Cell Organelles Flashcards
Plants, Animals, or Both: Both
Function: main component of the cytoplasm, a water based solution where organelles are suspended contents of cell together
Quick Facts:
- the cytosol oftem comprises more than 50% of a cell’s volume
- site of protein synthesis
- home of centrosomes and centrioles

Cell Membrane or Plasma Membrane
Plant, Animals, or Both: Both
Location: a thin outer layer for animal cells and an inner layer right inside the cell wall of plant cells
Function: boundary that protects and supports the cell and allows movement of materials in and out of the cell
Quick Facts:
- made of phosopholipid bilayer ( which include phospholids: a phosphate head and lipids tails)
- the phosphate head is polar and hydrophllic, while the phosphate tails are nonpolar and hydrophobic
- since the interior of the phospholipid bilayer is hydrophobic only very small neutral molecules such as water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

Plants, Animals or Both: Both
Location: tiny, round structures found on the endoplasmic reticulum and throughout the cytoplasm of a cells
Function: makes proteins
Quick Facts:
- created in nucleus
- consists of RNA molecules and proteins
- specifically, ribosomes translate mRNA into proteins

Endoplasmic Reticulum
Plant, Animals, or Both: Both
Location: distributed throughout the cytoplasm of a cell
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER):
Function: responsible for the synthesis and processig of proteins that are either secreted from the cell or the stuck in the plasma/cell membrane
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER):
Function: responsible of lipids (fatty acids) and steriods
Quick Facts:
- insulin is an example of a secreted protein from the rough ER
- the lipids made in the smooth ER are combined with phosphosphorus to create phospholipids.
- the steriods made in the smooth ER, especially cholesterol, main components the the plasma membrane that provide rigidity and structure in the membrnae to keep its general shape.

Plants, Animals, or Both:
Location: round structure located in the cytoplasm
Function: digestion and recycling, phagocytosis: the ingestion of bacteria
Quick Facts:
- small spheres of phospholipds made by the Golgi bodies
- aka clean up crew- sweeps up dead cell parts and waste material


Plants, Animals or Both: Both & all eukaryotic cells
Location: located in the center of the cell
Function: store and protect cell’s genetic material (DNA), assemble ribosome subunits
Quick Facts
- aka the control center of the cell
- contains a nucleolus that holds nucleic acids and proteins
- there are nuclear pores through which the nucleus communicates with the rest of the cell
- chromosomes exist in the nucleus and are organized structres of DNA

Cytoplasm (including cytoskeleton)
Plants, Animals or Both: Both & All eukaryotic cells
Function: a gel-like substance in which all organelles are suspended
cytoskeleton: a protein framework that determines the underlying structure of the cytoplasm
Quick Facts:
- “cyto” means inside the cell

Golgi Bodies
Plants, Animals or Both: Both & in most eukaryotic cells
Location: located in the cytoplasm near the endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus
Function: protein processing- marks protein for secretion in the RER and packages lipids and steriods made in the SER
Quick Facts:
- The golgi bodies are membrane disks called cisternae
- cisternae often buds off and form lysosomes

Plants, Animals or Both: Both & most eukaryotic cells
Location: suspended in the cytoplasm near the Golgi complex
Function: responsible for transporting proteins, lipids, and steriodsl
Quick Facts:
- small spheres of phospholipids made by the Golgi bodies

Plants, Animals or Both: All animals
Location: a small, barrel-shaped tube composed of protein located in the cytoplasm
Function: cell division, cell reproduction, cell growth;
Quick Facts:
- cells with damaging centrioles cannot form functional flagella or cilia, which could lead to death of an organism.

Cell Wall
Plants, Animals or Both: Plants
Location: just outside the plasma membrane
Function: to pride structure and protection to the cells
Quick Facts:
- the cell wall help resist turgor pressure
- plant cell walls have small openings called plasmodesmata which allows cells to communicate with other cells
- plant cell walls are made of cellulose
- fungal cell walls are made of chitin

Plant, Animal or Both: Plant
Location: in the cytoplasm of plant cell
Function: responsible for converting the energy from the sun into chemical energy, usually in the form of glucose; process of photosynthesis
Quick Facts:
- chloroplasts was once a free living bacteria
- many plant and algae cells contain small, green organelles

Flagella & CIlia
- longer than cilia
- primarily responsible for cell movement
- acts more like short hair
- cilia moves back and forth across the outside of the cell ( also responsible for cell movement)