Incident Response, Tactics, And Procedures Flashcards
What information does a grid map provide?
Info on the existence and location of known ground features such as buildings, travel route and distance between specific locations
To locate specific area on a grid map, what is the next step after reading the grid map from left to right?
Read bottom to top
When using a grid map what are the steps in finding a refined grid?
Divide the grid square into tenth(1/10) identified by numbers designated 1-9
What do major accidents involve?
Hazardous substance such as nuclear, biological, chemical and conventional weapons causing extensive damage to military or civilian property and produce a large number of personal casualties
What are the four steps IRB(initial response base) will take when responding to an accident?
- take immediate emergency measures and provide a federal presence and humanitarian support
- perform emergency operations to save lives, secure the site, safeguard classified materials, confirm or deny the presence of contamination, and contain the hazard
- remain in charge until the DCG(disaster control group) arrives or non- DOD agency has custody, the agency response force responsible for the nuclear weapon relieves it
- maintain a presence at the accident scene to support the DCG
What are the phases of response to handle accident, disaster, and incident scene?
Notification, response, response force action, withdrawal, recovery
What is the AF philosophy on the lead agency concept?
Comply with lead agency concept by yielding to civilian authorities like FBI when possible
Once you have arrived at a crime scene what are the next steps you should follow to control and secure the area?
Assess situation, advise BDOC of the status of the scene and if needed, request medical assistance or additional patrol
Who determines the cordon size of an accident scene, and what is the cordon size based upon?
By installation commander and based upon the area affected by the incident and any requirement for additional resources needed within cordon area
Where will the ECP initially be located?
Located upwind or crosswind if upwind is not available,
-on the perimeter of cordon, within a 90° arc on either side of current surface wind
When can an ECP be relocated?
To enhance entry and exit control procedures
What are your options if a restricted area cannot be marked using elevated markers?
Mark the boundary with a painted line 4 to 6 inches wide using a bright color, fluorescent or reflective color
Who will staff an ECP if it needs to be established for convenience?
Requesting agency with direct communication to BDOC
What are your initial actions when processing a crime scene?
Keep an open mind about the crime
How do you protect evidence from the rain, snow, fire?
For rain use a piece of canvas to cover for snow place wooden or cardboard box over evidence for fire shield from heat substances
When processing a crime scene what steps do you need to take once you are certain the scene is protected?
Take steps to identify and record names of witnesses and victims
What is the first rule in taking crime scene photographs?
Do it before evidence is moved or touched
What is the best evidence rule?
When dealing with written documents originals are preferred over copies
Why do we have to save all field notes or rough drafts?
Jencks act requires it
What is the primary reason for the hearsay rule?
The right of both prosecution and defense to cross examine opposing witnesses under oath in trial
What factors must you consider when collecting evidence?
How item is normally handled, how item was used in commission of the crime, possible location of trace evidence
How and where do you mark evidence?
Include initials, date and time of discovery
place marks on the item of evidence in a place least likely to affect appearance or value of evidence
Who starts the chain of custody for evidence?
Who discovers the evidence
What article of the UCMJ covers controlled substances?
Article 112a
What are the elements of the offense for controlled substances?
Wrongful possession, wrongful use, wrongful distribution, wrongful intent to manufacture and distribute
What is the role of the SF member during a referral?
Maintain order, secure the scene as necessary, and stand by until relieved or advised further instruction
When is an apprehension the best course of action?
When there is a formal complaint, probable cause exists violating UCMJ or local laws, or when family member refuses to cooperate with you, unit commander, 1st srgt, or family advocacy officials
While working as a BDOC controller, what is the 4th step you must accomplish during all possible family violence situations?
Check AF form 1314 Fire arms registration, or local firearm database and inform patrols or possible ownership and what kind
When responding to a domestic situation, what should you do before knocking?
Stop and listen for 15-20 seconds
What is the next step after providing medical attention to injured personnel at a domestic situation?
Calm the situation, obtain information or background this will allow details and cool off period
What should you do before interviewing suspects?
Read them there rights
In what type of families is child abuse and neglect found?
Families of all ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds at all economic levels
What is the legal age of consent under the UCMJ?
What is the definition of child neglect?
Acts of omission or commission resulting or could reasonably be expected to result in physical or emotional harm to child
What is the definition of sexual assault/rape?
Intentional sexual contact characterized by use of force, physical threats, intimidation, abuse of authority, or when the victim does not or cannot consent
What is the responsibility of an SF member at a sexual assault/rape?
Preserve all evidence of assault don’t allow victims to bathe, wash hands, or brush teethe
Don’t allow to clean up scene, wait until AFOSI arrive to turn over scene
What are the essential elements of an assault?
An act intended to cause harmful or offensive contact on the victim
What is a simple assault?
An attempt or offer with unlawful force or violence to do bodily harm to another, whether or not the attempt or offer is consummated
What is an aggravated assault?
An assault with dangerous weapon or object likely to cause death or bodily harm
In what cases does the VWAP apply?
All cases criminal conduct adversely affect victims or witnesses providing information regarding criminal activity
What are the 4 phases of the judicial process?
Response, investigation, prosecution and confinement
What is the first SF goal in the VWAP?
Immediate and permanent termination of the harmful act
How are impromptu gathering developed?
Informally and by word of mouth
When does an emergency dispersal occur?
When people evacuate an area due to an unexpected crisis like fire, explosion, ext.
What additional element does a sighting crowd have from a casual crowd?
An event
What are the characteristics of a riot baton?
A versatile offensive weapon varies in length from 26-42 inches with the optimum length being 36 inches, it is made of hickory and does not shatter or break easily. Both ends of the riot baton are rounded to prevent unnecessary injury, it is approximately 1 1/4 inches in diameter.
What are primary target areas?
Areas when struck cause the least amount of trauma to that areas/body
What are the secondary target areas?
Area when struck cause a moderate level of trauma to body
What are final target areas?
Area when struck cause serious trauma tends to be fatal or critical
For what are control force formations used?
Used to disperse, contain or block a crowd
What are the offensive and defensive applications of the line formations?
Offensive- used to push or drive a crowd straight back across and open areas
Defensive- used to hold a crowd or deny entry into area
How do you read a grid map in order to find a grid coordinate?
From left to right, bottom to top
Which agency assumes lead responsibilities for terrorist and high risk incidents within US territories ?
Department of justice
What must be established at each incident site?
Cordon and entry control point
How should you mark the boundary of mass parking and temporary restricted areas?
Elevated markers
What type of search consists of searching all areas of a vehicle without disassembling any part of the vehicle?
What type of search consist of a much more detailed search and may often require partial or total disassembly of the vehicle?
What must the SF on scene commander evaluate before making the decision on how to search an area?
Situation, terrain, weather, light, and number of searches available
Which of the following is not a reason to make an entry without search authority?
To secure an unlocked door
When processing a crime scene when would you normally cover the body of a deceased person?
After it has been fully processed for evidence
What are the two types of sketches normally made of the crime scene?
Rough and finished
What document establishes the rules of evidence for the military?
Manual for courts martial
From whom must you obtain approval before disposing of crime scene evidence?
Staff judge advocate
Which uniform code of military justice article covers the wrongful use and possession of a controlled substance?
Article 112a
When dealing with controlled substances how is wrongfulness defined?
An action done without legal justification or authorization
What agency has primary jurisdiction for serious child abuse or neglect involving infliction or serious bodily harm?
Air Force office of special investigations
What form will be completed in all instances where an apprehension is made?
AF form 3545
What is conducted during a domestic dispute/ violence call to assess the immediate danger to family members and need for medical assistance or protective custody?
Which of the following is not one of the 3 types of child abuse?
Mental abuse
Child pornography and child prostitution are examples of what type of child abuse?
What type of child abuse is exemplified by not providing nourishment, deprivation of necessities, and not providing appropriate shelter or clothing?
What characteristics you can show at your initial contact with a sexual assault/rape victim can make a difference in the emotional state of the victim?
Your tact and poise
What is defined as a threat or attempt to strike another, whether successful or not, provided the target is aware of the danger?
What type of assault is punishable in all states as a felony and is committed when a defendant tends to do more than merely frighten the victim?
Aggravated assault
What are the 4 phases of the judicial process in which you must brief all victims and witnesses on in the victim/witness assistance program?
Response, investigation, prosecution, and confinement
What type of crowd is identified as individuals or small groups with nothing in common to bind them together?
The use of the riot baton is based on whose appraisal of the situation and his or her choice of force option?
Which riot control formation is used as an offensive formation to penetrate and split crowds into smaller groups?