PROPRAC ( BP344- The Law to Enhance Mobility of Disabled Persons ) Flashcards
The Law to Enhance Mobility of Disabled Persons
Scope & Limitation
> wheelchairs
insecurity in walking or climbing stair
impairments of hearing or sight
condition of aging
Mental impairments
Regular buses
at least five (5) seats
First class, premiere and air-conditioned buses
at least four (4) designated seats
Passenger trains
at least six (6) designated
Passenger airplanes
at least two (2)
designated seats
at least two (2) seats
refers to features that enable disabled persons to make use of the primary functions for
which a structure is built.
pertaining to the measurement
of the human body.
unhindered, without obstructions to enable disabled persons free passage or use of the
a long interior passageway providing access to several rooms.
a raised rim of concrete, stone or metal which forms the edge of street, sidewalk, planted area, etc
a break in the sidewalk or traffic
island provided with an inclined surface to facilitate mobility of wheeled chairs, carriages and other similar conveyance
those suffering from restriction
or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being as a result of a mental, physical or sensory
an exit, or a means of going out.
a hand support along a stairway or ramp consisting of rails and their supporting posts, balusters
or pillars and constituting an enclosure or a line of
a space connecting one area or room of a building with another.
a sloped surface connecting two or more planes at different levels.
a strip fastened to the floor beneath a door, usually required to cover the joint where two
types of floor materials meet; may provide weather protection at exterior doors.
Changes in level walkways should be by
Dropped curbs at crossings have a width corresponding to the width of the crossing; otherwise,
the minimum width is
0.90 m
Dropped curbs shall be ramped towards adjoining curbs with a gradient not more than
The lowest point of a dropped curb should not exceed _____ from the road or gutter
25 m
______ should only be allowed when it will not obstruct a walkway or in any way lessen the width
of a walkway
The minimum width of a curb cut-out should be
0.90 M
Curb cut-outs should have a gradient not more than
______ should be kept as level as possible and provided with slip resistant material.
Whenever and wherever possible, walkways should have a gradient no more than
1:20 or 5%.
Walkways should have a minimum width of
1.20 meters
✓If possible, gratings should never be located along walkways. When occurring along walkways, grating
openings should have a maximum dimension of _______ and shall not project more than ______ above the level of the walkway
13 mm x 13 mm, 6.5 mm
In lengthy or busy walkways, spaces should be provided at some point along the route so that a
wheelchair may pass another or turn around. These spaces should have a minimum dimension of ______, and should be spaced at a maximum distance of ______ between stops
1.5m, 12:00m
Walkway headroom should not be less than ____ and preferably higher
2.0 m
should be installed at both sides of ramps and stairs and at the outer edges of dropped curbs.
Handrails shall be installed at _____ and _____
0.90 m and 0.70 m
Handrails for protection at
great heights may be installed at
1.0 m to 1.06 m
Handrails that require full grip should have a dimension of
30 mm to 50 mm
Handrails attached to walls should have a clearance no less than ____ from the wall. Handrails
on ledges should have a clearance not less than ______.
50mm, 40mm
it is extremely helpful if any walkway or paths can be
given defined edges either by the use of _____ with
dwarf walls, or a grass verge, or similar, which
provides a texture different from the path
Directional and informational sign should be located at points conveniently seen even by
a person on a wheelchair and those with visual impairments
Signs should be kept simple and easy to understand; signages should be made of _____ and _____ matter to make detection and reading easy;
Contrasting colors and contrasting gray
Should a sign protrude into a walkway or route, a
minimum headroom of ______ should be
2.0 meters
✓ Signs on walls and doors should be located at a maximum height of _______ and minimum height of _____.
1.60m, 1.40 meters
Signages labelling public rooms and places should have raised symbols, letters or numbers with
minimum height of ______
1 mm
______ should be
included in signs indicating public places and safety
Braille symbols
Have central refuges of at least ___ in depth and
preferably ____, provided as a midcrossing shelter,
where the width of carriageway to be crossed exceeds
1.5 m, 2m, 10 m
Provide______ in the immediate vicinity of crossings as an aid to the blind. The ______ has to be sufficiently high enough to be felt through the sole of the shoe but low enough not to cause pedestrian to trip, or to effect the mobility of
wheelchair users.
tactile blocks, tactile surface
Parking spaces for the disabled should allow enough space for a person to transfer to a _____
from a _____
a wheelchair , vehicle
Accessible parking slots should have a minimum width of _____
✓ A walkway from accessible spaces of ______. clear
width shall be provided between the front ends of
parked cars
____ should be accessible from arrival and departure points to the interior lobby
_____ should be provided where elevators are accessible
One (1) entrance level
Entrances with vestibules shall be provided a level area with at least a _____ depth and a ______ width
1.80 m, 1.50 m
Ramps shall have a minimum clear width of ______
The maximum gradient of ramp shall be ____
A level area not less than ____. should be provided at the top and bottom of any ramp
1.80 m
Handrails will be provided on both sides of the ramp at_____. and _____. from the ramp level
0.70 m, 0.90 m
The length of a ramp should not exceed _____. if the gradient is 1:12; longer ramps whose gradient is 1:12 shall be provided with landings not less than _____.
6:00 m, 1.50 m
Any ramp with a rise greater than _____. and leads down towards an area where vehicular traffic is possible, should have a railing across the full width of its lower end, not less than _____ from the foot of the ramp
0.20 m, 1.80 m
All doors shall have a minimum clear width of
0.80 m
Doors should be operable by a pressure or force not more than ___; the closing device pressure an interior door shall not exceed ___
4.0 kg, 1 kg
A minimum clear level space of ______ shall be provided before and extending beyond a door; EXCEPTION: where a door shall open onto but not into a corridor, the required clear, level space on the corridor side of the door may be a minimum of ____. corridor width;
1.50 m x 1.50 m, 1.20 m
Doorknobs and other hardware should be located between______. above the floor; ____ is preferred
0.82 m. and 1.06 m, 0.90m is preferred
Thresholds shall be kept to a minimum; whenever necessary, thresholds and sliding door tracks shall have a maximum height of ______ and preferably ramped;
25 mm
Manual switches shall be positioned within______ above the floor
1.20 m to 1.30 m
Manual switches should be located no further than ___ from the latch side of the door
Accessible water closet stalls shall have a minimum area of ______. One movable grab bar and one fixed to the adjacent wall shall be installed at the accessible water closet stall for lateral mounting; fixed grab bars on both sides of the wall shall be installed for stalls for frontal mounting
1.70 x 1.80mts
A turning space of _____. with a minimum dimension of _____. for wheelchair shall be provided for water closet stalls for lateral mounting
2.25 sq.m, 1.50 m
Urinals should have an elongated lip or through type; the maximum height of the lip should be _____.
0.48 m
Signage for women’s washroom door
Signage for men’s washroom door
Equilateral triangle with a vertex pointing upward
The edges of the triangle should be _____ long as should be the diameter of the circle; these signages should at least be _____thick; the color and gray value of the doors.
0.30 m, 7.5 mm
Tread surfaces should be a _____; nosings may be provided with slip-resistant strips to further minimize slipping
slip-resistant material
What should be avoided in stairs ?
open stringers
_____ are preferred to projecting nosings so as not to pose difficulty for people using crutches or braces whose feet have a tendency to get caught in the recessed space or projecting nosings.
Slanted nosings
Maximum height of lavatories should be _____. with a knee recess of _____. vertical clearance and a _____. depth.
0.80 m, 0.60 - 0.70 M, 0.50 m
The maximum height of water closets should be _____.; flush control should have a maximum height of _____
0.45 m, 1.20 mts
Accessible elevators shall have a minimum dimension of _______
1.10 m. x 1.40 m.
A tactile strip _____. wide shall be installed before hazardous areas such as sudden changes in floor levels and at the top and bottom of stairs; special care must be taken to ensure the proper mounting or adhesion of tactile strips so as not to cause accidents
0.30 m
Accessible elevators should be located not more than _____from the entrance and should be easy to locate with the aid of signs
30.00 m
The leading edge of each step on both runner and riser should be marked with a _____ that has a color and gray value which is in high contrast to the gray value of the rest of the stairs; markings of this sort would be helpful to the visually impaired as well as to the fully sighted person
paint or non-skid material
Button sizes at elevator control panels shall have a minimum diameter of ____ and should have a maximum depression depth of _____
20 mm, 1mm
Control panels and emergency system of accessible elevators shall be within reach of a seated person; centerline heights for the topmost buttons shall be between _____ from the floor
0.90 m to 1.20 m