refers to written creative work
Literature is known for its ______ in which the message is presented or communicated and its ______.
form, content
two common forms of literature
Prose and poetry
WRITTEN WORK, which contains sentences and paragraphs, and DOES NOT HAVE any metrical structure
is a genre of literature which is based on a PARTICULAR FORM, that creates a RHYME.
is a literary work that is spoken or written using the USUAL FLOW OF LANGUAGE in sentences and paragraphs which give us information, connect events, and elaborate opinions. Prose may be classified as fiction or nonfiction.
who mentioned the different types of prose
Ang (2016)
Types of Prose
Prose Drama
Prose Fiction
It consists of DIALOGUES in prose, and is meant to be ACTED ON STAGE.
Prose Drama
short literary composition which is EXPOSITORY IN NATURE. The author shares some of his thoughts, feelings, experiences, or observations on some aspects of life. One famous example is Alexander Pope’s Essay on Criticism.
Something invented, imagined, or feigned to be true.
Prose Fiction
two types of prose fiction
novel and short story
A long fictitious narrative with a complicated plot. Usually divided into different chapters.
a fictitious narrative compressed into one unit of time, place, and action.
Short Story
A story of a person’s life written by another who knows him or her.
A written account of man’s life written by himself.
A written message which displays aspects of an author’s psychological make-up.
A daily written account of the writer’s own experiences, thoughts, activities, or observations.
A magazine or periodical especially of a serious or learned nature.
A magazine or periodical especially of a serious or learned nature.
deals with historical events
Historical Prose
deals with the science subject
Scientific Prose
a prose that ridicules the vices and follies of men
a prose that ridicules the vices and follies of men
books, magazines, newspapers
Current Publication
the analysis of literary works
Literary Criticism
deals with the contents, literary worth of a book
Book Review
deals with processes of governing thought and conduct
A written account of trips
imitations of another author’s works
a brief narrative concerning an incident
short description of the qualities of a person
Character Sketch
short tale that illustrates principles in life
a small book of topic of current interest
written for a dead person
word of discourse delivered to an audience.
implies formal, carefully prepared speech
bombastic speech delivered during occasions
intended to inform the audience
suggests informality, in a conversational approach
a speech by a clergy man.
is a kind of language that says it more intensely than ordinary language does
The term poetry was derived from the Greek word _______ meaning ‘making or creating.
has implied meaning/s which is/are evoked in the carefully selected words.
The aim of poetry is to _______
stir the imagination and set an idea of how life should be.
“A poem is a meaningful organization of words.”
Gemino Abad
“The fusion of two poles of mind, emotion, and thought.”
T.S. Eliot
“Poetry is the union of thoughts and feelings.”
Manuel Viray
“Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recorded in tranquility.”
William Wordsworth
who mentioned about the different types of poetry
Ang (2016)
a LONGER form of poetry that TELLS AN ENTIRE STORY, with a beginning, middle, and end. It usually has a plot and set of characters.
Narrative Poetry
A long narrative poem of LARGEST PROPORTIONS.
that tells of chivalry, love and adventure. The hero is a knight.
Metrical Romance
consisting of connective events: love tales or SUPERNATURAL.
Metrical Tale
The SIMPLEST TYPE of narrative poetry. It is a very short poem telling SIMPLE INCIDENTS.
A ballad telling simple incidents about adventure, cruelty, passion, or superstition.
Popular Ballad
Created by a poet, imitation of folk ballad.
Modern or Artistic
An extended narrative that carries a second meaning; it is SYMBOLIC.
Metrical Allegory
is poetry that describes the thoughts and emotions of a single speaker or writer, and is usually intended to be SANG.
Lyric Poetry
It is the MOST MAJESTIC of poems, written to PRAISE someone or something.
A poem written on the DEATH OF A FRIEND of the poet
A lyric poem in a regular METRICAL PATTERN SET TO MUSIC. Florante at Laura is an example.
These have measures of EIGHT SYLLABLES PER LINE.
A lyric poem containing FOURTEEN IAMBIC PENTAMETER LINES. William Shakespeare, the Bard of Avon, is a famous sonneteer.
a straight forward form of literature, wherein the author expresses his thoughts and feelings in a lucid way
is that form of literature in which the poet uses a UNIQUE STYLE and RHYTHM, to express intense experience.
Language used in Prose
Straight Forward
Language used in Poetry
Expressive or Decorated
Nature of Prose
Nature of poetry
Essence of prose
Message or information
Essence of poetry
Purpose of prose
To provide information or to convey a message.
Purpose of poetry
To delight or amuse.
Ideas of prose
Ideas can be found in sentences, which are arranged in paragraph.
ideas of poetry
Ideas can be found in lines, which are arranged in stanzas.
Line break: Prose
Line break: Poetry
Paraphrasing: Prose
Paraphrasing: Poetry
Exact paraphrasing is not possible.
refers to literature derived from the imagination, hence it is often called the imaginative recreation of life.
examples of fictional narratives
Mysteries, science fiction, romance, fantasy, and others
has defined fiction as the type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and does not describe real people or deal with facts, or a false report or statement that you pretend is true.
Cambridge Dictionary
may be things that are imaginative or are unreal in the most humanistic sense, but sometimes, real-life experience and events may have an influence or can be mirrored in most fictional stories.
often referred to as “Slice of Life” is a fictitious narrative COMPRESSED INTO ONE UNIT of time, place, and action. It deals with a single character interest, single emotion called forth by a single situation.
Short Story
is a fictitious narrative with a COMPLICATED PLOT; it may have a main plot and one or more sub-plots that develop with the main plot; characters and actions representative of the real life or past or present times are portrayed in a plot; it is made up of chapters.
They are REPRESENTATION of a human being; persons involved in a conflict. ________ are the people, animals, or ANY PERSONA IN THE STORY. Readers are able to get to know the __________ and to visualize them easily by reading through what they say, think, and how they behave.
Is a DYNAMIC CHARACTER who RECOGNIZE CHANGES in the circumstances, and is a fully developed character, with many traits – bad and good. This is the type of character who may start out with plain characteristics but as the story progresses, this character demonstrates traits which qualifies him or her as of vital importance in the story.
*yung nagbabago ang trait like good to bad or bad to good under different circumstances
Round Character
Also known as the STOCK or the STEREOTYPE character who DOES NOT GROW AND DEVELOP. This character is most likely a filler or a side character who DOES NOT HAVE ANY RELEVANCE to the story at all.
Flat Character
is the HERO OR HEROINE of the story. This character undergoes a series of challenges and obstacles as the story progresses.
The foil to the protagonist, the VILLAIN in the story. This character is usually the one who causes the struggles of the protagonist.
Second in importance to the main character. This is usually the “SIDE-KICK” of the protagonist who plays a role in surpassing the challenges in the way of the hero.
One who is DESTROYED by his INNER CONFLICT. This character have made some decisions in the story that may have caused his own downfall in the end.
The locale (PLACE) or the period (TIME) in which the action occurs. The _______ can be usually be vivid to the reader either by the description of the writer, the language spoken by the characters, and the different imageries used in the story.
The STRUGGLE or COMPLICATION involving the characters, this is usually the driving force in the story and determines where the story is headed.
This occurs when the protagonist is in conflict with HIMSELF or HERSELF, as he or she is pulled by two courses of action or by differing emotions. This is also known as the Man vs. Himself conflict.
Internal Conflict
This type of conflict pits the protagonist AGAINST ANOTHER PERSON. This is also known as the Man vs. Man conflict.
Interpersonal Conflict
This happens when the protagonist is in conflict with the VALUES OF THE SOCIETY he or she moves in.
External Conflict
This is a term used to describe the events happening in the story. The events in a _____ relate to each other through a pattern or sequence.
introduces the time, place, setting, and the main characters.
Exposition (beginning)
this is the part where the conflict or the problem is introduced.
Complication (rising action)
this is the most important part of the story, or the highest peak where there is a catharsis or a great release of emotions.
Climax (result of the crisis)
this is the untying of the tangled knots, or the part that shows a conflict or problem is solved, leading to its downwards movement or end.
contains the last statements about the story.
Resolution (end)
Events that HAPPENED IN THE PAST are being shown to explain certain details in the story.
Device that displays A SIGN OF SOMETHING TO COME, to create suspense.
There is a FEELING OF EXCITEMENT as the story progresses.
This is an ENDING that catches the reader OFF-GUARD, and shows an event that THE READER NEVER SAW COMING.
Surprise Ending
The technique wherein THE STORY BEGINS IN THE MIDDLE.
In Media Res
Plot Devices Used in Storytelling
This is the element of fiction that tells the reader on whose PERSPECTIVE was the story told.
Point of View
The MAIN CHARACTER IS THE ONE TELLING THE STORY, therefore only showing us HIS OR HER OPINION about the events unfolding before him or her. One important thing to note in this type of perspective is that the writer mainly uses the possessive pronouns “I or We”.
First Person Point of View
In this type of point of view, there is usually SOMEONE WHO NARRATES THE STORY FOR THE READER. The advantage of this type is that readers are not being limited to what they can see in the story as everything that happens is STATED OR NARRATED.
Third Person Point of View
This element creates the ATMOSPHERE or effect brought about by the word choice and feelings rendered by the writer in the story.
This element reveals the ATTITUDE AND FEELINGS of the speaker (persona) that we can directly feel as we read. These feelings can be anger, love, happiness, or sadness.
These are ICONS, OBJECTS, OR PEOPLE in the story who REPRESENT SOMETHING other than their literal meanings.
These are the VISUAL IMAGERIES being created in the mind of the reader as they delve into the story. __________ are formed due to the use of figurative language, colorful words, and idioms.
This is a SIGNIFICANT TRUTH about life and its nature, this usually speaks about the GENERAL OR DOMINATING being rendered by the story.
Types of Conflict
- Internal Conflict
- Interpersonal Conflict
- External Conflict
Types of Characters in a Fictional Story
Round Character
Flat Character
The Elements of Fiction
- Characters
- Setting
- Conflict
- Plot
- Point of View
- Mood
- Tone
- Symbolisms
- Images
- Theme