Protecting Antarctica Flashcards
who governs antarctica?
no government to manage or protect it’s interests
the antarctic treaty
in 1959 12 nations signed an agreement to not claim sovereignty over antarctica
what does the ATS do?
- guarantees free access and reserach rights to all countries
- prohibits military activity
- bans the dumping of nuclear waste
where and when was the ATS established?
signed in washington on 1st december 1959 by the 12 nations
where does the treaty apply to?
60 degrees south latitude
how many signatures does the ATS now have?
has it been successful?
yes since entering into force it has been one of the most recognised successful international agreements
when did the ATS come into force?
23rd june 1961
quick facts about the antarctic treaty
- signed in washington on 1st december 1959
- applies to area 60 degrees south
- countries actively consult on uses of Antarctica
- provides that any member of the UN can access it
- recognised as one of the most successful international agreements
- treaty parties remain fully committed
- parties meet annually to discuss issues
what is the madrid protocol?
in 1991 45 nations signed up to protocol which is to run until 2048 and agrees to:
- ban all mineral resource activity
- promote monitoring to minimise human impacts on antarctica
what are the specific clauses of the madrid protocrol?
environmental impact assessments no removal of flora and fauna waste management protected areas to establish liability - rules
international whaling commission IWC
set up in 1946 to conserve global whale stocks
agreement still in place today
momatorium- temporary prohibition of activity
IWC measures provided for…
complete protection of certain species
designated whale sanctuary areas
established limit on number and size of whales taken
commercial whaling has stopped worldwide but nations especially japan and norway are continuing to kill whales for “scientific research” but mostly this is not the case
NGO’s in antarctica
- very important in helping to provide conservation
- group of NGO’S set up antarctic and southern ocean coalition
- one achievement of this group is the designation of marine protected areas
in 1991 was granted observer status of AT
- negotiated a legally binding polar code
- managed southern ocean fisheries
- regulated tourism
- blocked minerals convention
commission for the conservation of antarctic marine living resources
set up by international convention in 1982 to conserve antarctic marine life - supported by a rage of NGO’S
manages the sea by using an eco system based approach
what are achievements of CCAMLR
challenging illegal fishing
managing vulnerable marine ecosystems
establishing the worlds first marine protected area
what are whale sanctuaries designed to do?
designed to provide whales with a refuge from whaling allowing species to recover from serious over exploitation
the aim of whale sanctuaries is to benefit long term whale conservation by…
- facilitating the recovery of seriously depleted populations by protecting areas such as feeding or breeding grounds
- increasing public awareness of the value of marine ecosystems
- providing the commission with a broad management tool to protect multiple species