Protecting Air Force Security Systems Flashcards
How is force protection achieved?
Through the successful execution of three related but distinct lines of effort; integrated defense, emergency management and critical infrastructure program
What are the two central areas of change of perspective required in the shift to ID?
First is from resource-based defense poster to a risk based defense pastor second is from compliance base operations to effects base operations
What FP effect should be developed to identify the presence of an object or event if possible military interest ,whether a threat or hazard?
What are the 3 types of control authority that reside in every organization in the Armed Forces?
Administrative(AFCON), Operational(OPCON), and Tactical(TACON)
What does TACON provide?
Sufficient authority for controlling and directing the application of force or tactical use of combat support assets within the assigned mission or task
What type of fencing is authorized for use in a restricted area?
Type A
For what are elevated barriers used?
To identify restricted areas located on the flight line
What are the 5 basic lighting systems used for restricted areas?
- Entry point
- boundary
- special purpose
- area lighting and very near infrared
- combination
What type of warning signs is acceptable in areas with widespread illiteracy?
Danger or warning signs
Where are SRTs required?
At all installations supporting PL 1,2 or 3 resources
Where can ESRTs operate?
Inside or outside of the restricted area in which they are assigned
What will the RAB issuing authority do if the owner of a lost badge is not located within two weeks?
Destroy the badge
What must be done before a RAB is laminated?
Mark the badge with a locally devised authenticated feature
When using the exchange badge system, what is the ECs next step after confirming an individual is authorized access into a restricted area?
Compares the 1199B with the 1199A maintained within the EC
As an EC what action do you take in the event an individual passes back a wrong countersign when requesting entry into a restricted area?
Take as a sign of duress or hostile nature, can put them at an disadvantage and removing them from restricted area, consider separating individuals as well
What are primary duties of a sentry?
To maintain surveillance over assigned areas, reacting and reporting any unauthorized entry or personnel found in the area
When does a CIS control entry into aircrafts?
When the aircraft is carrying specific PL 1 assets
How are deviations from established security criteria categorized?
Technical, temporary, or permanent deviations and must be applicable to physical security facilities, plans, procedures, equipment, and monitoring standards
How often must the approving authority review all permanent security deviations?
Every year
What form must be used to document security deviations?
AF form 116, request for deviation from security criteria
What does the nuclear roadmap contain?
It contains comprehensive action plans describing the actions required to restore public trust and ensure a credible nuclear deterrence
What does the nuclear roadmap aim to identify?
Common actions that must be standardized to ensure safe, secure and reliable nuclear operations
What is the nuclear weapons security standard?
Is the denial of unauthorized access to nuclear weapons; preventing loss of custody; and preventing to the maximum extent possible radiological contamination caused by unauthorized acts
For what purpose is the nuclear weapons security program design?
- Deny unauthorized access to nuclear weapons
- prevent damage or sabotage to nuclear weapons
- prevent loss of custody of nuclear weapons
- prevent unauthorized nuclear detonation
- prevent to the maximum extent possible radiological contamination caused by unauthorized acts or damage
- ensure weapons are operationally available to the president of the US
What do the nuclear weapon security program concepts mandate?
That the security system stops an intruder before unauthorized access to a weapon can be achieved.
What is a nuclear weapon incident?
An unexpected event involving the release or potential release of nuclear material caused by adversary actions and in this way differs from nuclear related accidents
For what is a NDA(national defense area) used and who must designate and mark the NDA boundary?
Used to safeguard classified defense information to protect DOD equipment and or material outside the confines of a military installation, but within the territory of the US. The senior DOD representative at the scene must designate and mark the boundary of the NDA
For what reason was a split knowledge concept designed?
To prevent a lone individual from having complete knowledge of the entire launch function
Why are interior denial systems more effective than denial systems positioned outside the nuclear weapon storage structure?
Because they cannot be easily observed and defeated by adversary furthermore they are better protected from adverse weather conditions
Who will develop local procedures for MMB used and maintenance?
What should the recapture or recovery of a nuclear weapon plans include?
Must include specific actions to take, procedures to follow, personnel required, tactics, and weapons to use for all likely potential recapture and recovery situations or scenarios for the site and nuclear weapons concerned
What forms the cornerstone of the threat planning for nuclear security systems?
NSTCA(nuclear security threat capabilities assessment)
Why are vulnerability assessments conducted at nuclear weapons operating locations?
To determine the facilities vulnerability to sabotage, stand off attack, theft, loss, seizure, or unauthorized access by both external and internal threats
How is a missile complex comprised?
Comprised of 3 to 4 squadron areas containing five missile alert facilities providing housing for deployed security forces members and service teams and LFs which houses the Intercontinental ballistic missile nuclear resource
What are nuclear weapons protected by when stored within a locked weapons security vault?
Protected by a WS3 system providing significant access delay and denial
What requirements must perimeter boundary fencing meet?
- identify physical limits of the site, deter in authorized entry, and define the point at which intruders may be subject to that the force
- create a physical and psychological deterrent to unauthorized entry
- facilitate detection, thereby providing an opportunity for the security force to apprehend or neutralize any intruders before they can gain unauthorized access
When will steel body steel shackle padlocks meeting the requirements of federal specifications FF – P – 2827 be used in a restricted area?
Used to secure frequently used perimeter gates, manhole covers, access panels, culvert gratings and alarm junction boxes
What does a clear zone using two fence systems consist of?
Consist of an area extended 30 feet outside the outer fence, the entire area between the fences, and an area extending 30 feet inside the inner fence
What does the basic configuration of the ECF included?
Include a harden gatehouse that provides protection for SF personnel from small arms fire, a personnel entry gate, inspection equipment, and a vehicle entrapment area
What is a no loan zone?
Area where the two person concept must be enforced because it contains a nuclear weapon, nuclear weapon system, or certified critical component
Who will determine the appropriate number of persons permitted inside an exclusion area?
SVA Will determine The appropriate number of persons permitted inside an exclusion area to complete the task but not to exceed six persons per escort official
When does a TPC violation occurred?
When a lone individual in a no lone zone has the opportunity to tamper with or damage a nuclear weapon, nuclear weapon system, or certified critical component
Who are permitted and unescorted entry into exclusion areas?
Persons authorized by the commander responsible for the nuclear weapons to enter a limited area are granted unescorted entry because of a regular and recurring need to enter limited areas
What are you looking for when inspecting vehicles entering in leaving limited or exclusion areas?
For unauthorized personnel and readily detectable prohibited and contraband items
What are the duties of the flight commander?
Coordinates and manages all security forces personnel and activities within the squadron area, including personnel proficiency, serves as the initial incident commander for major incidents and accidents occurring on the nuclear area and directs BF employment
What is the primary function of the 3 person SRT?
To provide back up to the two person ART for security responses
Who receives the A and B combinations when penetrating the LF?
Security forces receives the A combination and maintenance receives B combination
What are the duties of the security system operators?
Security system operators operate electronic security systems and equipment employed to secure nuclear weapons, dispatch SF to alarms and make initial notifications, exercise command and control over assigned forces, and control entry into structures, alert shelters, an individual resources protect with IDS where required
What must personnel be familiar with while working within a BDOC?
Must be familiar with the most direct route to incidents, know call signs, I know who is working at each post
What will all permanent structures and facilities temporarily or permanently house unattended nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons components, or alert nuclear weapons delivery system be provided?
With an approved intrusion detection system
Where does 30 foot clear zone begin for a WSA
Begins at the alarmed fence for a WSA
What are the minimum standards for a PAS-IIDS?
Point sensors on all door openings and a motion detection zone that includes the top of the vault, as it is the sole access point to the limited/exclusion areas regardless of the avenue of approach
What is the purpose of the PRP?
Is to ensure each person selected and retained for performing duties associated with nuclear weapons or nuclear command and control systems and equipment is emotionally stable and physically capable and has demonstrated reliability and professional competence
What must a CO Cover as a minimum during a personal interview?
- The significance of the PRP assignment and PRP standards
- The need for a reliable performance
- The individual responsible for self reporting and peer review of factors or situations that could adversely affect job performance or reliability
What are the two types of PRP decertifications?
Temporary and permanent
What is an NSI?
Assesses a units ability to accomplish its assigned nuclear weapons mission and produce reliable nuclear weapons in a safe and secure environment in compliance with applicable directives
What is an LNSI?
Designed to assess sustained performance of nuclear surety while minimizing the inspection footprint on the units operations
What is an NWIT?
Performance and compliance based inspections and are conducted to evaluate a units ability to manage nuclear resources while complying with all nuclear surety standards
What is the definition of access?
The opportunity to tamper with or modify a nuclear weapon, critical nuclear weapon system component or positive control/NC2 material
What is the definition of a custodial agent?
An individual acting on behalf of the custodian in maintaining control of access to US nuclear weapons in maintaining control of weapons prior to release
What is the DOD nuclear weapon system safety program?
A program integrating safety policy, organizational responsibilities, and formalized procedures throughout a nuclear weapon systems life cycle to protect nuclear weapon systems
What are NC2 materials?
Materials and devices used in the coding and authentication processing and communication medium necessary to transmit release, execution, or termination orders; and nuclear weapons targeting tapes or media containing nuclear weapons targeting data
What is the definition of Safehaven?
The temporary storage provided to DOE classified shipment transporters at DOD facilities in order to assure safety and security of nuclear material and/or non-nuclear classified material during civil disturbances, natural disasters, and/or other conditions that could affect the safety or security of the DOE shipment
What is the definition of use control?
The positive measures that allow the authorized use and prevent or delay unauthorized use of nuclear weapons
Which force protection measure is taking to render a threat or hazard incapable of interfering with AF operations?
Which control authority is exercised through the subordinate joint force commander’s or functional component commanders?
Operational control(OPCON)
Which type of lighting is a low illumination light used in nuclear restricted areas?
Very near infrared(VNIR)
How many feet apart would you display restricted area signs along restricted area boundaries?
100 feet
What type of force is required at all installations supporting protection level PL1, 2, or 3 resources?
Security response team(SRT)
The letter E next to and unblock number on a restricted area badge identify that an individual is authorized to?
Escort personnel into those restricted areas
What type of sentries controls the entry into aircraft when the aircraft is carrying specific protection level PL1 assets?
Close in sentry(CIS)
How often must the approving authority review all permanent security deviations?
Every year
What form is used to document security deviation and is submitted through command channels?
AF form 116
At what level does the nuclear roadmap focuses primarily on the stewardship of the nuclear mission?
What concept was designed to prevent a lone individual from having complete knowledge of the entire nuclear weapons launch function?
Split knowledge
In the case of a nuclear security system, three potential adversary groups of primary concern or criminals, protesters, and?
Which nuclear weapons facility is the largest storage facility for nuclear weapons in the world?
Kirtland underground munitions maintenance storage complex(KUMMSC), USA
Vegetation in clear zones will not exceed how many inches in height inside restricted areas containing nuclear weapon stores facilities?
8 inches
Up to how many persons can be escorted inside in exclusion area per escort official?
Who ensures that the host installation meets two persons concept requirements and no lone zones are delineated around nuclear logistics aircraft?
Only personnel certified through what program are the host nation equivalent at a weapon storage and security system installations can be permitted unescorted entry into exclusion areas or can perform escort duties within exclusion areas?
Nuclear weapons personnel reliability program(PRP)
What security team is routinely dispatched with a missile maintenance team, provide security for a penetrated launch facility, and establishes site security?
Security escort team(SET)
What type of electronic sensor must consist of an approved balance magnetic switch or other type of sensor capable of detecting intrusion at the opening?
Point Detection
Who can make a judgment on the reliability of each individual identified for personnel reliability program duties?
Certifying official
What are the two types of removal within the personnel reliability program?
Suspension and decertification
What type of nuclear inspection assesses a units ability to accomplish it’s assigned nuclear weapons mission and provide reliable nuclear weapons in a safe and secure environment in compliance with applicable directives?
Nuclear surety inspection
Which term defines a designated area immediately surrounding one or more nuclear weapon and/or systems?
Exclusion area