Hepatitis, Pneumonia Flashcards
Common infections which may lead to varicies
Hep A incubation? Phases of illness? Kids?
Incubation period: 2-6 weeks
Prodromal Phase: ~7d
*Fever, malaise
*Anorexia, nausea, vomiting
*Abdominal pain
Icteric Phase:
*Jaundice, scleral icterus (40-70%)
*Dark urine, pale stools
Children: no or few symptoms.
HepB who receives rx? drug choice?
Treat if Cirrhosis (fibroscan or APRI score >2)
OR >30 years with abnormal ALT and viral load >20k
Tenofovir + entecavir
Just entecavir in age 1-10
[kids 10 or less don’t get TENofovir - same as HIV]
Oral options for HepB rx ? usual regime for HIV and HepB in rich countries
Tenofovir, Lamivudine and entecavir
Tenofovir + lamivudine + dolutegravir
What is in the vaccines for hepB
Worlds biggest iatrogenic epidemic of BBV was ?
Mass treatement with tartar emetic to treat schisto in egypt and yemen
-Used same needles
resulted in around 30% carrier of hep C
HepC rx
Direct acting antivirals
[+ daily oral ribavirin if genotype 1]
Which Hep virus can you get repeatedly ? Geographicly common where?
Hep E
India and central asia
HepE vaccine quality?
Very effective
-Only licenced in china
Key risks for hepatocellular Ca
Alcohol cirrrhosis
Alfatoxin (Aspergillus)
Pneumonia with ‘rusty’ sputum most commonly which bug? staining ?
S pneumo
Gram positive diplococci
Rx pneumonia caused by gram -ve eg klebsiella
Aminoglycoside eg Gent
[taz in rich contries]
Which pneumococcal vaccine best
PCV 20
Cause of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia? Geography? Sx?
Asthma-like disease caused by
-Wuchereria bancrofti or Brugia malayi
- Progresses to granulomatous and eventually fibrosis
India and west Africa
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia ix? Found on Lung function tests?
CXR - diffuse alveolar mottling with 1-2mm nodules
Filarial antigen testing
LFTs - Restrictive [not obstructive]
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia rx?
-Add albendazole if not responding
[or doxy + ivermectin]
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia control
Control of ades mosquito (eg breeding sites)
Causes of pneumonia in kids
Neonate vs <3m vs <5 y vs >5y
Neonates: Group B Srep, Gram -ve bacteria , CMV, Listeria, HSV
3w- 3m : Chlamydia trachomatis , RSV, PIV, S.
pneumoniae , B. pertussis, S. aureus
3m - 5y : viral (RSV, PIV, influenza, adeno, rhino),
[S. pneumoniae , H. influenzae , Mycoplasma,
TB .]
5y - 15y : Mycoplasma, Chlamydia pneumoniae ,
S. pneumoniae , TB
Main causes of severe pneumonia in kids
s pneumo
h influenza
RSV / viral
Key signs of severe CAP in kids
- Lower chest wall indrawing
- Nasal flaring
- Grunting (in young infants)
- Inability to feed
Abx in pneumonia kids mild vs severe? HIV?
Mild / some chest indrawing = amox
Severe / HIV - IV ampicillin + gent
Case. Septic 13 yo with fever and boils on buttocks and difficulty breathing
Multiple alveolar infiltrates with arthritis
Staph aureus
Penicillin resistance in s pneumo by location of bug?
Very high in meningitis ~60% -> use Ceftriaxone
Low in pneumonia - ie can still use amox
Loculated complex pleural effusion - addition in rx to abx + drain
Intrapleural fibrinolytic
Low income countries - how many are immune to HepA by age 10?