Protein Structure Flashcards
Structure of Proteins
• Unlike most organic polymers, protein molecules adopt a specific three- dimensional conformation.
• This structure
–> is able to fulfil a specific biological function
–> is called the native fold.
–> has a large number of favourable interactions within the protein
The polypeptide chain
polypeptide chain consists of a constant backbone (periódico) and variable side chains
The structure of the protein is partially dictated by the properties of the peptide bond
Primary Structure: The peptide bond
The peptide bond is a resonance hybrid of two canonical structures! (Ligeira deslocalização dos e- no plano –> caráter parcialmente duplo)
The peptide bond is essentially planar –> constrangimento estérico, não há rotação livre
–> Six atoms (Cα, C, O, N, H, and Cα) lie in a plane. Thus rotation about the bond is prohibited.
Polypeptide chain (rotation)
The Polypeptide Is Made Up of a Series of Planes Linked at α Carbons
Rotation around bonds connected to the α carbon is permitted.
(phi) : angle around the α carbon — amide nitrogen bond
(psi) : angle around the α carbon — carbonyl carbon bond
The rotation about the Φ and ψ bonds, called the torsion angle, determines the secondary structure
Distribution of phi and psi Dihedral Angles
Not all torsion angles are permitted!!
Some phi and psi combinations are more favourable because of chance to form favourable H-bonding interactions along the backbone
Some phi and psi combinations are very unfavourable because of steric crowding of backbone atoms with other atoms in the backbone or side chains. (ex: phi= 90, psi=-90 disfavoured)
Ramachandran plot
A Ramachandran plot (mapa de densidade) shows the distribution of phi and psi dihedral angles that are found in a protein:
• shows the common secondary structure elements
• reveals regions with unusual backbone structure
Secondary Structures
Secondary structure is the 3D structure formed by hydrogen bonds between peptide NH and CO groups of amino acids that are near one another in the primary structure.
Two regular arrangements are common
• the alpha helix stabilized by hydrogen bonds between nearby residues
• the beta sheet stabilized by hydrogen bonds between adjacent segments that may not be nearby
Irregular arrangement of the polypeptide chain is called the random coil.
The alpha helix
• Helical backbone is held together by hydrogen bonds between the backbone amides of an n and n + 4 amino acids (In the α helix, the CO group of residue i forms a hydrogen bond with the NH group of residue I + 4)
• It is a right-handed helix with 3.6 residues (5.4 Å) per turn (essentially all α helices in proteins are right-handed)
• Peptide bonds are aligned roughly parallel with the helical axis.
• Side chains point out and are roughly perpendicular with the helical axis.
Amino acids #1 and #8 align nicely on top of each other.
The inner diameter of the helix (no side chains) is about 4–5 Å- too small for anything to fit “inside”
The outer diameter of the helix (with side chains)is 10–12Å.- Happens to fit well into the major groove of dsDNA
Sequence Affects Helix Stability
- Not all polypeptide sequences adopt alpha-helical structures.
- Small hydrophobic residues such as Ala and Leu are strong helix formers.
- Pro acts as a helix breaker because the rotation around the N-Calpha (φ-angle) bond is impossible.
- Gly acts as a helix breaker because the tiny R group supports other conformations.
- Attractive or repulsive interactions between side chains 3 to 4 amino acids apart will affect formation.
The Helix Dipole
- Recall that the peptide bond has a strong dipole moment.
- C−O (carbonyl) negative
- N−H (amide) positive
- All peptide bonds int he alpha helix have a similar orientation.
- The alpha helix has a large macroscopic dipole moment that is enhanced by unpaired amides and carbonyls near the ends of the helix.
- Negatively charged residues often occur near the positive end of the helix dipole.
beta sheets
- The planarity of the peptide bond and tetrahedral geometry of the alpha carbon create a pleated sheet-like structure! (Resulta das caraterísticas planares da cadeia polipeptídica)
- Sheet-like arrangement of the backbone is held together by hydrogen bonds between the backbone amides in different strands.
- Side chains protrude from the sheet, alternating in an up-and- down direction.
- antiparallel
- parallel
- mixed
An antiparallel β sheet
Adjacent β strands run in opposite directions.
Hydrogen bonds between NH and CO groups connect each amino acid to a single amino acid on an adjacent strand, stabilizing the structure. Hydrogen bonds between strands are linear (stronger)
A parallel β sheet
Adjacent β strands run in the same direction
Hydrogen bonds connect each amino acid on one strand with two different amino acids on the adjacent strand. Hydrogen bonds between strands are bent (weaker).
Beta Turns
- β turns occur frequently whenever strands in β sheets change the direction.
- The 180 turn is accomplished over four amino acids.
- The turn is stabilized by a hydrogen bond from a carbonyl oxygen to amide proton three residues down the sequence (interação do backbone! Não da cadeia lateral!)
- Proline in position 2 (type I β turn: occurs more than twice as frequently as type II) or glycine in position 3 (type II β turn)
Protein Tertiary Structure
Tertiary structure refers to the overall spatial arrangement of atoms in a protein.
The tertiary structure of a protein is the 3-dimensional shape of the protein chain. This shape is determined by the characteristics of the AA making up the chain.
Favorable Interactions in Proteins
Stabilized by numerous weak interactions between AA side chains:
Hydrophobic interactions (reorganização da cadeia peptídica --> AA apolares no interior) Hydrogen bonds London dispersion Electrostatic interactions
Interacting AA are not necessarily next to each other in the primary sequence
Major classes of Proteins
2: fibrous & globular
Fibrous proteins
In fibrous proteins the fundamental structural unit is a simple repeating element of secondary structure. (–> Proteínas fibrosas resultam da repetição de uma unidade estrutural secundária.)
insoluble in water (because of high number of interior/surface hydrophobic residues–> força de coesão –> resistência)
hydrophobic surfaces are buried by packing many similar polypeptide chains into elaborate supramolecular complexes
• Collagen
• Keratin
• Silk Fibroin
Fibrous proteins- function
Fibrous proteins provide structural support or cells and tissues, because of their structural properties
Properties of fibrous proteins dictate structural roles:
(structure – characteristics – exs)
alpha- Helix, cross-linked by disulphide bons – tough, insoluble protective structures of varying hardness and flexibility – alpha-keratin of hair feathers, nails
beta conformation – soft, flexible filaments – silk fibroin
collagen triple helix – high tensile strength, without stretch – collagen of tendons, bone matrix
fibrous proteins
• Collagen is an important constituent of connective tissue: tendons, cartilage, bones, cornea of the eye.
[Gelatin is derived from collagen taken from animal body parts, has little nutritional value as it lacks essential AA]
- Three collagen chains form a triple helix (The triple helix has higher tensile strength than a steel wire of equal cross section)
- Many triple-helices assemble into a collagen fibril. (Aumento de resistência: Fibrila –> Fibra –> Fascículo –> Feixe de fibras)
Collagen- structure
fibrous proteins
Collagen consists of three intertwined left-handed (incostume!) helical polypeptide chains (with 3 residues per turn) that form a superhelical cable with a right- handed twist.
The helical polypeptide chains of collagen are not α-helices (mas chamam-se cadeias alfa)
Collagen has a unique repeating secondary structure:
Glycine appears at every third residue and the sequences Gly-Pro- Hyp and Gly-Pro-Pro are common. Glycine, because of its small size, is required at the tight junction where the three chains are in contact. (–> Gly: alinhamento estrutural)
(nº limitado de AA: ex gelatina não tem grande valor nutricional)
The center of the three-stranded superhelix is not hollow, as it appears here, but very tightly packed.
4-Hydroxyproline in Collagen
fibrous proteins
- Forces the proline ring into a favourable pucker
- Offers more hydrogen bonds between the three strands of collagen
- The post-translational processing is catalysed by prolyl hydroxylase and requires α-ketoglutarate, molecular oxygen, and ascorbate (vitamin C).
Collagen fibrils- structure
fibrous proteins
Collagen (Mr 300,000) is a rod- shaped molecule, ~ 3000 Å long and only 15 Å thick
- Collagen superstructures are formed by cross-linking of collagen triple-helices to form collagen fibrils.
- Each chain has about 1,000 AA residues
- Crosslinks are covalent bonds between Lys or HyLys, or His AA residues.
Human genetic defects in collagen structure
fibrous proteins
Some human genetic defects in collagen structure illustrate the close relationship between amino acid sequence and three-dimensional structure in this protein.
Osteogenesis imperfecta
is characterized by abnormal bone formation in babies;
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
is characterised by loose joints.
Caused by mutations in the Gly residue by an AA with a larger R group (such as Cys or Ser)
These single-residue substitutions have a catastrophic effect on collagen function because they disrupt the Gly–X–Y repeat that gives collagen its unique helical structure –> altera propriedades mecânicas
fibrous proteins
The protein keratin, formed by all vertebrates, is the main structural component of hair, scales, horn, wool, nails, and feathers. (filamentos intermédios)
Keratins are expressed in a tissue-specific manner (ex: basal cells of epidermis- K5 (Type 2), K14 (Type 1) and some K15 (Type 1)), (propriedades de resistência são ligeiramente diferentes)
Keratin mutations underlie tissue fragility disorders –> Kerotinocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis are split, causing blisters, ex: K14/ K5: Epidermolysis bulls simplex= skin blistering; others: plaques, patches of loose skin…
Keratin- function
fibrous proteins
Keratins provide mechanical resistance to tissues
Keratins (red- fm) connect to the cell periphery at either desmosomes (green- fm) or hemidesmosomes
alpha- Keratin- structure
fibrous proteins
Hair α-keratin is an elongated α helix with somewhat thicker elements near the amino and carboxyl termini.
Pairs of these helices are interwound in a left- handed sense to form two-chain coiled coils. (Strong link: disulphide bridge; weak links: saline and hydrogen.) (Interdigitação = espaçamento varia)
These then combine in higher- order structures called protofilaments and protofibrils.
About four protofibrils—32 strands of α-keratin in all— combine to form an intermediate filament.
The individual two-chain coiled coils in the various substructures also seem to be interwound, but the handedness of the interwinding and other structural details are unknown?
Silk fibroin
fibrous proteins
• Fibroin is the main protein in silk from moths and spiders.
• Antiparallel beta sheet structure
• Small side chains (Ala and Gly) allow the close
packing of sheets.
• Structure is stabilized by:
– hydrogen bonding within sheets
– London dispersion interactions between sheets
Extremely strong material
• stronger than steel
• can stretch a lot before breaking (não forma protofilamentos)
Globular proteins
Globular proteins are very compact. There is little or no empty space in the interior of globular proteins.
The interior of globular proteins consists mainly of hydrophobic AA.
The exterior of globular proteins consists of charged and polar AA.
Membrane proteins (integrais) have the reverse distribution of hydrophilic and hydrophobic AA!
Globular proteins- size comparison
beta conformation- 2000*5Å alpha helix 900*11Å (já mais compacta) native globular form 100*60Å --> compact! (Ex: Human serum albumin (Mr 64,500) has 585 residues in a sigle chain. The polypeptide chain must be very compactly folded to fit into these dimensions, estabilizada + organizada em domínios....)
Protein hydration layer
Water molecules surround protein –> DINÂMICO (tem determinada amplitude de movimento, “conformational breathing”)
Have dynamics distinct from the bulk water to a distance of 1 nm. ?
Contact a specific water with protein surface is subnanosecond ?
Important for Protein function and dynamics (motions of proteins)
Proteins are comprised of…
…polypeptides (covalently linked alpha-AA) + possibly:
• cofactors
− functional non-AA component
− metal ions or organic molecules
(Glúcidos, ferro, zinco, cobre (p/ processos de transferência de carga), cálcio…% de metaloproteinas no proteoma: 30%)
• coenzymes (?)
− Organic
− cofactors
− NAD+ in lactate dehydrogenase
• prosthetic groups
− covalently attached cofactors
− heme in myoglobin
• other modifications
- (posttranslational modifications)
(ex fosforilação (serina) –> altera estrutura–> novas reações…)
Conjugated proteins
Conjugated Proteins Are Covalently Bound to a Nonprotein Entity
(Class – Prosthetic group –Ex)
Lipoproteins – Lipids – β1-Lipoprotein of blood
Glycoproteins– Carbohydrates– Immunoglobulin G
Phosphoproteins– Phosphate groups– Casein of milk
Hemoproteins– Heme (iron porphyrin)– Hemoglobin
Flavoproteins– Flavin nucleotides– Succinate dehydrogenase
Metalloproteins– Iron/ Zinc/ Calcium/ Molybdenum/ Copper/
– Ferritin/ Alcohol dehydrogenase/ Calmodulin/ Dinitrogenase/ Plastocyanin
Modified AA Found in Proteins
- Not incorporated by ribosomes (except for selenocysteine)
- Arise by post-translational modifications of proteins
- Reversible modifications, especially phosphorylation, are important in regulation and signaling.
Protein topologies
Globular proteins
Proteins fold into a diversity of 3D structures
Topologias (“arquitetura das proteínas”):
alpha- alpha helical proteins
beta- beta sheeted proteins
alpha/ beta- alternating alpha helices and beta sheets in which the beta sheets are mostly parallel to each other. (alternadas consecutivamente)
alpha+beta- that have secondary structure composed of alpha helices and beta sheets that occur separately along the entire backbone
Motifs (folds)
Globular proteins
Specific arrangement of several secondary structure elements
β-α-β loops
β barrel
• Motifs can be found as recurring structures in numerous proteins.
• Globular proteins are composed of different motifs folded together.
(Arranjos de estrutura secundários: domínios; estruturas recorrentes: motivos)
(+ Redundância: podemos ter hélice alpha/ folha beta com diferentes AA –> mesmo tipo de motivos com combinações diferentes)
Repeated motifs contribute to final fold: The α/β barrel is a commonly occurring motif constructed from repetitions of the β-α-β loop motif
(ex a domain of pyruvate kinase (a glycolytic enzyme) from rabbit (derived from PDB ID 1PKN))
Jane Shelby Richardson
Mother of the ribbon diagram
Jane Shelby Richardson is an American biophysicist who developed the Richardson diagram, or ribbon diagram, method of representing the 3D structure of proteins.
She is a professor in biochemistry at Duke University (born 1941)
(Outras formas de representar: em “mesh”- mapear densidade; combinação ribbon e ball & stick- mostrar cadeias laterais…; space-fillic/filling- ver espaço “livre” dentro das proteinas…)
Quaternary structure
A quaternary structure is formed by the assembly of individual polypeptides into a larger functional cluster. (depende das cadeias laterais–> interações)
Proteinas podem ser: homomultímeros (várias partes da mesma molécula, ex hemoglobina) vs heteromultímeros
Quaternary structure of the Cro protein
Globular proteins
The Cro protein of bacteriophage λ is a dimer of identical subunits. [Drawn from 5CRO.pdb.]
The α2β2 tetramer of human hemoglobin
Globular proteins
The structure of the two identical α subunits (red) is similar to but not identical with that of the two identical β subunits (yellow).
Complex quaternary structure
Globular proteins
The coat of human rhinovirus, the cause of the common cold, comprises 60 copies of each of four subunits. The three most prominent subunits are shown as different colors.
Protein function: Communication
Our bodies synthesize small peptide neurotransmitters, enkephalins (shown at top in red) and endorphins, that bind to the opioid receptors (center) to mediate the pain signal. Opioids such as morphine (cyan) mimic these neurotransmitters, but activate the nerve cells in a different way, altering the pain response.
(PDB Structure 6dde)
Signalling protein leptin is produced by fat cells and sent through the blood to special neurons in the brain to regulate the appetite. Leptin amounts drop in starvation,
signaling the body to conserve energy by focusing only on vital functions and simultaneously increasing appetite.
(PDB Structure 1ax8)
The hormone insulin (yellow) communicates blood sugar levels. Released by the pancreas when the glucose levels rise, insulin travels through the blood until recognised by insulin receptors (navy) on the cellular surface. Once the hormone and its receptor fuse, a complex intracellular signaling cascade is triggered, causing glucose transporters (aqua) to come to the surface and uptake glucose (white).
(PDB Structures 3w14, 4zxb, 4zwc)
Protein function: Transport
Cells need oxygen for metabolism and maintenance. Hemoglobin is the protein that transports oxygen.
It is composed of four chains, each sheltering a ring-like heme group (white and red) containing an iron atom. Oxygen (blue) binds reversibly to these iron atoms and is transported through the blood from our lungs to tissues throughout the body.
(PDB Structure 4hhb)
The calcium pump (blue) is a protein aided by magnesium (orange) and powered by ATP (colored by atom) to move calcium ions (green) back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum after each muscle contraction.
(PDB Structure 2zbd)
Protein function: Defense
Antibodies (center) are central to the human immune system. Their flexible arms have binding sites that attach to foreign molecules such as viruses (purple), tagging them for destruction.
(PDB Structures 1igt and 4rhv)
Protein function: Structure
Collagen, the most abundant protein in our bodies, is used for structural support in fibrous tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and skin.
The three chains of collagen are wound into triple helices, which then form elongated fibrils.
(PDB Structure 1cag)
Protein function: Storage
Ferritin helps balance iron levels within the human body. It is composed of 24 identical protein subunits that form a hollow shell. Pores within this shell allow iron (red) to enter for storage and exit as needed.
(PDB Structure 1fha)
Protei function: Enzymes
Enzymes have catalytic sites that perform the myriad reactions needed to sustain life.
Alpha- amylase (turquoise) is found in saliva, where it begins the breakdown of complex carbohydrates (yellow) into glucose and maltose. The food industry takes advantage of this activity using the enzyme in large quantities in the production of high fructose corn.
(PDB Structure 1ppi)
RNA polymerase is a complex enzyme at the heart of transcription. During this process, the enzyme unwinds the DNA double helix and uses one strand (darker orange) as a template to create the single-stranded messenger RNA (green), later used by ribosomes for protein synthesis.
(PDB Structure 1i6h)
Green fluorescent protein is a small, stable, and brightly fluorescent protein found in some marine organisms. Although the biological purpose of the luminescence
is not known, biotechnology utilizes it as a marker of gene expression and protein localisation. When attached to a protein of interest, the GFP’s glow allows visualisation of the protein location inside the cell.
(PDB Structure 1gfl)
RoundUp (glyphosate, purple) ultimately kills plants by attacking EPSP synthase (green), a key enzyme used by plants and bacteria to make the AAs phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan.
For effective use of glyphosate in agriculture, plants have been engineered to use a version of the enzyme that is resistant to the herbicide. This means that glyphosate can be used to kill the weeds but not the crop.
(PDB Structure 2gga)