Proteins Flashcards
proteins are the links between
genotype and phenotype
gene expression
- process by which proteins are DNA directs protein synthesis
- two stages: transcription and translation
why can’t proteins be directly translated from DNA
- use of RNA protects DNA and its genetic material
- allows more proteins to be created simultaneously
amino acid
- 20 types
- order determines the protein formed
peptide bond
- bonds between amino acids
- form between the hydrogen and carboxyl groups
- protein composed of one or more long chains
(blanks) provide the instructions to make certain proteins
protein shape determines (blank)
primary structure
- describes order of amino acids
- any of 20 amino acids can appear at a position in the protein
- primary structure for protein antidiuretic hormone (ADH) can be written as Cys-Tyr-Phe-Gln-Asn-Cys-Pro-Arg-Gly
* important to note side groups don’t play a role in peptide strucutre, but do play a role in primary structure
secondary structure
- 3D shape
- results from hydrogen bonding between amino and carboxyl groups of adjacent amino acids
- bonding produces either
spiral (alpha helix): when hydrogen bonds form in a chain
folded plane that looks like pleats on a skirt (beta pleated sheet): parallel chains linked into pleated shape
- protein whose shapes are dominate by two patterns often form fibrous proteins
tertiary structure
- additional 3D shaping
- often dominates structure of globular proteins
- factors that contribute to tertiary
= hydrogen bonding between R groups of amino acids
= iconic bonding between R groups of amino acids
= hydrophobic effect: occurs when sulfur atom in amino acid cysteine bonds to sulfur atom in a nother cysteine (forming cysteine, kind of double amino acid); disulfide bridge helps maintain folds of amino acid chain
quaternary structure
- describes protein that is assembled from two or more separate peptide chains
- ex. globular protein hemoglobin consists of four peptide chains that are held together by hydrogen bonding and interactions among R groups
structural -
1/7 major functions of proteins
keratin in the hair and horns of animals
collagen in connective tissues
silk in spider webs
storage -
2/7 major functions of proteins
holds/collects molecules like calcium and iron
casein in milk
ovalbumin in egg whites
zein in corn seeds
transport -
3/7 major functions of proteins
moves certain small molecules/ions
in membranes of cells that transport materials into and out of cells
oxygen carrying hemoglobin in red blood cells
proton pump