Proteinuria & Hypertension (Marin) Flashcards
ANY level of proteinuria should NOT be ignored, especially if…
the sediment is INACTIVE=np WBCs, no blood, no bacteria
true or false: proteinuria means there is a problem with the kidney
false! it’s sometimes the kidney, but not always!!!!
if protein does get filtered thru the glomerulus (which is shouldnt), how do the tubules react?
lysosomes come along and try to clean it up, and they become little bombs that explode and do lots of damage due to all the enzymes!!!!!
proteinuria usually happens for 5 reasons which are:
- too many small proteins sent to the kidney (example is hemoglobinemia)
- glomerulus is injured and lets protein through (example is PLN)
- tubular injury (aminoglycosides, lilies, grapes)
- result of the lower urinary tract and has no effect on the kidneys
remember SGTCL: single girls take cheese loot
small proteins sent to kidneys
glomerlulus damaged
tubular injury
lower urinary tract issue
proteins going through the glomerulus and into the tubulues is kinda like…
pin ball machine!
one thing you can see under the microscope in the urine that can indicate kidney damage from proteinuria is
hyaline casts
proteinuria is usually split into 3 categories, prerenal, renal, and post renal. list some examples of causes for each category
pre renal: fever, infectious disease, endocrine disease, auto-immune disease like IMHA, pancreatitis, IBD
renal: CKD, glomerular disease, tubular damage
post renal: UTIs, stones, neoplasia, FLUTD, prostatitis (remember the protein is after the kidneys so it doesn’t hurt them)
if pre renal causes of proteinuria are transient and usually resolve, why do we care?
because some persist or cause severe proteinuria and can hurt the kidney
renal causes of proteinuria affect both dogs and cats. Dogs tend to get ____ and cats tend to get____
dogs: glomerulonephritis, amlyoidosis (they lose a LOT of protein)
cats: CKD
can pre-renal proteinuria lead to renal proteinuria? what is an example?
example: cushings dog with 2+ protein before given trilostane, but the proteinuria was never rechecked, and the dog died :(
what are the 2 kinds of protein losing nephropathy aka glomerulonephritis?
secondary: things that cause pre renal but go unchecked and result in renal
which tends to cause more of a severe proteinuria, PLN/GN or CKD?
what is the clinical presentation of proteinuria?
it depends….proteinuria itself is silent, but pre-renal and renal can lead to irreversible damage!!!!
GN dogs often have_______ when diagnosed compared to dogs/cats with CKD who have _____
no clinical signs
signs of kidney disease
true or false: there is no such thing as benign proteinuria
Baron Wigglesworth Barkington III the 5 yo cocker spaniel comes to you for an annual health exam and you run a CBC/chem UA and find 3+ proteinuria. what are your next steps?
rule out pre renal by doing: CBC/chem, UA, urine culture, UPC
then rule out post renal by doing medical imaging
can consider infectious disease testing/immune testing
what are important things to consider when using a urine dipstick?
1-2+ protein in concentrated urine can be normal
false positives are also very possible: alkaline urine, hemoglobin, myoglobin, fever, stress, etc
they…kinda suck