Non-lethal Tactics And Tools Flashcards
What are the objectives of nonlethal force?
- To discourage, delay or prevent hostile actions
- limit escalation of situation
- protect security forces, personnel and property
What is intermediate use of force?
The level of force necessary to compel a subjects compliance and neither likely nor intend to cause death
What does the defensive technique of framing allow security forces members to do, and how is it accomplished?
Allows security forces member to use a defensive technique to position themselves to move from a less dominant position to a more dominant position
-creating a space by placing forearms or shins against a particular body part of the subject
Why are angles essential in relation to your positioning to the suspect upon making contact?
Staying off the suspects centerline will aid you in avoiding any sudden strikes by the individual
As a security force member, when would you use the X-step defensive technique, and what does it allow you to do?
Use it in a close quarters, small team tactics, or crowded areas it allows members space to move from point A to point B
When do you use the stand up to base technique, and how do you perform it?
Starts with you be knocked to the ground, post your strong side foot on the ground heel to buttocks, Keep your weak side leg flat on the ground outside your posted foot and slightly bent. Post your weak side hand on the ground; shield your support side arm creating a shield just below eye level, using your weak side hand and strong side foot as a post, raise hips off the ground and kick your weak side foot through suspects knee/shin area, bring your weapon leg under your body into a high kneeling position, recover maintaining your shield stand up to base, and assume the interview/ready stance
How and why is the break contact from the mount technique done?
Used to break contact from the mount
gain control of the subjects arm, secure them against his or her chest. Attempt to cross the subjects arms to increase control, then extend both arms attempting to pin both of the subjects arms to the chest, otherwise known as conduct a CPR press, drag you’re weak side foot over the subjects knees and frame the subject hip with shin. continue control both arms of the subject, conduct a 360 scan and when appropriate disengage to access other means of force
When and how is the arm trap and roll done?
You do this escape, when the subject has you in the non-dominant position mount and is attempting to strike you.
You bridge your hips causing the subject to post his or her hands on the ground above your head. You then move your head outside of the subjects posted hand, capture and collapse the subject elbow closest to you and bring the subject elbow centerline to your chest. Post your foot outside of the subjects leg, thus trapping the subjects leg. Bring your other posted foot centerline with the subjects body, giving you more leverage to push off and bridge your hips while rolling the subject over. Bridge your hips, push off with your foot centerline of the subjects body, and turn in the direction of the subjects trapped leg and arm. Once the subject has been rolled over you will complete the movement by establishing the good guard posture.
What is the purpose of submissions when it comes to security forces?
Defensive technique
When and how is the Kimura from the guard accomplished?
Perform when the subject is in the guard attempting to take your weapon
you establish wrist control with your weapon side hand, reach your support side arm up and over the subject arm, Loop it over and under the subjects are grabbing your weapon side wrist with a thumbless grip. Release guard and turn your torso in the direction of the wrist control of the subject, place your weak side leg over the subjects lower back and hug the trapped arm, push the subjects hand up in a 90° angletryinh to bring the subjects palm to the ground
To ensure the safety of the patrol officer and for legal precautions, what is the first step you perform before placing a subject inside a vehicle for transport?
Search the transport vehicle prior to putting the subject in it, also search suspect prior as well
What information will you provide BDOC before transporting a suspect?
Notify BDOC with starting mileage, starting time of transport, end time of transport, ending mileage
What factors must you consider before releasing an offender?
- what type of jurisdiction is the US operating under at installation
- is the offender military or civilian
- is offender juvenile
To whom are civilian offenders of minor offenses in concurrent jurisdiction released?
Military sponsor if none then release to family member, friend or on their own recognizance.
For USAF purposes, who are classified as juveniles?
Not 18 and not active military
What does the expandable baton provide when it is drawn?
Provides an emotional and physical deterrent to aggression
How is the first component of a proper stance obtained?
By standing with your feet shoulder width apart
When striking with your expandable baton, how do you initiate the high ready position?
With the expanded baton in your hand toward the target area, bring to a position over the strong side shoulder while grasping the handle of the baton with your strong hand, simultaneously hold your strong side hand raised to provide defensive protection
What is the first step in the high block baton technique?
From the on-guard position, place baton horizontal to the ground and above head, keep elbow bent to absorb impact or to parry the strike
What is the second step in the employment of OC pepper spray?
Hold the unit close to your upper chest and target the suspects facial area, ideal discharge range from 6 to 8 feet and pattern will be approximately 32 inches
What is the fourth step in the employment of OC pepper spray?
Position yourself upwind to subject, avoid traveling through areas recently contaminated if tool is effective you should notice disorientation, closing of eyes, difficult breathing, loss of motor control and complaints of intense burning within 2 to 3 seconds
How long should you monitor the subject from the time of the subjects initial exposure to OC pepper spray?
60 minutes minimum
What is your initial reaction if a suspect using OC as a weapon confronts you?
Increase your distance
At any time, how can the NMI system be stopped or reapplied once a five second cycle of electrical pulses is initiated?
Stopped by operating the safety lever, or re-applied by pulling the trigger a second time
What are the procedures for loading the X26?
Always play safety lever on safe, keep fingers away from the blast doors, do not palm cartridge while loading, keep pointed in safe direction always
What is the first step when unloading the X26?
Make sure safety lever is on safe
What is the sixth step in the function check of the X26
Look for a visible spark between the electrodes and listen for rapid spark rate
When compared to deadly force, nonlethal force is subject to what type of standards?
Same standards of objective reasonableness and totality of circumstances as deadly force
What is the level of force necessary to compel a subjects compliance and is neither likely nor intended to cause death
Intermediate use of force
What combative technique is used to protect your head from strikes while in the ready stance?
Comb blocks
How do you attain weapons retention during a rear mount?
By rolling onto your weapon side keeping holster weapon pinned against the ground
To ensure the safety of the patrol officer and for legal precautions what should you do before placing suspects in a security forces vehicle for transporting?
search or frisk the suspect for weapons and contraband
What are the minimum requirements anytime you are transporting a member of the opposite sex?
Have an additional patrol officer as a passenger
To whom do you release civilians who commit a minor offense in areas with concurrent jurisdiction?
Military sponsor
What type of mandatory training is needed if you are armed with an expandable baton?
Initial and annual refresher
How long should a direct pepper spray burst at the subjects facial area last?
One second
How many barbed projectiles( probes) does the electronic control device(ECD) Nero muscular incapacitation(NMI) system use when fired?