Protozoal infections - Coccidia, Toxoplasma, Giardia, Amoeba Flashcards
What is giardia? Appearance? Lifecycle
- Flagellate protozoan
- Pear shaped 15um long
- Attaches to small intestine with sucker but does not invade -> not bloody diarrhoea
- Produces a small 4 nucleus cyst (expelled in stool)
Giardia incubation? Who has high risk?
7-10 days (occasionally months)
Giardia Rx completed and test negative but ongoing diarrhoea probably due to?
Lactose intolerance
Giardia dx?
- Stool microscopy for Characteristic small 4 nuclei cyst (may require 3 samples)
- Also now ELISA / EIA and point of care tests
String test is used for? How does jt work
Giardia / stronglyotides
- Patient shallows some string which is attached to cheek with gelatin on end. Left overnight and then examined for trophozoites
Giardia small bowel biopsy?
Villlous flattening, crypt deepening and inflam infiltrate in lamina propria
Giardia rx? 2nd line (especially in HIV)
[Metronidazole / albendazole ]
Prevention giardia
Boil water, sedimentation, flocculation
Prevention giardia
Boil or filter water, chlorination, flocculation, sedimentation
Main protective factor against giardia
Amoeba most common presentation? Geography
- Dysentery
- Then liver abscess
[Only 4-10% of infected with E histolytica develop sx]
Found throughout tropics
Entamoeba which one causes issues? Which is much more common but doesn’t cause significant disease?
- E Histolytica
- E dispar - more common
- Issue is that both cysts look the same on microscopy but no need to treat dispar
Confirm dx of amoebic dysentery? Stain? Differentiate from dispar?
- Amoebic trophozoites containing ingested RBCs in a fresh Stool sample
- Should be within 15 minutes of sample
-iron haematoxylin / trichrome stain
Non-virulent Eg E Dispar would not have ingested RBCs
E histolytica life cycle
- Four-nucleated cyst ingested following consumption of contaminated food / water
- -> digested by gut releasing 8 trophozoites which continue to replicate through fission
- Produce cysts which are excreted in stool and can survive weeks in water
Incubation of amoeba?
Few days to several years
Most common location amoebic abscess? What’s often seen on CXR? LFTs
- Single one in right lobe of liver in 70%
- Raised right hemidiaphragm or effusion (communication with abscess)
- LFTs often unremarkable bar raised ALP
Stool microscopy makes mainstay of dx for Amoeba in resource poor settings - what about in richer? GOld standard?
[Egg microscopy]
- ELISA Stool antigen testing - most common
- PCR - gold standard
-Serum IgG - does not differentiate from past infection - Enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
What does amoebic colitis look like on endoscopy?
- Mimicks IBD with ulcers
- Can take biopsies of these if other tests inconclusive
Amoeba rx?
Metronidazole for 5-10 days or single dose tinidazole (2g)
Followed by a course of luminal amoebicides to eradicate cysts
- Eg diloxanide furoate, paromomycin, iodoquinol
Prevention amobea
- Improved hygiene/ sanitation and clean drinking water
- Boil / peel / cook food and water
amoebic cysts resistant to?
Sensitive to iodine
How many people infected with amoeba develop the disease when infected?
4-10% in first year
Describe entamoeba
Non-flagellate protozoan
2 Main parts of life cycle entamoeba
Noninvasive, infective cysts
Invasive trophozoite
Which receptor allows amoeba to attach to the intestinal mucosa
Galactose lectin
[Can test for this]
amoebic colitis usual incubation? sx? risk of progression to?
sx after 1-2 weeks and lasts 4-6 weeks
The pain is usually the worst LLQ
Bloody diarrhoea
Risk of fulminant colitis/NEC/Megacolon in risk groups (Immunosupressed, malnourished, pregnant)
Mass in caecum in amoeba is?
Ameoboma- inflammatory reaction in cecum
Ameoboma differentials
Intestinal TB, typhoid fever, appendiceal mass and colonic cancer
72 yo with AML
Hx of chronic diarrhea
develops bloody diarrhea
on day 12 of chemotherapy
multiple ulcers plus a
4cm mass in the ascending
colon =
Which LFT most derranged in amebic liver abcess
Women or men more likely to have an amebic liver abscess
Men make up 90%
25 yo male from Lima
Hx: 3 week history of fever,
weight loss, RUQ pain
no diarrhea
PE: T 39C, pulse 120
chronically ill, pale
no jaundice, tenderness
over RUQ
Labs: mild anemia, leukocytosis
elevated alkaline phosphatase
Amebic liver abscess
2 complications of amebic liver abscess spread
Where do you get cutaneous amoeba histolytica lesions? Due to? What does it look like?
ano-genital, perianal region
▪ direct inoculation from cysts in the stools
▪ well-demarcated, round-oval ulcer
with heaped-up borders
Only way to diagnose ameoboma
Colonoscopy + biopsy
Ix gold standard for amebic liver abscess
PCR + imaging (US fine)
Positive amoeba but no dystentery or liver abscess Rx
Luminal agent - paromomycin,
[ diloxanide furoate, iodoquinol]
Appearance of aspirate from amoebic abscess
‘anchovy paste’
Name 3 situations you would perform diagnostic tap amebic abscess
-Left lobe - risk of pericardial spread
-Not responding to medical therapy
-Unclear diagnosis ?pyogenic
▪ 18 yo female from rural Trujillo
▪ 3 week history of diarrhea
▪ admitted with acute abdomen and sepsis
▪ multiple colonic perforations?
What is it?
Usual host?
-Balantidium coli is the largest intestinal protozoan of humans and the only ciliate
[Massive oval with fluffy edge kidney-shaped nuclei]
-Pigs usual hosts (humans accidental)
-trophozoites in a fresh stool sample or in scrapings from a colonic ulcer
Tetracycline or Metronidazole
-one to four nuclei identical to that of trophozoites
Abscess in right lobe of liver + dysentery and now this on colonoscopy
Amoebic colitis
multiple flask-shaped ulcers; extensive areas of hemorrhage and necrosis
Cryptosporidium which type for humans? Animals and humans? Life cycle.
- C hominis
- C parvum
Feacal oral - oocyst releases 4 sporozoites which invades epithelium
- Can either produce thin-walled oocysts which auto-infect same host. Or thick walled which are excreted
Cryptosporidiosis dx? Stain that can be used?
Acid fast oocysts in faeces/ luminal aspirate using kinyoun acid fast stain
[I was fucKinyoun when I had it]
Most have PCR assays now
Unusual finding of eosinophilia in which protozoan infection? Rx?
cystoisospora infection
[CystoEYEsospora - egg looks like eye and has Eosinopholia]
Cryptosporidiosis rx?
- Usually self limiting
- Nitazoxide
Cyclospora rx?
[or cipro]
2 main stages of protazoa? Which are infective? which are feeding?
Trophozoite : feeding/vegetative stage. May cause damage
Cyst: non replicative, resistance stage. Spherical shape. Infective stage
Compare nucleus of histolytica vs dispar vs E coli
Compare Chromatid bars of histolytica vs dispar vs E coli
Histolytica and dispar - the blunt bois
Entamoeba histolytica Life cycle
Infective vs diagnostic stage
Infective stage : mature cyst.
Diagnostic stage : cysts, trophozoites.
Dispar / histolytica
Histolytica trophozoite
Hitolytica / dispar trophozoite
even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome
ingested RBCs - E. histolytica nucleus (1),
even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome
Ingested RBCs - E. histolytica nucleus (1),
even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome
Ingested RBCs - E. histolytica nucleus (1),
even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome
ingested RBCs - E. histolytica nucleus (1),
even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome
E. histolytica / E. dispar - Pre cyst
nucleus (1), even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome,
chromatid bars ( blunt ends
E. histolytica / E. dispar - Pre cyst
nucleus (1), even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome,
chromatid bars ( blunt ends
E. histolytica / E. dispar - Pre cyst
nucleus (1), even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome,
chromatid bars ( blunt ends
E. histolytica / E. dispar - Premature cyst
nuclei (2-3), even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome ,
chromatoidal bars ( blunt ends)
E. histolytica / E. dispar - Premature cyst
nuclei (2-3), even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome ,
chromatoidal bars ( blunt ends)
E. histolytica / E. dispar - Premature cyst
nuclei - 4, even peripheral chromatin , central karyosome ,
chromatoidal bars ( blunt ends
Entamoeba coli - Trophozoite
nucleus (1), uneven peripheral chromatin ,
Entamoeba coli - Trophozoite
nucleus (1), uneven peripheral chromatin ,
Entamoeba coli - Trophozoite
nucleus (1), uneven peripheral chromatin ,
Entamoeba coli - Imature cyst
central vacuole , nuclei (1-7, usually~2 )
Entamoeba coli - Imature cyst
central vacuole , nuclei (1 7, usually~2 )
Entamoeba coli - Mature cyst
nuclei 8 , rarely 16,
uneven peripheral chromatin
chromatoidal bars ( sharp ends)
Entamoeba coli - Mature cyst
nuclei 8 , rarely 16,
uneven peripheral chromatin
chromatoidal bars ( sharp ends)
Entamoeba coli - Mature cyst
nuclei 8 , rarely 16,
uneven peripheral chromatin
chromatoidal bars ( sharp ends)
Entamoeba coli - Trophozoite vs immature vs Mature cyst number of nuclei
Trop - 1
Immature - 2 (1-7)
Mature 8 (or 16)
Giardia Trophozoite
Giardia Cyst
Giardia cyst
Giardia cyst
Endolimax nana
[Looks like a little di]
Iodamoeba butschlii
[Od shape]
Iodamoeba butschlii
[Od shape]
Chilomastix mesnili
[Chilled to the max ‘dont make a mess’ lemonade]
Chilomastix mesnili
[Chilled lemonade]
Blastocystis hominis - Central vacuole - peripheral nuclei
(nuclei blasted to edge)
Blastocystis hominis- Central vacuole - peripheral nuclei
(nuclei blasted to edge)
Balantidium coli Trophozoite
kidney shaped micronucleus,
Cilia - fast moving
Balantioides coli Trophozoite
kidney shaped micronucleus,
Cilia - fast moving
Balantioides coli cyst
kidney shaped nucleus
What are the 3 free-living amoeba that can cause meningitis in humans
naegleria fowleri
Balamuthia mandrillaris
Which amoeba causes acute Haemorrhagic Meningitis? How does it get to brain?
naegleria fowleri - via olfactory nerve
Which ameoba sometimes produces cutaneous granulomatous lesions but may involve CNS with chronic granulomatous encephalitis (similar to chronic meningitis)? Spread to CNS
Haematogenous (from lungs)
2 ameba which cause granulomatous amebic encephalitis
Acanthamoeba spp.
Balamuthia mandrillaris
cause of severe keratitis among contact lens wearers? Rx?
Cause of acute, and usually lethal, central nervous system (CNS) disease called primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM).
Naegleria fowleri
-penetrating the nasal mucosa, usually during swimming and travels up olfactory nerves
5 days after swimming -> severe CNS dysfunction with rapid degeneration caused by hemorrhagic-necrotizing meningoencephalitis.
Naegleria fowleri:
Naegleria fowleri - trophozoite
large single nucleus with large and densekaryosome, no peripheral chromatin, granular cytoplasm with many vacuoles
Naegleria fowleri - trophozoite
[nae good, fowl bug]
large single nucleus with large and densekaryosome, no peripheral chromatin, granular cytoplasm with many vacuoles
Granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) / Keratitis =? Infective vs diagnostic stage?
Acanthamoeba spp.
Infective stage: trophozoites
Diagnostic stage: trophozoites, cysts.
Acanthamoeba spp. - Trophozoite
spine-like pseudopodia, single nucleus with large karyosome, vacuoles
Acanthamoeba spp. - Trophozoite
spine-like pseudopodia, single nucleus with large karyosome, vacuoles
Acanthamoeba - cyst
double wall (exocyst and endocyst), single nucleus
Acanthamoeba - cyst
double wall (exocyst and endocyst), single nucleus
Acanthamoeba - cyst
double wall (exocyst and endocyst), single nucleus
Cause of Granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) + lesions on nose?
Infective vs diagnostic stage?
Balamuthia mandrillaris
Infective stage: trophozoites
Diagnostic stage: trophozoites, cysts
Balamuthia mandrillaris - trophozoite
pleomorphic, long/slender pseudopodia (broader than Acanthamoeba), large single nucleus.
Balamuthia mandrillaris - trophozoite
pleomorphic, long/slender pseudopodia (broader than Acanthamoeba), large single nucleus.
Balamuthia mandrillaris - cyst
3 layered wall , single nucleus
Balamuthia mandrillaris - cyst
3 layered wall, single nucleus
a 2-week medical mission trip to a village in Honduras. One week after returning, she developed bloating, epigastric discomfort, and diarrhea. The diarrhea consisted of watery and soft stools that are foul smelling.
Name 4 protozoa that it might be and their Rx
Giardia lamblia – metronidazole
Cryptosporidium – Nitazoxanide
Cystoisospora belli - co-trimoxazole
Cyclospora cayetanensis – Co-trimoxazole
Metronidazole side effects
-GI upset, metallic taste
-Avoid alcohol
-chronic use -> peripheral neuropathy
Name 3 uses of Nitazoxanide
cryptosporidium, giardia, backup for Fasciola herpetica
Pt had amoeba histolytica - treated with single dose of 1 drug - what was it? Why did they relapse
Need to treat with luminal agent as well eg . paromomycin
Cystoisospora belli
1 oval oocyst with 1 or 2 sporoblasts (no sporozoites inside).
Cystoisospora belli
1 oval oocyst with 1 or 2 sporoblasts (no sporozoites inside).
Cystoispora belli infective vs diagnostic stage
Infective stage: mature oocysts with sporozoites.
Diagnostic stage: immature oocysts in feces.
What is this? which stain?
Cystoisospora belli
Ziehl-Neelsen / Kinyoun
Cyclospora cayetanensis infective vs diagnostic
Infective stage: mature oocysts with sporozoites.
Diagnostic stage: immature oocysts in feces.
Cyclospora cayetanensis key implicated food
[basil / cilantro]
Cyclospora cayetanensis
1 round oocyst (no sporozoites inside), thick wall, dark granules.
What protozoa has acid fast variability
Cyclospora cayetanensis
kinyoun stain used
Cryptosporidium infective vs diagnostic
Both are mature oocysts with sporozoites
Its the only one that does autoinfection
Cryptosporidium trophozoite - on outside of gut vili
2 types of cryptosporidium oocyst
Thick-walled mature oocysts (80%)
-Survive in outside
Thin-walled mature oocysts (20%)
Internal autoinfection (not recovered from stools).
1 round oocyst with 4 sporozoites, dark granules.
Ziehl-Neelsen / Kinyoun
Cryptosporidium vs Cyclospora vs Cystoisospora
Which one has a mature cyst as diagnostic stage?
Which can auto-reinfect?
Which common cause of travellers diarrhoea?
Which causes eosinophilia?
Cystoisospora - Eye shaped + E for eosinophilia
2 key species of Cryptosporidium
Cryptosporidium hominis
Cryptosporidium parvum
Cryptosporidium survives in domestic water in low income countries why?
Resistant to chlorination
Long term impact of childhood diarrhoea
Early childhood diarrhea with:
-decreased fitness (aged 6-9) and
-Cognitive impairment (ages 6-10)
Effects likely primarily due to stunting
Cryptosporidium Dx?
Routine stool exam
AFB stains
Ag detection
Multiplex molecular
Name 3 things Nitazoxanide works for
Entamoeba , Giardia
helminths (also bacteria)
27 yo F with 4 wks of watery diarrhea,
>5x per day. No mucus, blood
Also, fatigue, nausea, anorexia, cramps, bloating sensation
Travelling around Nepal for 4 mo
Antibiotics, metronidazole no response
-Eggs 9um
Key countries
Cyclospora cayetanensis
Highly endemic in Peru, Haiti, Nepal
Cyclospora cayetanensis showing acid-fast variability
Chronic watery diarrhoea, mild eosinophilia ? rx?
Cystoisospora belli
Rx A/b/c
Cryptosporidium - Rx nitazoxanide
Cyclospora - co-trimox
Cystoisospora - co-trimox
Name 1 microsporidia species
Enterocytozoon bieneusi - diarrhoea + biliary in AIDs
Encephalitozoon intestinalis - Diarrhoea in AIDs
E. hellem -Systemic infection
E Tachypleistophora - Myositis
E Nosema Keratoconjunctivitis
AIDs with Diarrhoea, wasting, keratoconjunctivitis and myositis
Toxoplasma full name? Infective vs diagnostic stage?
Toxoplasma gondii
Infective stage: bradyzoites, mature
oocysts with sporozoites, tachyzoites.
Diagnostic stage: tissue cysts with
bradyzoites (biopsy), tachyzoites
Toxoplasma life cycle? Name 3 methods of infection and the form
Undercooked meat Tissue cysts with bradyzoites
Organ transplantation (tissue cysts with bradyzoites)
Contaminated food/water with cat feces
(Mature oocysts)
Blood transfusion (Tachyzoites)
Transplacentary (Tachyzoites)
Toxoplasma gondii (Tachyzoite
Crescent shaped with a prominent nucleus
Toxoplasma gondii (Bradyzoite)
Spherical in brain (may be elongated in muscle)
Name the parts of toxoplasma here
A - tachyzoite
B - pseudocyst
c- tissue cyst
D/E - sporulated oocyst
2 most common presentations of toxoplasma gondii
*Lymphadenopathy and “Mononucleosis like”
Toxoplasma gondii
Toxoplasma gondii
AIDs. Most likely?
Toxoplasma gondii
Key side effects of Pyrimethamine + Sulfadiazine? How to reduce?
Anaemia (35%)
Leukopenia (15%)
Thrombocytopenia (5%)
Add folic acid
Toxoplasma Ix?
Serology - IgM
Prevention of fetal toxoplasmosis when mum is positive Eg IgM?
Diagnosis and Treatment of confirmed congenital toxoplasma
Amniotic fluid PCR
-US aslso used
Diagnosis and Treatment of confirmed congenital toxoplasma
Amniotic fluid PCR
-US also used