a collection of the different works, both oral and written, that have been compiled by Filipinos detailing their everyday life, struggles, and imagination whilst living in the Philippine society. It is also defined as a product, reflection, and reaction to the period, and the people who produced it. (Balabar, et.al.,1989)
Philippine Literature
WHO has stipulated reasons why there is a need for us to study Philippine Literature.
Ang (2016)
why there is a need for us to study Philippine Literature
To appreciate our literary heritage
For us to realize our literary limitations conditioned by certain historical factors so we can take steps to overcome them.
To understand that we have a great and noble tradition.
To show that as Filipinos who take pride and love for our culture, we have to manifest our deep concern for our own literature.
Timeline of Philippine Literature
Pre-Colonial Period
Spanish Regime
Nationalistic Period
United States Colonial Rule
Japanese Occupation
Contemporary Period
Post-EDSA Literature
This is regarded as the LONGEST PERIOD in the history of Philippine Literature. The literature from this period dates back to the EARLIEST SETTLEMENTS of ancient Filipinos in the Philippine archipelago.
Pre-Colonial Period
literature was NOT SUBSTANTIAL during this time.
Pre-Colonial Period
usually give an enigma or puzzle.
Proverbs, or wise saying “salawikain” were also relevant.
express norms or codes of behavior, community beliefs or they instill values by offering nuggets of wisdom in short, rhyming verse
Central to the riddle is the _________ because it “reveals subtle resemblances between two unlike objects” and one’s power of observation and wit are put to the test.
talinghaga or metaphor
riddles or bugtong
Popular epics during pre colonial period
Biag ni Lam-Ang (Ilocos region), Hinilawod (Panay Island), Bantugan and Indarapatra at Sulayman (Maguindanao).
The most significant poetry
folk epic
The literature started to derive some RELIGOUS THEMES mainly due to the Christianization of the Philippines, brought about by the coming of the Spanish conquerors.
The Spanish Regime
first published book in the Philippines
Doctrina Christiana (1593)
Who wrote Doctrina Christiana (1593)
Franciscan Friar Juan De Plasencia.
little book of prayers
Doctrina Christiana
teachings of Christianity
these are used in churches built by Spaniards
Confession Manuals
Confession Manuals
Confession Manuals
Poems in Spanish and Tagalog were written by __________, who were FLUENT IN BOTH LANGUAGES.
the MOST POPULAR FORM OF RELIGOUS LITERATURE introduced by the Spaniards. It is a long narrative poem about the passion and death of Jesus Christ.
a PLAY on the passion and death of Christ, mostly performed during Holy Week.
Popular Narrative Poems Produced During the Spanish Regime:
Pagsusulatan ng Dalawang Binibini na si Urbana at Feliza by Modesto de Castro
the most popular drama form
Strong feeling of NATIONALISM was the main agenda of this literary period. This period was marked and shaped by the Filipinos’ awakened state of nationalism and patriotism for their Motherland. More and more Filipinos have started forming organizations that aim to liberate the Philippines from the clutches of Spain.
The Nationalistic Period
he themes of the literary works associated with this period are mostly about REVOLUTION, WAR, FREEDOM, and PATRIOTISM to one’s own country.
The Nationalistic Period
The period is divided into the Propaganda and the Revolution. It is also produced realistic and truly Filipino works.
Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, and Apolinario Mabini were the prominent revolutionary writers.
The Nationalistic Period
During this time, Philippine literature iS flourished in 3 languages: Spanish, English Filipino
The United States Colonial Rule
The United States Colonial Rule two periods
- Period of Apprenticeship
- Period of Emergence
Serrano (2000) noted that the period of 1910 to 1935 is generally called the _________ or imitation. Virginia R. Moreno, in her “A Critical Study of the Shorty Story in English Written by Filipinos,” describes the years 1910-1925 “as a period of novices with their exercises in fiction-making and the rise of the new language.”
Period of Apprenticeship
examples of works during Period of Apprenticeship
Dead Stars (Paz Marquez Benitez)
Paz Latorena (The Small Key)
Footnote to Youth (Jose Garcia Villa)
Child of Sorrow (Zoilo Galang)
The years 1935 to 1945 saw the emergence of a significant trend in Philippine literature in English. Jose M. Hernandez describes this period as a time of self-discovery and of rapid growth.
Period of Emergence
authors who were famous during Period of Emergence
Manuel Arguilla
Arturo Rotor
V.M Gonzales
Francisco Arcellana
Bienvenido Santos
Instead of writing in the Balagtas tradition, poets wrote in SIMPLE LANGUAGE AND FREE VERSE.
There was BOUNTIFUL HARVEST in poetry, fiction, and in the fields of drama and essay.
Most short stories portray life and Filipino culture.
FLOWERING of Tagalog Short Poetry
Palanca Awards/National Awards was launched to honor great literary works written by FIlipinos
The Japanese Occupation
This is a period wherein three traditions were merged: Ethnic, Spanish, and American Colonial tradition.
This period give RESPONSES to the historical and political force that have shaped the Philippine society since the Pacific War.
The Contemporary Period
three traditions in literature
Oral Lore – Ethnic Tradition
Spanish Tradition
American Colonial Tradition
It has been marked by ADVENTUROUSNESS in the themes, willingness to gamble and venture into unknown and less-familiar projects.
It was also about the writing of works in Philippine languages ASIDE FROM TAGALOG.
Post-EDSA Literature
Classifications of Philippine Literature in the Post-EDSA period:
A good part of the literary works are ORAL AND REGIONAL, but remaining in the margins simply because the CENTER of writing and publishing are in Metro Manila.
The literary works are MOSTLY WRITTEN AND DEVELOPED using the DOMINANT LANGUAGE, English and Tagalog.
These are works produced by those who are those who are NOT IN THE NORM at the time, like peasants, poor people, women, gays, lesbians, and ethnic groups.