Prosocial Behaviour Flashcards
Prosocial beh
Beh valued by SOC
Helping beh
Beh that intentionally helps others
Helping beh that can costly to the helper + is done without the expectation of personal gain
kin selection - evolution explanation
- we are more likely to help those genetically related to US - survival of the genes
- kinship effect = more likely to help those closer to us
Problems with kin selection explanation
- can’t explain beh aimed at those not genetically related
- Little human evidence
- doesn’t consider env factors
Role of empathy
- emotional response to others distress
- requires perspective taking skill
- females report higher levels than men
- feeling empathy when others are distressed uncomfortable = help to stop uncomfortable
- prosocial beh to reduce unpleasant feelings
Bystander calculus Model ( Piliavin et al)
- more likely to be physiologically aroused if we are close to them/ feel similar
- often label arousal as empathy
- more likely to show empathy if we feel similar to them
Learning Theory - How do children learn to be helpful
- prosocial beh learned during childhood through rewards + punishments
- Telling children to be helpful = helpful beh
- Gruzec et al - invited children to play bowling with experimenter to win marbles
- 3 methods of teaching : instructing ( telling child to donate marble) , modelling (experimenter donates) or both
- Results show no difference in methods
Learning Theory - Internalising parental messages to be prosocial
- Gruzec+ Goodnow
- Accurate perception of message + acceptance of message = internalising
- Accurate perception: pas intentions, given attention , fits into schemas
- Acceptance: parent pleased with beh , Autonomy of Childs actions - more likely to accept if believe they have a choice
Learning Theory - Reinforcement + Modelling
- Rushton + Teachman
- modelling = demonstrating desired beh
- Reinforcement = rewarding/punishing beh
- children invited to bowling + all won 32 tickets, poster saying they could donate tokens
- experimenter modelled + donated some
- 6 conditions
- modelling + pos reinforcement saw the most tokens donated
Bystander effect + helping
In large groups diffusion of responsibility occurs- decreases indiv responsibility
- someone else will do it mindset
- when witnessing a crime alone 75% report but when with others only 10% report
Latane + Darley’s cog model of helping
Attending to what happens + event seen As emergency + assume responsibility + decide what can be done = give help
- Assume responsibility depends on bystanders
physical presence of bystanders - Darley + Latane
- put into booths with microphones to talk to other ‘students’
- recording played a student having a seizure
- can’t communicate with other students - only 1 microphone at once
- ever when don’t physically see other students , when in a larger group less likely to
help = Bystander effect
Number of help-seekers + helping beh
- slovic: helpers tend to feel more empathy for single help-seekers compared to group help- seekers
- cost-benefit calculation by help-seekers (embarrassment VS value of help)
- Bystander calculus model = cost of heIping more than 1 person could be higher than helping just 1
- Roy et al : indivs more likely to help an indiv help-seeker compared to 2 due to higher levels of neg affect
Helping similar people - Ingroup members - Levine et al
- Man u supporters walked into another building + saw someone slip over
- 3 conditions: man u , Liverpool or plain shirt
- sig more likely to help when in man u shirt VS any other shirt