PROTEINS Flashcards
The word protein came from the Greek word _ which means first place. It is the most abundant organic molecule in the human body comprising more than 50% of the cell’s dry mass. It is composed of many amino acids bonded together via the peptide linkage thus providing a diverse range of functions
proteins that function for support, contraction, and movement
proteins that bind and cary substances from one place to another
proteins that enhance the rate of biochemical reaction
proteins that desctroy invading pathogens and substances that can cause disease
proteins that are released into the bloodstream and regulate the physiologic activities of their target cells
proteins that can be used in metabolic reactions that yield energy
energy source
The function of a protein is determined by its __.
The overall three-dimensional shape of protein is known as its
native conformation
The structure of a protein has a maximum of four hierarchical levels
hierarchy of protein structure
the amino acid sequence ofthe protein. this is the sole determinant of its overall shape (Anfinsen’s rule)
primary structure
hierarchy of protein structure
the local folding of protein segment into helical or sheet-like structure
secondary structure
hierarchy of protein structure
the compact three-dimensional structure or native conformaiton of proteins
tertiary structure
hierarchy of protein structure
involves the itneraction of the subunits of an oligomeric protein
formed by the coiling of the polypeptide chain into a right-handed spiral
formed when two adhacent chains of polypeptides forms H-bonds in an almost fully extended form thaat can be lkened to the pleats of an accordion
b-pleated sheet
the tertiary protein structure is stablized by (4)
salt bridges
hydrophobic interacitons
disulfide bridges
tertiary protein
are those that exist as fibers or sheets.
they are made up of one type of secondary structure and function for structural support
examples are collagen,mertain, and silk fibroin
fibrous protein
tertiary protein
are combinations of different secondary structures that are compactly folded into spherical shapes
examples are enzymes, myoglobin and hemoglobin
globular proteins
present into for oligomeric proteins like hemoglobin
made up of more than 50 amino acids
100-10,000 amino acids linked together
polymers of amino acids
sources of protein (2)
complete proteins
incomplete proteins
sources of proteins
all essential amino acids present
beef, poultry, fish, eggs, soy
complete proteins
sources of proteins
nuts, seeds, beans
incomplete proteins
amino acid sequence of the protein
primary structure
secondary structure
coiling into right-handed spiral
10 turns 5.4 nanometers