Protests, peaceful demonstrations, civil disobedience, riots Flashcards
Under federal, state, and local law, governments are allowed to place reasonable _______, _________, and __________ restrictions on the freedom of speech.
Time , place , manner
A protest encompasses different forms of dissent , varying in degrees of action or disruption. These forms of protest are defined as :____________, _______________,and __________.
Peaceful demonstrations, civil disobedience, riots
An activity involving large numbers of people that requires a permit r is planned and publicized beforehand, including parades, marches, rallies, concerts, religious gatherings, parties, community activities, sporting events, labor disputes, and peaceful demonstrations.
Anticipated Event
An unanticipated or unannounced public gathering where the department did not receive prior notice or have time to preplan a response to address public safety concerns.
Unplanned or spontaneous event
A safety zone maintained by a group of officers which creates distance and space between opposing groups.
Buffer zone
Techniques used to address crowds, including communication with event organizers, a display of police officers, containment , travel and closures, buffer zones, mobile field force tactics, and arrest procedures
Crowd management
A verbal announcement given to the crowd to inform them of the law they are violating and the consequences of such a violation.
Dispersal Order
Field Force Extrication (FFE)
The process of safely removing protestors from protestors devices intentionally used to obstruct the law. This process is completed by utilizing techniques and specialized training by the Homeland Security Saturation Team (HSST)
Dispersal Orders
When confronting a dangerous crowd or a situation where public safety has been compromised, the department will declare it an unlawful assembly and attempt to provide orders to disperse at least _____ times, giving demonstrators time to leave the area
Dispersal orders
If there is an immediate threat of physical harm or death to a person, then _______ order to disperse must be provided.
If there is an immediate threat of harm to property, then only ____ order to disponerse must be provided.
Once an order to disperse is announced, professional ______________ or _______________ must witness the event from a distance outside the area of the dispersal order that does not interfere with police operations.
Members of the media, legal observers
When enforcement action is warranted in protests, __________ are preferred over __________.
Selective arrests , Mass Arrests
Deployment of aerosol irritants will only be used at the direction of the ______ and only after clear warning has been given and when avenues of egress are available to the crowd
For Field force extrications, it is the responsibility of the ____to request _______ to respond,
When subjects refuse to release themselves from these protestor devices, each individual protestor will be advised they _______________ and given ______________to comply before force is used to remove the devices.
Are under arrest, an additional chance