in some infected persons
Dibothriocephalus latus
having sickle cell anemia creates increased resistance to what?
Plasmodium falciparum infection
Duffy null phenotype demonstrates resistance to whaT?
Plasmodium vivax infection
high protein diet is unfavorable for the development of
many intestinal protozoans
a low protein diet favors
appearance of symptoms of amoebiasis
a rich carbohydrate favors the development of certain
primary infection with leishmania seems to give you a degree of immunity to reinfection or not?
it gives xd
In encysting protozoans, their infective stage is called?
Non-encysting protozoan, their infective stage is called?
Infective stage is called the embryonated egg
egg laying nematodes