Belonging + Rational Value Flashcards
Belonging definition
- Baumeister + Leary
- Humans have a pervasive drive to form + maintain at least a minimum quantity of lasting, POs + sig interpersonal relationships
Establishing Relational value
-maintain belonging by promoting acceptance + reducing likelihood of being ignored
- relational value gives access to companions, friends, romance
-maintaining relational value maintains belonging
- perceived as likeable, successful + attractive = high relational value
Relational value definition-leary
- The degree others value interacting + having relationships with an indiv
- important to you = high relational value
-Less important = low relational value
4 dimensions of relational value
-Leary + Allen->
- competence + success
-shared goals + norms
-physical appearance
Likeability+ relational value
- Carnegie -> best way to foster acceptance is to pleasant + friendly
-Ahyun-> people more likely form relationships with similar indivs - Gordon > flattery + doing favours = high likelihood of being liked
competence + success + relational value
-competent people provide useful skills
- achievement = recognition + acceptance
- competence + success = accepted + valued
-Thornton et dl-> Tendency to claim less knowledge correlates with each other + preventing other being ‘put off’
shared goals + norm + relational value
-Being a good group member
-Schachter’s study showing rejection of indivs deviating from norms
- people must conform to implicit perspectives, tastes + habits group
Physical Appearance+ Relational value
- more attractive people are more liked
-Langlois et al-> Meta-analysis showed attractive children + adults judged + treated more pos than unattractive
21st century + relational value
- Gross -> ppts did exclusion task to reduce relational value
- Group 1 -> played Tetris
- Group 2-> online chat
- Group 2’s relational value increased higher than group 1
- online chat can help enhance relational value